Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1265: Marrying clothes for others

"Booming..." Thunder fell into the cellar, and the nine dragons rushed into the cellar, and the knotted thunder fell to the bottom of the cellar, and the thunder fell, and the blood was all dusted, then "hey..." The sound of the wine cellar shot the nine colors of light and shadow, if the light and shadow shape just dissipated, but ... in the eyes of Xiao Hua is a strange!

Because Xiao Hua can understand, the core of the nine color light and shadow is the color of bronze, and the knot light and shadow fall into the eyes of Xiao Hua at this time, an unspeakable feeling gives birth, "Land"! This is the word "land"!

Sure enough, not far from, Zhao Jianfeng screamed in a ghostly manner: "How... How could it be Lu?? Lujia?? This is impossible. Where is the Taikoo fairy? There is clearly me... Zhao!!"

Xiao Hua did not think of Lu Jia for a time, but Zhao Jianfeng reminded Xiao Hua in one sentence. Could this be the Lu family inheritance that Lu Shu has been looking for?

"Haha, it’s so funny!" Xue Yudong laughed and said, "Zhao Xianyou, your institution is too smart, but you never thought that the Taigu Xian under the Qiyunling ban is the Lu family, not your Zhao. Family??"

"But...but..." Zhao Jianfeng's face was red, arguing, "I am the hall of Qiyunling, which is clearly the blood of my Zhao family. How could it be Lujia?"

Fang Jian coldly said: "What else can you explain? Explain... Your Zhao family is just to show the door to others!"

"No...Impossible!" Zhao Jianfeng even more red-faced and shouted, "My Zhao family ancestor Zhao Jiang is a Taikoo Jinxian..."

"Don't put gold on your face!" Fang Jian looked at Xiao Hua with a sneak peek. Xiao Hua did not say anything, so he also ruthlessly replied, "This fairyland surnamed Zhao is more, why is it only you Qiyunling? After the Zhao family is the Taikoo Jinxian? Again, even the Taiji Jinxian Zhao Jiang Zhao predecessor, it is not the first person in the Taikoo fairy world, his old man is in front of the more powerful Xianren, it is normal!"

Fang Jian’s words are said to Xiao Hua’s heart. After all, in the Qiyunling hall, it was a Taikoo Lei, and now there are signs of Lujia inheritance. It’s really possible that the Fang’s words should be passed down by the Lujia ancestors. Too deep, with the ability of Lushan and Lu Shu can not find their own inheritance!

"Predecessor..." Wang Laoshi had already flew to the light and shadow in Fangjian’s speech. After watching it for a while, he smiled bitterly. "This must be used... the blood of the Lujia disciples. This is the last of Taikoo. defense."

Seeing the end, but still no return, Zhao Jianfeng and others can not help but lose.

Xiao Hua did not pay attention to it. His heart fell into the space. However, when Yu Hua saw Xiao Shu, he did not feel a smile.

At this time, Lu Shu did not cultivate, but drove a small boat, with a small 萩 翱 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在

It seems that my precious things have been stolen by others, and there is a kind of uncomfortable feeling in my heart; but in discomfort, there is a kind of joy and blessing, even liberation.

"This is..." Yuxi Xiaohua turned his eyes and smiled. "A feeling of marrying a daughter! Just... How did Luzi meet Xiaolan??"

Yuxi Xiaohua’s thoughts have already understood that the previous time he sent Lu Shu from the space because of the seven arrows of the nail head, and then passed the metaphysical articles to the space, the Yuhua Xiaohua was not careful, maybe Put it in a place similar to Xiaoyanmo!

Yuhua Xiaohua naturally did not want to bother the two people, but the situation was a bit special at this time, so Yuhua Xiaohua smiled slightly, and a big face appeared in Tianzhu, laughing: "Lu Shu, what is the sorrow?"

"Master??" Lu Shu was surprised and happy, but with a hint of shame on his face, he hurriedly stopped the boat.

Unlike the Lushu, Yanmo saw the huge face of Yuhua Xiaohua and was shocked. He hurriedly slammed his head: "Master..."

"Ha ha..." Yu Xiaoxiao laughed, and Xiao Xiaomo said, "No outsiders, don't have to be so many!"

Said that Yuhua Xiaohua is still rushing to the eyes of the book.

Where does Lu Shu not know the meaning of "no outsiders", his face is hot like a fever, and he said: "I don't know what the lord is showing at this time, what can be important?"

Hey, this is because the daughter-in-law has forgotten her mother, can't it happen without any important things?

Yuhua Xiaohua said with a sigh of relief: "There is nothing particularly important, but it is in the Qiyunling of the dongdong continent that I saw a suspected Lujia inheritance!"

"Ah??" Lu Shu screamed, "Real!"

"Can the old man still lie to you?" Yu Xiaoxiao smiled.

"Hey, congratulations to Lu Da Ge..." There was also a smile on the face of Xiao Yanmo next to him. "Now the pain is coming, I have to pay for it!"

"You wait for the old man to go out!" Yuxi Xiaohua has a heart and two people, said with a slight smile.

"Yes, Master!" Lu Shu was surprised, Xiao Xiaomo was also happy for him.

Xiao Hua’s heart was returned to his place, and he raised his hand to sacrifice the Kunlun mirror. After raising his hand, Lu Shu and Xiao Yan Mo flew out from inside. However, because Xiao Yu Mo Xiu was shallow, Xiao Hua gave Xiao Xiao Mo a ban, protecting her appearance and fairy.

"Predecessors?" Zhao Jianfeng looked at Lu Shu and Xiao Yanmo did not feel awkward Qidao, "They are..."

"Silk..." Lu Shugang fell into the space and his eyes fell on the bronze "Lu" that flashed in the nine colors. He took a breath and there was tears in his eyes.

"Master..." Lu Shu turned his head and slammed his head. "This... This is the thing of my family, and my disciples are still impressed!"

"Now need blood..." Xiao Hua smiled. "I just don't know if your blood is OK!"

"Master is assured!" Lu Shu looked at the strangers around the world, smiled. "If the disciples are not able to do the blood, there are other ways!"

Xiao Hua knows that Lu Shu said that it is a colorful light. He nodded: "Well, the old man knows, you try it. Xiaomo Mo, you come to the old man..."

Xiaozheng's strength is still very shallow, Xiaohua's big sleeves, she will be brought to her side, and she will be able to protect her on her body.

Xiaomo Mo did not come and thank, only looked at Lu Shu with concern.

But seeing Lu Shu is calm, flying before the bronze characters, did not use the blood of the apex, but a free middle finger, a drop of blood flying!

The party was very curious and asked: "You... how can you not use blood?"

"Good to teach this... the predecessors know..." Lu Shu proudly said, "I am different from other immortals in Lujia, any drop can be used as blood!"

"Brush..." Sure enough, as the drop of blood fell, the bronze characters suddenly disappeared, and the wine cellar was turned into a huge disc!

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