Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1231: The penalty for asking for a bribe

Mao Bing was not surprised. He said coldly in the same tone: "In the next round of inspections, the squad of the team will naturally have this power!"

"They are all injured and are being cultivated in the old man's space!"

"Oh, it turned out!" Mao Bing nodded and smiled. "Xiao Daren loves the soldiers like a child. It is really respectable. Under the circumstances, he will sue the incident and scream at the adults!"

"Yeah!" Xiao Hua responded. Seeing Xiao Hua in this way, I saw that Mao Bing was somewhat unhappy, but Mao Bing still smiled: "Xiao Zhenren, I am waiting here for the heroic battle in the bounds of 1741, blocking the demon squad, for me. The overall victory of the team has made an indelible contribution, so the Weiyue Xiaote will come over and give a reward and punishment order..."

Immediately, Mao Bing touted Xiao Hua and Qin Xin, and said that it was rare in the sky and underground. It also showed Wei Chong's attitude more than once.

However, for a long time, Mao Bing did not take out rewards and punishments.

Xiao Hua knew it well, and he sneered in his heart. Looking back at Qin Xin, Qin Xin understood that he came forward and said: "At the end, I will thank the adults and Wei Yuexiao for their high views. If you use some fairy wine first, how about taking a break for a while?"

"No, no..." Mao Bing waved his hand, and righteously said, "I am waiting to come out to represent the more people, how can I eat the card at will? It is the face of the lost man..."

"There is nothing..." Qin Xin smiled and handed a crystal bottle to the front of Mao Bing, saying, "It’s just the last time I waited for some of the proceeds from the demon hunter to kill the demon, and the adults will take a look!"

Mao Bing’s smile on his face was even worse. He reached out and took the crystal bottle. At the moment when he took the crystal bottle, Qin Xin stuffed a nano-ring into the ice.

Mao Bing did not move at all. He let go of his thoughts and looked at the crystal bottle. He shook his head and said: "This thing is a thing of the demon ally. This is not a joy, and the military squad is where the squad can't go beyond..."

Said, Mao Bing returned the crystal bottle to Qin Xin, and the Naxu ring naturally remained in his hands.

Mao Bing looked at the things in the Naxu ring, his brows were slightly wrinkled, but he still reached out and took out an arrow from the beast swallowing. He lifted it up and said: "Xiao Zhenren, Qin Xin, Li Boyi... ... pick up the whistling adults and rewards!"

"The end will listen to orders..." Qin Xin and so on did not dare to neglect, Qi Qi squatted.

Xiao Hua was despised in his heart, but he was still in the court.

Mao Bing was very satisfied with the look of the immortals, especially Xiao Hua, the real immortal bowed in front of him, and then went on to say: "Hey and other heroic battles, my heart is happy, this war rewards are as follows. Hunting base will be Xiaozhen In Jiejie Chong 1741, killing, destroying the demon squad 40 million, the rescue team more than 16 million; out of bounds to break through the layout of the Qing dynasty, lead the space collapse and then destroy more than 10 million defensive soldiers, The key to reversing the war, and the great success, the special promotion of Xiao Zhenren is the smashing..."

Having said that, Mao Bing stopped, which means profoundly: "Congratulations to Xiao Yuteng..."

Although Qin Xin and others have known that there will be such a reward, they have indeed issued a reward and punishment order. They are still shocked. How long has Xiaohua entered the team!

However, Qin Xin and so on are even more happy. Xiao Hua was promoted, and they have more room for promotion. So they all walked together: "Congratulations to Xiao Daren!"

Xiao Hua smiled and did not speak, and Mao Bing said: "Xiao Yuteng may not know, the more people scream for the military, but no less trouble!"

Xiao Hua smiled and said: "This will be understood at the end."

"You understand it!" said Mao Bingji. "Xiao Yuteng’s qualifications are too shallow, and he has no experience in commanding the army. Although there have been many military exercises in the past, they are all personal courage. Array, so Xiao Yuteng... not very convinced!"

"Yes, yes, this Xiaomou understands!"

"But the more people are screaming, but they are arguing. The old man said..." Mao Bing said, "I can't learn, I don't know how to teach. We want every warrior to have a rising channel, let them think." It’s worthwhile to fight for the enemy and take the military. It’s impossible to let the warriors sweat and sweat, and it’s cold...”

Xiao Hua’s heart moved and shook hands in one direction: “Thanks to the more people who are so sympathetic to me, I am more willing to throw a blood for the team!”

Qin Xin and so on also rushed to the body, followed by saying it again.

"Well, Xiao Yuteng understands it!" Mao Bing repeated this sentence again, then looked at the arrow in his hand and said the military strength and rewards of Qin Xin and others, and took the command of the generals on the spot. The will of the will.

Waiting for it, Mao Bing smiled at Xiao Huadao: "Xiao Yuteng, your military merits and rewards are more than the arrangements of the adults, but also ask the adults to dismiss their majesty, in the next one..."

"Adults..." Seeing Xiao Hua frowning, Qin Xin hurriedly conveyed the voice, "Mao Bing represents Wei Yuexiao after all, what is wrong with the adults and the snakes?"

Xiao Hua thought for a moment and turned his head and said: "You wait to go out first, take the military skills to make up the heavenly fairy to see..."

", I am waiting for a speech!" Qin Xin waited for Xiao Hua and Mao Bingyan to quit.

"Xiao Yuteng..." Mao Bing looked at Xiao Hua and said, "This time you promoted you as a squatter, it is indeed a dilemma for the screaming adults, and for your reward, his old man is also trying his best, except for the military. In addition, his old man has specially arranged two rewards for you..."

Xiao Hua is thankful for the unsuccessful Wei Chongwei’s screaming, so he respectfully said: “There is really a lot of people who will be screaming at the end of the day, and I will be grateful!”

"A word can be thanked?" Mao Bing looked at Xiao Hua, meaning profoundly: "If you have a white mouth, everyone will say it!"

"Oh..." Xiao Hua looked at Mao Bing and smiled. "There is something to say to the messenger. Although Xiao has not come to the team for a long time, many rules are not particularly well understood!"

"Okay!" Mao Bing thought for a moment and said, "According to the practice of the team, the merits of the award..."

Waiting for Mao Bing to finish, Xiao Hua nodded: "This messenger please rest assured that the military is not enough to know Xiao, please turn off the adults directly!"

"Oh..." Mao Bing looked at Xiao Hua with a squint and asked, "Is Xiao Yuteng not unwilling, or have other thoughts?"

Xiao Hua has some puzzles: "No!"

"Xiao Yuteng's military merits are written on the awards military order. How much is it? How can the adult be deducted in advance?"

"It turns out!" Xiao Hua took a forehead and smiled. "Xiao knows, Xiaomou ignores it! Please ask the messenger to give pointers..."

Mao Bing is also not good to say anything, and will pass the arrow to Xiao Huadao: "Xiao Yuteng will send the military to this place!"

Then Mao Bing said a number!

“Ah?” Xiao Hua stunned and said, “How... so much?”

Xiao Hua has some old hats. Where is the fairyland mortal?

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