Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1262: Dog biting dog 1 mouth hair

"Haha, the Wang Zhenshi really got it..." At this time, Jane was not angry and rejoicing, laughing aloud and raising his right hand. "Boom..." As Fang Jian’s right hand penetrated, the surrounding space made a roar, and the giant earthquake, A layer of lightning is like a curtain!

"Oh..." The nine dragons mourned, and the disappearance of the thunder disappeared without a trace.

The thunder was shattered in the hands of Fang Jian, and the huge wine cellar disappeared instantly. A huge whirlpool appeared in the center of the main hall.

In the middle of the whirlpool, there is still a fairy-like ware. There are still nine dragons flying around the fairy. But this dragon is like a wine scent, showing a **** red, especially inside the wine cellar. There is also a **** scum!

"Sure enough, sure enough..." Fang Jian’s face was ecstatic, and the big hand caught it in the air. “Hey...” The two closest Zhao’s disciples were caught in the hands of the party, but it’s a big hand and a grip. Two disciples have been pinched into a meat sauce!

"You..." Xiao Hua was furious. He really didn't expect Fang Jian to suddenly shoot, and his eyes fell on the wine cellar. There was no way to stop Fang Jian!

"Wang Zhenshi really got it!" Fang Jian also praised, the flesh and blood in his hand has been thrown into the wine cellar!

"Fang Jian!" Zhao Jianfeng angered, "You..."

"Hey..." Fang Jian snorted, and the market smashed into the face of Zhao Jianfeng, saying, "It is natural to use the blood of your Zhao family to crack the Taikoo fairy. This is not what you just said? Want the old man to use your blood?"

Zhao Jianfeng is silent!

"Oh..." Xiao Hua’s anger went a little, this is the dog biting a dog’s mouth!

Immediately, Xiao Hua released the Nether Force to bring the souls of the two disciples into the space, and stood next to him and looked coldly.

To everyone's surprise, the flesh and blood of the two disciples fell in the wine cellar, although there was some bloody, but there was no change around the wine cellar.

"Zhao Jianfeng..." Fang Jian's brow wrinkled and looked at Zhao Jianfeng. "Isn't these two disciples not a support?"

"This..." Zhao Jianfeng was a little embarrassed. He bit his lip and replied, "The disciples brought by the younger generations are all the shackles of my Zhao family..."

"Silk..." All the disciples of Zhao’s family took a breath of air and looked at each other. They finally understood why the beauty that entered the Taikoo Immortal would fall on themselves. Immediately, all the disciples would fly hundreds of feet!

"It seems that the blood of Zhao Yunling's Zhao family is not as clean as the dusty sea!" said Fang Jian once again raised his hand and grabbed Zhao Qiang and Zhao Yuer.

The two were shocked, and Zhao Yuer hurriedly shouted at Zhao Xin, "The three elders saved me..."

It was Zhao Qiang, who had already given up Zhao Zhaoer, rushed to Zhao Ting, and shouted, "Tinger saved me..."

"Hey..." Zhao Ting said coldly, faintly said, "Why do you know why? When you are in the dust, you can't wait to kill me. If I didn't see the machine early, where can I live to the present?"

I heard Zhao Ting say this, Xiao Hua also put out the mind to save people, some people, still dead!

Zhao Xin is also very anxious, but he just wants to make some moves. He has already seen the big hand falling on his head. His heart is translucent. It’s just that the two Jane’s singers have no effort, and the two immortals are miserable. The voice of the call has never been issued, but now the Jane kills Zhao Xin and Zhao Yuer. If there is no other idea, how can it delay for so long?

Thinking of this, Zhao Xin is almost subconsciously flying far and wide, pulling away the distance from Zhao Yuer!

Zhao Xin naturally will not be placed in the eyes of Fang Jian, Fang Jian cares about Xiao Hua!

Just as Xiao Hua didn't get married, Fang Jian was somewhat puzzled, but Xiao Hua's body clearly had an unspeakable atmosphere, which made Fang Jian have a kind of temptation to be tempted. Is this not a temptation?

It is a pity that Xue Yudong said that it is still somewhat simple. He does not know the grudges of Zhao Qiang and Zhao Ting!

Fang Jian had a big hand, and Zhao Qiang and Zhao Yuer, who were imprisoned, were in their hands. Fang Jian was somewhat disappointed. Xiao Hua not only did not start, and even the eyelids were not lifted. "Hey..." Two muffled sounds, Zhao Qiang and Zhao Yuer’s fairy The body is crushed with the fairy baby, and the plasma falls into the wine cellar!

"Call..." Zhao Ting took a breath, as if unloading heavy burdens, Xiao Hua smiled, knowing that he still overestimated Zhao Ting's mind, this girl did not completely forgive Zhao Qiang and Zhao Yuer, but Zhao Ting knew that he was not happy. It hurts people's lives, and this is not a special investigation.

"But..." Xiao Hua also secretly said, "Life is precious, but it is placed on people who do not respect life... Their lives are also low!"

Zhao Ting put down the burden, Zhao Jianfeng frowned, because the blood of Zhao Qiang and Zhao Yuer still could not stimulate the wine cellar!

"Zhao Jianfeng..." Fang Jianxiao looked at Zhao Jianfeng and said, "This Huang had a pure day, your Zhao family's purest blood is afraid that you only have Zhao Chong with the dusty sea?"

Zhao Jianfeng smiled nodded, "Predecessors said it!"

"Then please, please..." Fang said faintly. "Is it difficult to get the old man to do it?"


Zhao Jianfeng’s face was bitter, and it felt like he had moved the stone and rubbed his foot.

But see Zhao Jianfeng flying over the vortex, taking a shot of his chest, "hey..." a drop of blood, but, beyond everyone's expectations, the blood fell into the wine cellar, there is no change in the wine cellar!

"Ah?" Fang Jian was awkward and shouted. "How is it possible?"

"Predecessors..." After waiting for the party to complete, Wang Laoshi hurriedly flew out and said, "This is too old and the ban is the same as the current immortal ban, and it must be bloody. It is a try! Not to mention that this is the inheritance of the Taiji Xianzu Zhao family..."

"So why is Zhao Jianfeng's blood useless?"

"If this is not the Zhao Jianfeng Zhao predecessor..." Wang Laoshi looked at Zhao Jianfeng and said, "It is not the true blood of Zhao, that is, his blood is not pure enough, he needs more flesh and blood!"

"Wang Lao Shi!!" Zhao Jianfeng roared, "The old man asked you to come, you... you are so damaging the old man?"

"Zhao's predecessor..." Wang Laoshi smiled bitterly. "The younger generation had talked with the predecessors before, and it wasn’t the younger generations who made the time out. The predecessors brought so many disciples in...."

Later, Wang did not say that he could understand that even the dusty sea seven elders Zhao Yufan were sweating, Zhao Jianfeng asked Zhao Chong, it is not a good intention, the biggest possibility is the blood of the dusty sea Zhao family!

"Zhao Jianfeng..." Fang Xiaoxiao smiled, raising his hand, "Please!"

"Hey..." Zhao Jianfeng fled up helplessly. He knew that he could still keep his life by himself, but if he let the party know how to do it, he would not stay forever, but he still said in his mouth, "The victim will end up hurting himself. This is really true!"

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