Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1257: Banned and doubted

Xue Yudong is somewhat intolerant and waved: "Wang dynasty, the old man does not understand the tactics, only the strength of the two qixian, you tell me how to shoot!"

"Predecessors please see..." Wang Laoshi hurriedly took out two ink fairy scorpions and sent them to Xiao Hua and Xue Yudong respectively, accompanied by a smile. "This is the method of breaking up after the juniors discussed with the predecessors of Zhao... ”

Xiao Hua looked at it, and it was not okay. It was just a record of a combination of attacks. It was obviously intended to invite Xue Yudong and Zhao Jianfeng to tear apart the flaws. However, there was a balance between yin and yang in this combination, which was slightly mysterious.

Xue Yudong certainly can't compare with Xiao Hua. He looked quite a moment and was shocked. "When the squad is acting, the combination of the old man and Zhao Xianyou can increase 30%. This is possible." ?"

"Predecessors, please rest assured..." Wang Laoshi said proudly, "This is a change of the way I used to fight. I have been used by the predecessors of the League, I can!"

"Xue Xianyou..." Zhao Jianfeng smiled at the right time. "Zhao saw that this combination of surgery requires a piece of Yinxian. Zhao’s first thought was the rainbow of Xianyou, so this made Zhao Chengji look for you. ......"

"Hey..." Xue Yudong smiled slightly and raised his hand on his fairy mark. A shuttle shuttle flew out from inside.

But see this shuttle, the whole body of Qingbi, there are some tiny spots like iridescence, these marks look like totems, it is also like a symbol, even if Xiaohua, the eyes are slightly dizzy, it can be seen that this fairy is amazing .

Hong Yusuo circled Xue Yudong for a few laps and fell to the top of his head. A ring of circular iridescent falls, and Xue Yudong was protected.

Xue Yudong took the ink fairy, and closed his eyes with a cup of tea. Then he opened his eyes and said: "Xue Mou has already realized the technique of combo attack. At this time, you can shoot!"

"Good!" Zhao Jianfeng nodded slightly, and a red spear flew out of the hand. The spear was thick, and there was a layer of texture like a dragon scale. Zhao Jianfeng had a blue-red column falling in the fairy mark. The spears sounded like a dragon, and the red light was made, and the fierce dragon phase emerged from the dragon scale texture.

"Xue Xianyou, Zhao first motivated Long Lei spear, Xianyou followed the sword of the joint attack." Zhao Jianfeng said, while the hand is a fairy, "As for Xiao Xianyou, trouble is next to it, whether it is Zhao or There is a problem with Xue Xianyou, please ask Xianyou to replace me as much as possible..."

"Good to say!" Xiao Hua smiled, his figure flew up and fell to the side of Zhao Jianfeng and Xue Yudong.

"Boom..." Zhao Jianfeng raised his hand and pointed to the dragon thunder, and the spear began to surge. However, the Thunder entered with the fairy and began to condense the gear!

"Xue Mou also!" Xue Yudong smiled slightly, also inciting the same fairy.

The fairy scorpion hits the rainbow squirrel, and the rainbow squirrel also has a flaming flame. The light flames also have gears to produce!

"Xuemou wants to be motivated..." With Xue Yudong reminding him, Zhao Jianfeng showed caution on his face. He raised his hand and then pointed to the dragon thunder. The dragon thunder was on the thunder, but the rolling gear slowed down. .

Xiao Hua did not dare to neglect. He raised his hand and took out the piece of Lei Shi. He was prepared to be sacrificed when he was ready to see the situation.

I know that Hongsuoshuo and Longleiu spears are motivated, and the gears on the surface of the fairy are perfectly bitten together. Waiting for the flames to swim, a strong breath rushes out from the two pieces!

"Two seniors, please..." Wang Laoshi stood on the reef with his eyes open, and hurriedly urged the road.

Zhao Jianfeng and Xue Yudong looked at each other and sneered: "Go!"

"Booming..." Two pieces of fairy screamed into the rolling thunder!

Thunder and lightning, the ring of the road condensed in the thunder, and as it went deeper, the gears on the upper side of the fairy gradually appeared into a vortex, with a fairy rushing into the depths of Leiguang!

The two fairy devices were stretched in the thunder and looked like a curved yin and yang fish.

"The disciples..." Wang Laoshi was overjoyed, "It is at this time!"

"Booming and banging..." With Wang Laoshi giving orders, the diamond-shaped fairy screams, and the roaring sound is extremely extreme. "Hey..." A mottled diamond-shaped phantom emerges from the fairy tales, with the fairy falling. Into the thunder.

Xiao Hua sees clearly, although it is a virtual shadow, but there are still dozens of disciples in the shadow of the shadow are urging the fairy mark.

"Hey..." The diamond-shaped virtual shadow fell into the thunder, not deep, but the rotation of the big, the thunder of the fairy rushed out!

"The disciples..." Wang Laoshi once again whispered, shouting, "The second team!"

"Hey..." Another similar diamond-shaped ghost shadow fell into the light again.

This diamond-shaped phantom passed over, and the diamond-shaped phantom of the previous time began to solidify, blocking the surging thunder of light.

"Two seniors, please..."

Wang Laoshi saw that Lei Guang was blocked, and his heart was overjoyed. He rushed to Zhao Jianfeng and Xue Yudong.

"Go!" The two immortals should have sounded, and they all urged the figure to fall into the middle of the diamond-shaped shadow, chasing the fairy.

"You also go with the old man!"

Zhao Ting looked at him with a stunned look. At this time, Xiao Hua smiled slightly and extended his big hand to protect Zhao Ting. He urged his body to follow Zhao Jianfeng.

After a bag of cigarettes, the sound of "铿" sounded in front of the fairy head, like the bronze light beam of the sun shot from the front!

"This... this is too easy?"

Xiao Hua still held the Lei Shi in his hand, thinking in secret, "The Lei Shi left by Zhao Lei is actually useless! If so, there are only two possibilities. One is Zhao Jianfeng and Xue Yudong. The ban is not like Yan Xian Zhao Lei, you need to rely on Lei Shi, another possibility... There are other bans that rely on Lei Shi to ban..."

The bronze light column was broken, and the space behind Xiao Hua and others was illuminated, and the passage supported by the fairy squad showed a mottled aura.

In front of Xiao Hua and others, the fairy tales that Hong Yusuo and Long Lei spears penetrated gradually melted, like a flame burning. Xiao Hua released his thoughts, and the place where the melting was still stuck was blocked. The ban on 筱梅柊 is almost exactly the same.

Xiao Hua couldn't help but smile.

However, when he followed Zhao Jianfeng and Xue Yudong and saw the situation around him, he was frowning!

But seeing this is a great temple, the inside of the temple is broken, and at a glance, let Xiaohua think of Huangmei Palace!

"Is it wrong..." Xiao Hua pinched the stone in his hand, and said, "There is still hidden under this temple?"

Xiao Hua thought about it, behind him, Wang Laoshi and other immortals also flew in.

Zhao Jianfeng and Xue Yudong collected the fairy, and did not go to the distance to explore, the two whispered something. Looking at Wang Laoshi and so on, Zhao Jianfeng smiled and said: "It is still a powerful means of the king's squad, and it is the first to break the battle!"

"This is the credit of the three predecessors..." Wang honestly, the loyal smile seems reassuring. "The younger generation is just talking about paper, it is the predecessors who want the younger generation to come true."

"What's next?" Xue Yudong asked...

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