Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1236: Xuan Xuan

"Oh..." is saying, on the body of Wu Zhanxian, a red-shaped fairy with a sword-like shape makes a thunder!

"Ah??" Wu Zhan couldn't believe his ears, and exclaimed, the sword in the fairy mark was immediately messy, and then Wu Zhan couldn't find it. He carefully raised his hand on it and shook his voice. "Yes... Xiaozhen?"

"Yes, it’s really Xiao!" Xiao Hua’s voice came from Wen Ruyu. “Xiao Mou has just arrived near Xiaoliuhou, who has nothing to do with Hengtian. I don’t know where Wu’s predecessors are?”

Wu Zhan was overjoyed and eagerly said: "Xiao Xiaoyou, are waiting for Xiaoliuhou, Wu, this will pick you up..."

"Nothing..." Xiao Hua smiled. "Predecessors say a place, and the younger generation will pass."

"No, no..." Wu Zhan has got up, and the fairy marks on the fairy body are closed. He screams. "Little friends are waiting there, Wu will pick you up!"

"Oh, okay!" Xiao Hua replied, "Xiao Mou often gets lost. If so, then there are seniors!"

get lost? ?

Wu Zhan was shocked and hurriedly groaned again: "Xiao Xiaoyou, you must be there waiting for Wu, don't go away, nothing more than the sky... It's still a little different from the Seven Miles..."

Waiting for it, Wu Zhanyi shot his own door, "Boom..." A red light rushed out to cover the fairy, immediately into the body, and Wu Zhan was swaying around, stimulating the figure, hurriedly flying Out.

Xiaoliuhou is the world of a tourmaline. The water pattern of a strip of willow branches falls from the sky, twists through the space, falls into the earth, and the water is green and green. It looks crystal clear, quite "Jade makeup." Into a tree high" style.

At this time, Xiao Hua was standing under a water pattern, squinting at the blue sky filled with the sky, and the eyes flashed full of incomprehensibility.

When Xiao Hua was not really immortal, he had been to nothing more than the balance of the sky, but at that time it was only on the edge of the boundary. The previous time with the Liu Yan family of three also passed the emptiness of the sky, these two times Xiao Hua did not feel nothing. What is special about Hengtian. However, the fairy spirit Xuanguang is several times stronger, and the fairy spirit is also richer.

However, this time, as Xiao Hua went deep into nothingness, he found that the whole emptiness of the sky was quite different from that of the seven-year-old, and even the emperor Huang Zengtian.

In the first place, no matter whether it is a mountain, a river, or even a tree, it seems to be a little blurry, or somewhat fuzzy, like the rendering of a painting.

Secondly, the whole world does not seem to be a whole. It is better to be like a piece of the world. But the laws of heaven and earth in these small worlds are the same. Xiaohua falls into it and there is no difference. Moreover, the boundaries of each interface are also blurred. If there is a different view between the small worlds, Xiao Hua will barely notice it.

For example, Xiaohua has just flew over a place that looks similar to Huang Zengtian's plain. On the vast expanse of land, there are rivers and trees. But flying over a mountain, there was a layer of clouds floating in the sky, the clouds were pressed against the top, and there was a torrential rain falling down. Xiao Hua had just stormed into the storm, and the scenery in front of him changed greatly.

Previously, Xiao Hua was shocked. He thought that he would fall into the ban, but he could turn back and fly back, but he would easily return to the plains, but the flying clouds continued to spread behind him.

Therefore, Xiao Hua once again flew into Xiaoliuhou. After seeing the fairy, he sent a message to Wu Zhan. He was really afraid of flying.

Received Wu Zhan's communication fairy, Xiao Hua left and right to see, will be released, the thought is like in the water, not only does not have the desire to explore the world, there is an unspeakable corrosion like a needle to stimulate the thought.

"Let's just walk away..." Xiao Hua thought for a moment, urging the figure to fly forward. After all, Wu Zhan said that Xiao Hua was waiting for Xiao Liu Hou, and Xiao Hua did not leave this piece of Tian Tianbi. What?

Straight for a cup of tea, a huge pool of water in front of the head!

The water in this pool is not so much a light, it is better to say that the water in the sky is falling and circling in the pool.

In the middle of the pool, there is a heavy pavilion floating in the depths of the eye, which looks similar to a cruise ship.

Xiao Hua saw a big joy and urged his body to fly toward the pavilion. When he was close, the pavilion showed a sigh of relief. The height of the pavilion, three or five immortals stood by the bar and seemed to be saying something.

Seeing Xiao Huafei, one of them was dressed in a white shirt, and the man with a long face released the thoughts and swept Xiaohua. Then he said coldly: "Why are you still coming? You have not said it, and you are thinking about it." If you wait for your mind to be practicing, you will easily step into the middle of the real fairy!

Xiao Hua stunned, he just wanted to explain, a surnamed male fairy next to a slightly fattened fairy smiled: "Yu Xuan brother, although this small fairy did not come, but after all, people feel, know that the fairy brothers set foot in the real fairy The order, and the special congratulations, the same as the rising Shengxian, have gone through this step, why should the fairy brother refuse to be thousands of miles away?"

"唉 Ok!" The surnamed immortal sighed and waved to Xiao Hua. "Since Zhao Xianxiong speaks for you, you are not embarrassed by you, leaving things and famous thorns. Let's go!"

Xiao Hua is stunned, he is not walking, not leaving.

"You are a fairy friend..." Xiao Hua thought for a moment, arched the hand. "Although it is a flying sacred fairy, but... not to congratulate the singer's brother..."

For a moment, the singer’s face changed slightly and looked even more awkward than Xiao Hua!

“Oddly strange!” Zhao’s immortal, who just spoke, smiled. “I’m waiting for Binxiang’s singer’s footsteps in the middle of the real fairy. You are a flying sacred, don’t congratulate, why?”

"Being just stepping into the world of color, but passing by Xiaoliuhou, seeing the fairy friends here, come and inquire about the scene of the color world, and that's it!"

"Haha, it seems that I am waiting for a misunderstanding..." Another thin tall man smiled and said, "Hey, Xuanxiong, this Xiaozheng is also a flying fairy, and here he meets Xuanxiong. It’s a real thing! Let’s bring one or two...”

The surnamed immortal cold smiled coldly: "Is Liu Xianyou afraid that I have never seen these small real fairy means? They are pervasive and omnipresent in order to climb me, do you think things will be so smart?"

"Oh..." Xiao Hua sneered, and he turned and flew away.

"What?" What is the name of the immortal, and the face is drastically changed, raising his hand and pointing to Xiao Hua, and drinking, "Is it wrong?"

"Hey..." Not waiting for Xiao Hua to answer, Bin Cui Court has another direction, the red sword light broke out, and the sword light tears the bicolor water and emits a strong tremor.

"Wu... Wu old predecessor??" The surnamed immortal saw this red-red sword light, and couldn't help but give birth to ecstasy, lost his voice...

This announcement is also a bit odious, but there are still plays in the future...

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