Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1214: Hunting for the seal, the flag


Xiao Hua was furious and blocked in front of Zhang Jiancheng. "The enemy is currently, don't think about how to meet the enemy, even fleeing, his sin!"

"Get out of the way!" Zhang Jiancheng waved his hand to Xiaohua and shouted, "A little tiger cub, dare to block the way of Laozi?"

Xiao Hua saw that Zhang Jiancheng’s big hand had a spiral light and turned into a net, and he was not afraid to go back.

"Xiao Zhenren flashed!" Qin Xin saw, hurriedly reminded, she was clear in her heart, now is the dead, what heroes, what military positions are useless, Zhang Jiancheng has the heart to take a break with his majesty, no one can take him!

Xiao Hua is in front of him, only dead!

"Oh..." Xiao Hua smiled lightly, raised his left hand, and extended his index finger, aiming at Zhang Jiancheng!


It seems to be light and shadow, and it seems to be volatility. A print mark falls to the hand of Zhang Jiancheng!


The imprint was just born, and there was a sound like a firecracker. Zhang Jiancheng was stupid. Qin Xin and so on were also stupid. Seeing Zhang Jiancheng’s silver palm burst of a dozen feet, it was turned into pieces!

"Oh..." Immediately, Zhang Jiancheng mourned the shaking of the fairy, and the broken cracks like a gossamer flow toward Zhang Jiancheng's fairy body. Wherever it went, the silver light broke and the fairy body annihilated!

"Silk..." Qin Xin and other five dragon riders, as well as all the fairy in the light curtain are sucking a breath!

What a means!

"Xiao Zhenren, you dare..." What do you want to say about leisurely youth? Xiao Hua looked at him like a power, and took a shot of the beast, a slap in the face, exactly the same as the ink in the hands of the youth. Out!

Xiao Hua raised his hand and the Indiana fell under a flag!

Yinyin gave birth to silver light, and the flag was in the silver light, releasing glare and glare. In the huge earthquake of "banging rumbling...", the flag of the army rose several times, more than doubled!

A huge "Xiao" word, on the flag of the army gave birth to the mighty military power, and the shackles of the military flag Xiaguang screamed around!

All the shocks!

"Hunting... hunting base will??"

Qin Xin and other dragons' chins fell, they opened their mouths and didn't know what to say!

Xiangqing, Jiang Meihua and Han Yu were also stupid, and the eyes fell off the ground. They thought that Xiao Hua had already reached the top of the dragon, but... I didn’t expect him to be a hunting ground! !

"Hunting the baseman, hunting for adults!!"

Beyond the light curtain, thousands of celestial soldiers also saw the roar of sorrow, and the dead air was swept away. Whether it was healing and retreating, and flying from the ground, arrogantly said, "There are...there are hunters." I am waiting to be saved!"

"The team did not forget us, sent the true fairy to come and save us!"

A sigh of joy and even the ban of the light curtain can not resist, and it is introduced into the dragon ride and the tiger's ear.

Really fairy? ?

Yes, if it is not true, how could it be hunting?

Thinking of this, Qin Xin feels that his life limit has lived on the dog! !

The cultivation is a fake fairy! !

How can it be!

But in the 50th century, what is the achievement of immortality? From Juyuanxian to Zhenxian, I don’t know how many bottlenecks there are, how dangerous!

However, when their eyes looked at the annihilation in the silver light, even Zhang Jiancheng, who had never escaped from Xianying, could not have any doubts in their hearts!

If it is not true, how can one kill one dragon ride?

"" Zhang Jiancheng’s head has been broken, only the fairy marks are flashing, it seems to be smouldering!

Xiao Hua’s figure swayed and fell on the flag of the army, and he shook his head and swayed to Xiaohua’s body shape!

"All the lords..." Xiao Hua looked around and raised his left hand. Hunting the plaques and smashing the eyes of all the celestial singers will be reflected. "I am Xiaozhen, a little bit of merit in the small battle of Yunyuan." The three teams of the Mongolian team will not give up, and the joint name will be held by Xiaomou as a hunting keeper! Now Xiaomou rescues his own team and returns to the storm. It is the opportunity of Tiandao to lead you out of the boundary, and it is also yours. The opportunity to escape the birth of the day, now Xiaomou took the opportunity to hunter the seal, and rule the generals, you are willing?"

"I am willing to..." Thousands of celestial soldiers will be ecstatic, shouting and screaming, "I will wait to follow Xiao Daren, fighting the demon!"

"Good!" Xiao Hua was overjoyed, then raised his hand and grabbed it. He sent Zhang Jiancheng, who was struggling, to the front, cold and cold. "Xianyou Longqiu Zhang Jiancheng, the demon soldiers did not think to join forces with other dragons to fight against the enemy. Instead, I want to escape alone, and I’m hunting for the shackles to kill this cockroach, so that it’s effective! This war... I dare not listen to my military orders, I will kill it!”

Seeing that Zhang Jiancheng, who is almost invincible, mourned at the foot of Xiao Hua like a clown. Not only did the fairy body be broken, but even the fairy marks were born with green fire, and all the soldiers were born with fear!

Looking at the fairy marks, it will be annihilated, and Xiao Hua’s heart will be smashed, urging the Nether Force to build Zhang’s remnant soul into the negative space of the space, and then whispering a sigh of “all the tigers, the dragons, and the soldiers immediately, I want to After the musk, I saw the good enemy corps!"

"Yes!" Where is Qin Xin and so on? Qi Qi should have a voice, each with a tiger cub will fly down!

Jiang Meihua picked up his eyes and looked at Xiao Hua. He said that he was afraid to give birth. He did not dare to fly. He just wanted to fly away. Xiao Hua said, "I will give you a tiger cub and lead you to two hundred. Forty teams! Jiang I am making you a deputy tiger, helping to clear the situation, you wait... take the team to stay around Xiaomou!"

"Yes, adults!"

Xiangqing and Jiang Meihua are overjoyed. It’s true that they rely on big trees to enjoy the coolness. It’s just a word, both of them have risen to the military.

Immediately, Xiao Hua looked down at the light curtain, and grabbed the room with the big hand and shattered the light curtain!

Xiao Hua’s means of killing chickens and monkeys is really good, but after half a column of incense, the team has assembled!

Looking at Qin Xin and other five dragons standing in front of themselves, Xiao Hua said faintly, "Is it a solution to the seal of the hunting ground?"

I did not dare to neglect and rushed to Xiaohua.

Qin Xin knows that Xiao Hua is fine, and hurriedly whispered that "the adults themselves are also hunting grounds, can not stimulate the hunting of the seals, and can not transfer the command of the base of hunting to their own hunting marks..."

"Nnd, there is this prohibition!" Xiao Hua could not help but whisper.

"Adults..." Although I don’t know Qin Xin’s voice, I’m also hurried to say, “I’m willing to listen to the adults, and the adults will only give orders to us!”

It’s not a false statement, but this is just a matter of expediency. It’s not good for Xiaohua’s dispatching troops!

"Yeah!" Xiao Hua thought for a moment, the left hand took a shot of the beast, and took out his stipulations. Of course, under the heart of Xiao Hua, no one had seen what Xiaohua was in his hands!

The imprisonment order falls on the unrecognized hunting grounds, and the red light flashes, and the face of the youthfulness changes slightly, because their dragons and singers also produce red color, and the connection with the smashing hunters is eliminated!

"He... what is he in his hand?" The leisurely dragon and other dragons were once again in amazement, and secretly said, "Is it true that the military position of Xiaozhen is higher than that of hunting?"

Hunting base Xiao Hua wants to be famous for the first exhibition...

梼杌táou, alias proud, one of the four sins of ancient Chinese in ancient mythology!

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