Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1212: Victim

"Ah? Dragon... Dragon ride??" Xiangqing suddenly stupid, shouted, "A big battle is a dragon ride! This... this is too incredible?"

"No way..." Han Yu smiled bitterly. "This is the chance! In that case, change to Han, as long as you don't die, it will be a dragon ride!"

Clearly understand, it is no wonder that Han Yu will be silent, because she knows that Xiao Hua may be a dragon rider. Moreover, her team has been saved by Xiao Hua. If there is no accident after the war, she will be assigned to Xiao Hua, she will not easily offend her boss!

At the same time, the feeling of clearness is incredible. At the same time, there is a feeling of exuberance. The little fairy baby that I met in the past has become a dragon rider!

Xiao Hua became a dragon ride, what about himself?

"Oh..." said a clear roar, shouting, "Zhu Lang, with the old man killing the enemy..."

Looking at Xiangqing suddenly a fierce flight, but it scared Xiaohua a jump, do not know how to clear the wind, Han Yu mouth bitter, she clearly clear the mind, with Xiao Hua, Mo said that tigers, even It is a deputy dragon ride, and it is also a good time to get acquainted!

The civil war will soon be clear and informed, knowing that Xiao Hua has risen high, all are morale earthquakes, the entire army is invisibly high 30%. As for the other celestial soldiers, they also understand the interests and know that they should be the veterans of the Xiaohua Longqi Racing Team, so they all deliberately performed.

As a result, the tens of thousands of celestial soldiers are as powerful as the rainbow, and they are invincible. It is not enough for the two yuan and the right side of the 50,000 cents, to reach 300,000.

In front of the head, a ring like a giant day hangs, the mountains surrounded by debris piled up, and there are probes of the celestial soldiers to report, about 100,000 miles away there are large groups of celestial soldiers gathered, if there is no accident, it is Qin Xin Qin Long riding in advance The specified location.

Xiangqing and Han Yu listened to great joy and hurriedly wanted to urge the body to go. I know Xiaohua smiled and said: "Since I have a squadron in front of me, I don’t think it’s dangerous, but I just reported it to Xianying. All the way to explore the past, I did not see other squadrons patrol, if I went, and then there is a demon squad ambush, do not mourn? The generals, and divided out 30% of the forces, to explore around!"

Han Yuyi listened, and the eyes were even more splendid, and this is not a arrogance, it is really famous!

Xiao Hua once again issued orders, and some of them will explore, and they will fly to the front with Xiangqing, Han Yu, Jiang Meihua and so on.

Flying close, and gradually there are celestial soldiers, but sitting in the mountains and knees, or taking the elixir, or adjusting the retreat, most of them have injuries.

There are also many squadrons who are not inspecting and protecting around. Seeing that they are Terran warriors, it seems that they are blind to innocence, and they continue to inspect after a long time.

Although there was no buzz, but the sorrows and sorrows everywhere, the morale of the team was extremely low.

Xiao Hua led the team to fly, and did not cause too much attention to these injured Xianbing, and even some of the soldiers in the eyes of the soldiers.

There are chaotic bans in the broken mountains. The squad of the squadron flies over and produces distortions. It does not seem crowded. Xiaohua first swept the mountains and faced a huge basin.

At this time, the basin is surrounded by Xianbingxian, although it is messy, but it can form a formation.

As for the Scorpio, there is a huge light curtain with several dragon riding flags.

There is no previous power in the flag flying, but the wind and the clouds are still able to see the writings of the military flag: "Qin", "Li", "leisure", "Luo", "Chuan" and "Zhang" .

Xiao Hua looked at the messy army, frowned, and said to himself: "So slack, if there is a demon attack, is it not the whole army?"

It is said that there is a loud noise in the distance, it seems that some of the fairy will have friction.

"Han Hu敎..." Xiao Hua was frowning and said, "You will take a look around, there is no place to rest, if not, I will leave here!"

"Adults..." Han Yu was a little embarrassed, pointing to the dragon's flag on the Qinxin heart, whispering, "The end will now belong to the Qinlong ride..."

"Well..." Xiao Hua said, and said to Xiang Qing, "Let's ask, they are doing it."

After Han Yu found the place where Hume was located, Xiang Qing also flew back and sue: "Adult, here gathered Qin Qin Qin Longqi, Li Boyi Li Longqi, leisure Qinglong ride, Luo Yi Meng Luolong ride, Chuan Bochuan Longqi and Zhang Jiancheng’s majesty of Zhang Longqi, six dragon riders with their respective tigers are negotiating who will command...”

"Go..." Xiao Hua heard, and his mouth sneered, waving to Han Yu and others, "I will wait and see!"

Xiao Hua and others flew to the sky, but there is a fairy to guard, but Xian will see Xiao Hua, but also a surprise: "Xiao Hu, you old wounded back to the team?"

"Oh, yeah, Xiaomou just returned to the team, he encountered a space storm, the road is really bad!" Xiao Hua replied, "I don't know how Qin Long rides their deliberations?"

"Oh..." Xian will look back and whisper. "There will be no situation at the end, but there are already a few days, and no one can convince anyone. I am afraid that it is a little trouble!"

After that, Xian will speak loudly: "Adults please..."

Xiao Hua nodded and flew into the light curtain.

Within the light curtain, there were hundreds of battles under the six flag flags. Most of these wars were with Han Yu, each with injuries, retreats, or whispers.

As for the central government, there are six huge military cases. The six dragon riders are sitting behind a military case and talking about what they are red.

"The idle dragon rides this difference, and now Lee has four million soldiers, and Qin Long rides the same four million squadrons. It is no less than the four adults." Why do you have to listen to the dragon rides, etc. The deployment of Qin Long and the tactics of Qin Long riding, as early as the interface storm, the message was sent, I can wait here to gather, to say that the centralized deployment, Li is still willing to listen to Qin Long riding..."

"Li Long rides, this matter is not about the strength of the troops. The boundary between the 1970 and the other is the defense of mys and other places. All the soldiers here are dispatched, naturally I will preside over them..."

"But it's gone, it's been discussed for so long, there is no final conclusion, not as good as each other!"

"No, no, I have been devastated by the team. It is easier for them to be killed by the Demon League. It is only possible to cooperate in one place, and it is possible to win!"

"Winning? Luolong rides more thoughts? Can live to escape the space storm... It is fortunate to pay the sky!"


Xiao Hua flew in, naturally causing the attention of the dragons to ride, but the tigers that flew into this few days went more, and several dragons took a glance and didn't care.

It was Qin Xin, and the "call" stood up from the military case and was pleasantly surprised: "Xiao... Xiaozhen, how come you?"

"Xiao Zhenren?" Li Boyi stunned and hurriedly got up. Although they didn't know Xiaohua's current military position and strength, they couldn't sit there with the name "Xiao Zhenren"!

Some people, at the moment of life and death, still have to care about something outside the body!

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