Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1238: Color world

"Ah?" Xiao Hua was really awkward. He thought that Wu Zhan was damaged by the practice of forcing cultivation or fighting with others. He did not expect that it was because of nothingness and balance.

"Little friends don't have to be afraid..." Wu Zhan hurriedly said, "The little friend himself has the method of casting souls. As early as the time of the celestial beings, he has already cast souls. The rule of nothingness is not to Xiaoyou. There is a fundamental impact; and as long as the little friend stays in the sky for a long time, the fairy and the fairy are changed by the laws of the world of color, not only the laws of the broken space will affect the friends, but also the eyes of Xiaoyou. Nothing is more than heaven... it will be complete!"

"Oh my God..." Xiao Hua has already realized his heart, but he is still slightly exaggerated. "Is it true that nothing is more magical?"

"No, no..." Wu Zhan smiled and waved. "It shouldn't be said that the emptiness is so magical, but it should be said that this fairyland is so magical. When Wu was in the world, he never thought of the fairy world. It’s so gorgeous, so colorful! Wu started from Huang Zengtian, and every time he crossed a day, he had different feelings!”

"Really, indeed!" Xiao Hua did not have the feeling of Wu Zhan, but from Wu Zhan's tone, Xiao Hua can also hear that it is not easy to be a flying celestial.

"Small friends must be wondering, why does the law have such a big impact on the emptiness of Xiaoyou's eyes?"

"Yeah, yeah!" Xiao Hua nodded again and again. "When you want to be in the world for six days, it seems that it is not so complicated."

"These things are in the eyes of the immortal fairy, but they are commonplace. They won't go to investigate..." Wu Zhan pressed the sword boat and stopped at a mountain with a flame. He smiled. "I only have to fly." I used to ask the roots, this is the root cause!"

After that, Wu Zhanyi refers to the mountain peak: "This is the red volcano of Wu's cultivation. You and I are a mountain peak in the eyes, but it may actually be a cluster of fire, or a stone. As for what, I am afraid that only the Taoist who made the heavens and earth can know it! Xiaoyou please, when you get there, Wu will tell you in detail..."

"Oh, Wu seniors please..."

Xiao Hua smiled and nodded.

The sword boat flew into the mountain peak, and a heavy flame was banned. Naturally, it was the space where Wu Zhan was sitting cross-legged. Wu Zhan stopped the sword boat, and the big sleeves flicked, and the palace with a smashed ground broke out from the mountain peak.

Wu Zhan invited Xiao Hua to enter. There were some immortals, and Xian Yu was standing in the temple.

Wu Zhan ordered a feast, and these immortals and immortals hurried away.

Xiao Hua’s eyes fell on those immortals, and he was surprised to see that the fairy gods of these immortals had reached the realm of yin and yang autism, but their strength was not only Yan Xian.

"There is also a fairy in the color world?" Xiao Hua was seated and looked at Wu Zhan.

"Is there a fantasy in the world?" Wu Zhan smiled and asked Xiao Hua, "And when the immortal was born, there is the strength of the Yuan Yuan Yuan Ying, is this... is it extremely unfair?"

"Ha ha..." Xiao Hua understood, and raised his palm and laughed. "Yes, this is the case. Xiaomou has just set foot on the fairyland. Seeing that a child has a smelting power, it is simply depressed! I know that it is born. Fairyland is good, why have you cultivated for thousands of years!"

"Yes, good!" Wu Zhan also sighed. "Xiao Xiaoyou's idea is exactly the same as Wu Mou at that time. Wu really wants to kill him! After 10,000 years of cultivation, it is not as good as others!"

"The life is different, the difference is different, and the result is of course different!" Xiao Hua smiled. "The immortal who was born by Huang Zengtian came here. It must have been such a feeling, and if the immortal who is emptied of the sky is a colorless day, it will be Feeling it..."

Wu Zhan’s face showed a bit of weirdness, and smiled: “Xiao Xiaoyou must have not studied the classics of the fairy world carefully?”

"No..." Xiao Hua did not have any secrets. He said, "Xiao Mou has set foot on the fairyland and practiced with one heart, but he really didn't pay attention to these..."

"Small friends said yes!" Wu Zhan replied, "Wu is also the emptiness of the sky, the soul is damaged, this is the study of the development of the fairy world, otherwise Wu can not spend no time in these Bored place..."

During the speech, the banquet was ready. Wu Zhan and Xiao Hua were surrounded by immortals and immortals. Under the main hall, there were dozens of graceful female priests. Obviously there were songs and dances. Xiao Hua looked at the laughter: "Wu’s predecessor is the number of rituals in the realm of the world. It’s a good idea to be here..."

"The Lord will be with you, if the little friend is not happy, naturally not!"

Wu Zhan smiled and gestured, indicating that the immortals were going down, and then toasted and said: "A small friend came, Wu’s heart in this heart is falling, come, Wu Moujing a small friend..."

Xiao Hua said in a toast: "Thank you for the predecessor of Wu, you and I are all flying up, and I don't want to make a deal. After that, Xiao has a lot of places to use the guidance of the seniors. If it is toasting, then Xiaomou should respect the seniors... ”

"Haha, the little friend said it well, it is not to fight or not!" Wu Zhan laughed, toasted with Xiao Hua.

Subsequently, the two immortals used some cents, and there was a rare treasure in the world. Wu Zhancai said: "Small friends must know the thirty-three heavens of the fairy world, divided into the world of desire, the world of color , Colorless World, Four Brahma and Sanqingtian?"

"To tell the truth..." Xiao Hua said, "Xiao has never cared about this. Xiao has always taken a step."

"This..." Wu Zhan smiled bitterly. "Xiao Xiaoyou seems to be different from all the flying celestial beings seen by Wu! But all of them have a clear plan for their future, what to do, what to achieve, When I got to what real world, I met all the immortals, and they all knew what they were in the chest. For example, the propaganda of Xuan, listening to Lu Zhong said that he had met Lu Zhong as early as Ju Yuanxian, and let Lu Zhong introduce it from it. Let the old man God drop his desire to point out his cultivation, in order to set foot on the true fairy, and he cultivated to the true fairy, the first time to come to find the old man, thank the old man for pointing. In fact, the old man is only borrowing the mouth of Lu. Encourage him a few words!"

"The old man has his own cultivation and a scorpion. Where does he have time to pay attention to him? So he wants to use the old man as a springboard to enter the stars. Where is the star 容易 easy to enter? The old man himself is in the lowest position of the district, where is the fairy, where Is it qualified to recommend him to enter the stars? So the old man casually let him practice first to the real cents, and then stabilize the deeds. Who knows that he actually uses the power of the demon to forcibly engrave the deeds, how can you say that the old man can let These immortals enter the stars..."

"Hey, hey, he said it!" Speaking here, Wu Zhan was a little embarrassed, and again toasted with a smile. "Come, Wu will respect another friend, Wu will return to Hengtian, think carefully about Xiaoyou." If you reflect on it, you will find that you are too impatient and lose your sense of proportion. If there is no reminder from a small friend, Wu is afraid that he is going further and further on the wrong path, please..."

There will be a lot of novelties in the world of color, I hope everyone likes this colorful goddess!

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