Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1274: Old house on the south side of Shiqiao

"If you follow the ancestral training of your Lu family, that colorful light should be a key!"

"Master..." Lu Shu's face changed slightly and hurriedly stopped the road. "At this time, you can't take out that colorful light! After all, this Ziwei Eighteenth Palace has changed, and the lord does not find out the cause of the change. However, taking out the colorful light, it is likely to be counterproductive!"

"Yes, you want to be like me!" Xiao Hua nodded. "It can't be completely confirmed. The colorful light can't be taken out! Oh, yes, do you know this so-called crape myrtle?"

"Ziwei for the dead?" Lu Shu look at the symbol of Xiao Hua's hand, shaking his head, "disciples have not heard. But the so-called death is the replacement, why not get a Ziwei word?"

"I don't know if it is worth it!" Xiao Hua looked at the dead for a moment and put it into the space and said, "I will wait to see what happened in this space!"

"Master..." Lu Shu smiled bitterly. "To tell the truth, disciple... even the disciples have not heard the news of the past generations. What is the situation here, the disciples are black eyes, the master does not hold too much to the disciples. hope!"

"Hey..." Xiao Hua smiled and looked up and down and said Lu Shu said, "It doesn't matter, just follow you!"

"I know, lord..." Lu Shu replied with a sigh of relief. "The disciple is also flesh and blood, you always need... a disciple gives you a piece..."

"Haha, not for me, it is for your family!"

Xiao Hua laughed, and the big hand grabbed Lu Shu and flew out from the Palace of Bliss.

Outside the bliss palace is the place where Xiao Hua first saw the name of the horse ghost. Even now, Xiao Hua still does not find anything special.

At this time, the snow has stopped, and the heavens and the earth are all ice crystals. Xiao Hua couldn’t help but think of the story told by Chongyuan. He sighed in secret and took Lu Shu to the East Mountain.

"Small bridge??"

Lu Shu’s gaze did not look at the towering Dongzun Mountain, but suddenly fell on the bridge and shouted, "Master, this is it!"

"Crap!" Xiao Hua smiled bitterly. "Of course, the old man knows that this bridge is the key. The old man has never seen such a small bridge since he set foot on the fairyland. The problem is that the old man saw the bridge transparently. Nothing found out!"

"Good teaching master knows..." Lu Shu replied, "There was a poem in my family's ancestors: the poor road was Kunlun, and the old house on the south side of Shiqiao. The practice was the beginning of the mixed Yuan, and the longevity knew the reversal. In the furnace, Zijin Dan, you must know that the fire is burning in the fire!"

"Silk..." Lu Shu's poems were finished, and Xiao Hua took a breath of cold air. The two words seemed to burst and they were born in his mind!

Kunlun! ! !

"Master, lord..." Looking at Xiaohua's face is different, Lu Shu carefully said, "There is an old house on the south side of Shiqiao. Isn't that clear? The land of my land is in the south of Shiqiao!"

"Kunlun!" Xiao Hua did not hide, asked, "Do you know Kunlun?"

"What happened to Master?" Lu Shuqi said, "Is there any record in the ancestors of the disciples? The Taigu Hongmeng fairy world is broken into five fairy tales, Kunlun Wonderland, Penglai Wonderland, Kunwu Wonderland, Linglong Wonderland and Purple Jade In Wonderland, there is Kunlun Wonderland..."

"No, no..." Xiao Hua shook his head. "Kunlun in the poems of your ancestors... Will it be Kunlun Wonderland? I think it may be Kunlun Mountain!"

“Kunlun Mountain??” Lu Shu also shook his head. “The disciple does not know, is it the mountain of Kunlun Wonderland?”

"It may be a big mountain in Taigu Hongmeng fairyland!" Xiao Hua smiled. "Hongmen and the fairy world are broken. One of the wonderlandes is centered on Kunlun Mountain, so it is called Kunlun Wonderland??"

"That..." Lu Shu pointed to Xiaoqiao and said, "Is this small bridge not useless?"

"The old house on the south side of Shiqiao has an old house on the south side of Shiqiao..." Xiao Hua said, with Lu Shu falling on the stone bridge.

He looked at the Dongzun Mountain in the distance and had a look at the other side opposite the Dongzun Mountain.

Then one finger Dong Zunshan said: "Dong Zun Mountain is on the south side of Shiqiao. If there is no accident, it is your old house!"

"Master, let's go to Dongzun Mountain?"

"If Dongzun Mountain is different, I am afraid that it has already been discovered?"

Xiao Hua smiled. "Don't forget, there is Zhao Qiling in Zhao, there is a Thunder Gate!"

"Hey?" It was said that Xiao Hua suddenly stopped. He walked quickly to the side of the stone bridge, frowning and looking at it. Then there were bluestone railings on both sides of the finger. "There are some weird, the former bluestone. There are some extremely bleak runes on the railings, but now there are no traces at all..."

"Run Wen?" Lu Shu's attention on those beasts, really did not pay attention to runes.

Of course, Lu Shu looked at it for a while and found nothing.

"But..." Xiao Hua said, taking out the previous Ziwei from the space and laughing, "There are just those who have just remembered it, it should be this replacement..."

But Xiao Hua put the dead symbol on the stone bridge, there is no special change in the stone bridge!

Xiao Hua also recalled a little, and stroked the palm: "The old man understands, the key is not in this dead letter, in the space of those gold silk, Lu Shu, you wait a little, wait for me to turn to the Palace of Bliss, you observe here... ..."

After that, Xiao Hua left a rhinoceros, and he returned to the place where the coffin of the bliss palace!

"How?" Xiao Hua urged the rhinoceros to ask.

"Master, nothing changed..."

Lu Shu's answer is very ethereal, almost unclear, it seems to be a problem of banned shielding.

"Well, the old man is going to start, you look carefully..."

Said, Xiao Hua put Ziwei on the forehead of the former Geng Ji Xian corpse for the dead charm, and sure enough, a piece of gold silk passed through the dead letter into the void.

"Haha, sir, really..." Lu Shu laughed, but before he finished speaking, he exclaimed and rang, "Oh, not good..."

Waiting for Xiao Hua to mobilize the rhinoceros again, there is no sound of Lu Shu inside!

"Damn!" Xiao Hua hurriedly flew out of the Palace of Bliss. I know, except for the discarded rhinoceros on the stone bridge, there is no figure of Lu Shu!

Xiao Hua was anxious and angry, and hurriedly released the thoughts around him. There was no trace of Lu Shu!

Xiao Hua knew clearly that Lu Shuru had encountered foreign enemies and returned to this time. The foreign enemy could not escape too far, and he did not believe who could escape his exploration in this short time!

That is the case, that is the strangeness of this stone bridge!

Xiao Hua took a look at the rhinoceros discarded by Lu Shu, and looked at Shiqiao. There was no silence on the stone bridge. Only 3,650 exotic animals closed their eyes in the snow.

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