Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1279: God konjac

It is a pity that Xiao Hua has been unable to think much about it at this time. He meditation in his heart, "Blessed by the gods of the heavens, success or failure is here...", the figure is swaying, and the technique of stimulating the light is flying downwards.

Sure enough, under the attack of the seven arrows of the nail head, the Ziwei Eighteenth Palace has a flaw, Xiao Huaguang has been able to display, Xiao Hua sees the bronze light and shadow, rushing to the heart, the electric light and the flint will be the head of the seven arrows space. As for Xiao Hua, he just stepped into the bronze light and shadow, and he saw a golden light in front of his head, and hurriedly pulled out!

Xiao Hua played a good calculation, his figure was pulled out from the light and shadow, just watching the gourd-like temple under his shadow, "bang" fell into the heavy bronze light!

Xiao Hua saw the success of the enemies, and he was so happy that he just had to rush into the bronze light and shadow along the gourd.

"Hey..." Xiao Hua’s head, the murder of the Eighteenth House, which was provoked by the seven-arrow book, suddenly fell!

"I am resting!"

Xiao Hua has counted thousands of calculations, but he did not expect that the attack of the eighteenth eighteen beasts actually fell behind the shadow of the gourd, and it is too late for him to sacrifice the seven arrows at this time!

Xiao Hua was shocked and stunned. He didn’t want to go into the space, and he was ready to take the ancient axe, or the seven treasures, and the most unfortunate, he also got a fight against it. If you know that the mind just fell, you will see jade. He took the magic knife and his face fluttered at the smile. He said, "Big brother, the younger brother has recently made a whim..."

"You are all covered in blood, where is the coming tide??"

Yuhua Xiaohua was overjoyed and thought that he would not want to grab a magic knife and get out of space.

"Big brother, big brother..."

Yu Yu was stupid and lost his voice. "You... you are too rough..."

And said that Xiao Hua is returning to his heart, and his right hand raises the demon statue, "Hey..." But see Xiao Hua’s right arm is bleeding, and one of the Gorefiends begins to roar in the blood!

Xiao Hua’s right arm has never been fully raised, and the cohesive force has fallen!

"Breaking..." Xiao Hua screamed, and the magic knife slashed through the blood in the air...

Although Xiao Hua is already a true fairy, although his hand is a magic knife, but the power of the 18th house is still not Xiao Hua can resist!

"Boom..." a muffled sound, the giant force is certainly being smashed in two, but the sound of "啪啪啪", Xiaohua's right arm is broken!

As for Xiao Hua, I can't take the magic knife again, and my body shape is like a dead leaf. The right half of the fairy body is still "squeaky" and it is difficult to maintain human form!


Xiao Hua’s heart screamed, hurriedly mobilized the exercises, prepared the shape of the fairy, and resisted the disaster!

However, at this critical moment, "Boom..." The magic knives floating in the air suddenly burst into glare, and then under the bronze light, "嗡嗡..." the giant earthquake came, previously it was all over the space, fundamentally I ignored the gold wire around me and suddenly fell back!

"This... what inspired this?"

Just in Xiaohua’s suspicion, “Boom...” There was a golden light coming out of the air. It was on Xiaohua’s body. “Hey...” A burst of light, the attack of the Eighteenth House disappeared. Row!

"Oh..." Then, the roar of the devil knives came from the knives. With the roar, "Boom..." Bronze light and shadow again vibrate, golden light like thunder madness is flashing, but the bronze light shadow If the mountains, can't shake!

"Oh..." The magic knife screamed again!

"Boom..." There is a golden light falling on the demon statue, and the gold wire that was previously flying backwards is also coming to the magic knife!

Just in the stunned eyes of Xiao Hua, Jin Guang will complete the magic knife!

"Oh my God!" Xiao Hua suddenly understood, "Xiao has always thought that the magic knife is a complete magic knife, but ... never thought of it, oh... half of it is a knives! God konjac?? This... Who can use this **** konjac??"

Who can use it?

Nature is Xiao Hua! ! !

The **** konjac has just been filled, and immediately there is a horror of the gods, and the demon screams in the hands of Xiao Hua!

Xiao Hua’s left hand touched the gods, and the bones and blood were swallowed like a python!

"Broken..." Xiao Hua couldn't think about it, and his left arm waved the gods and sorrows toward the bronze cloud underneath!

"Brush..." Golden light and blood light, and a flash of dark clouds has been smashed in two!

"Oh..." The unparalleled golden light of the glare was shot in the dark clouds of the bronze. The Xiao Hua, who had been exhausted, could not see it, but he did not hesitate, and the mind once again entered the space and sacrificed it!

As expected by Xiao Hua, a powerful force that was stronger than the 18th house attack suddenly came out of his left hand, and he could not allow him to have a trace of control.

"Oh..." Of course, the nature of welcoming is the eternal battle!

After the sound of Jin Ming, Xiao Hua, who could not perceive the surrounding situation, had a volume of eternal life that would have risen from the sky!

It’s hard for Xiao Hua to break the battle before, and it’s okay to use it to kill the gods, but it’s a cloud of water. It’s really no one.

In the eighteenth house of Ziwei, Jinguang went, the whole space was quiet, and the silence was dead.

However, this silence only needs to be embarrassed, "Hey..." inside the bronze cloud that Xiaohua opened, like a thunder, the sound of the thunder burst, then the cloud burst, and a colorful light column rises into the sky!

This light column is not smashed, but the five elements of the colorful smashing scene are shattered, and Vientiane is not born, so that Xiao Hua’s heart is so horrified!

This... What is this colorful beam? Is it so powerful? ?

In the face of such glory that kills everything, Xiao Hua seems to have no other thoughts besides the light!


When Xiao Hua urged the light, Xiao Hua suddenly thought of something. He rushed to the heart and gave the colorful light out of the space!

"Boom..." The colorful light heart is out, and the empty multi-colored light column is instantly turned and directly blasted into the light heart!

An unspeakable scene appeared in front of Xiao Hua's eyes, but seeing the colorful overflowing inside the light heart, countless tiny crystals like sand are like stars in the small starry sky, and the rotating side is the birth and death! A heavy pattern, if the wave of the five elements of the law, overflows within the heart of the light!

Seeing this, Xiao Hua’s eyes are bright, and Fu Zhi’s heart beats his own fairy marks. “Brush...” A silver light falls to cover the light heart!

The colorful grain and the five elements of the law are like the Tianhe River, and they rush into the Xiaohua fairy mark. Even if it is the real fairy, Xiao Hua, the fairy mark also emits a "beep..." shock, and the silver body is not suppressed.

"My God!" Perceived in the fairy mark, the law stars skyrocketed, countless sentiments fell into the mind, Xiao Hua sighed, "What is this magical law!"

The sound of emotion has not disappeared, "Hey..." The colorful light is shaking, and a bright star like a star hits into it!

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