Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1251: Zhao Ting's revenge

"Xiao Xianyou came from the enlightenment of the mainland, but it was hard work all the way..." Zhao Jianfeng saw a little embarrassed scene, and then he talked with Xiao Hua without a ride.

Do you know how hard it is?

Xiao Hua grinned, but also casually, not a tea time, three five elements of Xian with a dozen Yan Xian and Miss Xian Fei will come out!

The first one was a middle-aged man dressed in a sword. The middle-aged man had a square face, and his face was yellow and frown, but he was more than five hundred feet.

"Ting...Tinger??" The middle-aged man has never flew to the front. He saw Zhao Ting nearly four hundred feet of fairy, and couldn’t help but be surprised. "You... are you Tinger? When are you?" Have you cultivated to the high level of Yanxian?"

This middle-aged man is naturally the seven elders Zhao Yufan, Zhao Ting's mouth is smiling, is about to go to see the ceremony, but when she sees Zhao Yufan behind a few leaking fairy, I do not feel the eyes are cold.

"The younger generation has seen the seven elders..." Zhao Ting took the cold color in her eyes. First, she rushed to Zhao Yufan to give a gift, and then rushed to the other two five elements and several immortals. "The younger generation has seen the three elders and seen the five elders. I have seen several seniors..."

"How could he be Zhao Ting?" The three elders did not speak, and a man with a sword and a stern eagerly reminded him, "Three elders, you... I was deceived by her!"

Xiao Hua smiled, this singularly male singer is not exactly what he saw in the waste beast mountain with Zhao Ting? If there is no accident, Zhao Tingqiang, the negative heart of Zhao Tingkou, as for Zhao Qiang, looks like a charming girl, but the eyebrows are somewhat drooping, and the eyes are full of horror. It is Zhao Zhao who married Zhao Ting and married Zhao Qiang.

"Shut up!" The three elders are also a square face, similar to Zhao Yufan. He whispered a whisper, then Zhao Ting raised up and smiled. "Tinger, your things are waiting for the old man to wait for the mainland." Yu Fan has told me that you are being detained, so the old man has already sent a message to the owner, asking the owner to take back the life..."

The three elders named Zhao Xin, his words are clearly perfunctory, but Zhao Ting is still full of joy, replied: "Yes? Then ... that the younger generation thanked the three elders."

"Well, um..." Zhao Xin smiled. "That's it, you are still a disciple of my Zhao family..."

Xiao Hua slightly frowned, just about to open, Zhao Ting interrupted Zhao Xin’s words and said: “What is the home order?”

"Cough cough..." Zhao Xin is a little embarrassed, coughing two channels. "It takes time from the 芗xiangyu煜 mainland to the dusty sea. Besides, the owner doesn't know that you will come to 芗xiangyu煜 continent!"

"That's it..." Zhao Ting shook her head slightly. "The three elders don't have to communicate. Now the younger generation is already my grandfather, and will not return to Zhao!"

The five elders named Zhao Bocheng, whispered at this time: "Tinger, this predecessor is..."

Zhao Ting turned to look at Xiao Hua’s smile, and proudly introduced: “This is my grandfather, Xiao Zhenren...”

"The younger generation Zhao Yufan, Zhao Bocheng, Zhao Xin met Xiao predecessor..." Three five elements of Xianxing rushed to Xiaohua for salute.

"Polite..." Xiao Hua didn't have a particularly good impression of the Zhao family. He raised the three people and said faintly.

"The younger generation has seen Xiao's predecessors..." Behind the Five Elements, a group of Yanxian and Missing Xian immediately went to salute.

"Well, get up!" Xiao Hua said with a big sleeve.

All the immortals got up and didn't wait to talk. Zhao Ting said coldly: "Is the Zhao family's younger generation not understanding etiquette?"

Zhao Ting's voice landed, Zhao Qiang and Zhao Yuer and so on immediately became flushed. Zhao Ting had previously missed the middle of the fairy, and he was with them. At this time, he suddenly gave himself a gift to Zhao Ting. Although they knew it should be, they could not accept it. .

"The younger generation has seen the predecessors..." A few leaking fairy beside them, hurriedly squatting, Zhao Qiang was a little embarrassed, but still a bite, ready to give a gift, next to Zhao Yuer pulled his arm and said, "Three elders, babe I think this Zhao Ting is a bit weird..."

The three elders Zhao Xin's face changed slightly, just to be voiced, Zhao Ting laughed and said: "Zhao Yuer, I don't really care about Zhao Ting, but you see Yan Xian seniors, not ready to see?"

Zhao Ting will bite the predecessors of Yan Xian, and Zhao’s face is already purple.

The three elders Zhao Xin replied: "Zhao Yuer, not rude!"

"Yes..." Zhao Yuer bites her lip and pulls Zhao Qiang to pray. "The younger generation has seen the predecessors!"

"Well, get up!" Zhao Ting raised her hand to lift the two up and said, "You and I are two people I know. The qualifications are acceptable. I just work too hard, and I have less cultivation. It’s good to practice hard!”

Zhao Qiang feels that his teeth are going to be broken, but what can he say? Now that I am practicing to the high level of the fairy, I will be able to step on the fairy, and I will be the elite of the family. But it can be too far from the Zhao Ting in front of me!

As for Zhao Yuer, it is entirely using secret techniques and immortality to rush to the high level of the fairy, and want to step on the Yanxian, than Zhao Qian took several times!

"Yes, the younger generation knows!" Zhao Yuer swallowed one word at a time.

"Master..." Zhao Ting turned and rushed to Xiao Hua Shi Lidao. "The disciples' grievances have just been said by the three elders. The disciples know that they are not clear about the arrangement of the elders on the first day of the seventh day. Since the three elders have already proved their homeowners, the disciples are not Willing to pursue anything further..."

"Hey, this silly boy!" Xiao Hua sighed a little, how can I let Zhao live so casually? However, before he opened his mouth, Zhao Ting turned and said, "But the disciples were humiliated by Zhao Qiang and Zhao Yuer. The disciples once told them that they should use the sword to clean up the shame of the disciples, and also ask the master to be the disciple!"

"I am going to..." Xiao Hua smiled. "This routine is not something that Zhao Ting can think of. It must be a professor of Li Moi!"

Zhao Qiang and Zhao Yuer’s face changed greatly. When they saw Zhao Ting’s first look, they remembered the thing when they were the first day. At that time, Zhao Ting was only the middle class, and Zhao Qiang’s qualification was much higher than Zhao Ting, so they basically not give a **** about.

"Three elders..." Zhao Yuer hurriedly said, "She is definitely not Zhao Ting!"

I don't have to say this to Zhao Weier. The three elders Zhao Xin have already understood why Zhao Qiang reminded himself of the first sentence.

Zhao Xin is a little embarrassed. He looks at Zhao Jianfeng.

Unfortunately, Zhao Jianfeng only looked at it faintly, and did not speak. After all, this is the grudge of the dusty sea Zhao family!

Zhao Xin also hurriedly looked at Xiao Hua.

Xiao Hua simply ignored Zhao Xin and smiled at Zhao Ting: "Well, this is your personal grievance with Zhao Qiang and Zhao Yuer. You can do it. You can rest assured that there is a veteran, no one can stop it..."

Xiao Hua’s words are really emboldened. I don’t think this Qiyunling is the 煜xiangyu煜 continent, the whole Huang Zengtian, and no one can stop Zhao Ting.

"Thank you, Master!" Zhao Ting was overjoyed, and he shot the top door. "Hey..." A sword screamed, and a broken sword broke out!

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