Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1205: The breeze’s calculations set foot on Tianzun’s chance

Then Xiao Hua’s mind fell into space and turned into Yu Xiao, and he could not perceive the body sitting outside the space channel!

"I don't know each other, I don't know, it's like this!"

Yuhua Xiaohua smiled and took the bronze petals out for a closer look. After a while, he took out the insights and found the space in the ink fairy.

Returning to Mei Mei, Xiao Hua released Mei Yun and handed him to him: "The old man has found your Mei family's exercises, but the immortal man of the practice can't practice, so the old man re-edited. You look at it..."

Mei Yun’s thoughts were swept away, and his face was ecstatic. He said, “That is... this is the place! There are a few places in the middle of the doubts, the seniors have explained...”

Then, Mei Yun is more courageous and said: "If it is possible, the predecessors ... can you stay a few more days, will ... this practice and the younger generation elaborate?"

Xiao Hua frowned slightly, but still nodded: "It's worth it!"

Xiao Hua did not expect that he left the 筱梅柊 again after two years.

"Oh my God!" Jiang Meihua mobilized Xianzhou, took Xiaohua to fly away, and looked at the Meiyun behind him. Some exaggerated words, "Big brothers have become the elders of Meijia, a practice. Two more Yan Yue, if not the younger brother urged, Mei Yun will not enlarge the brother to leave! Even if Mei Yun promised to put the big brother's sculpture with his Mei family's ancestors and put it together, isn't it?"

"No way!" Xiao Hua shrugged and smiled bitterly. "Take a short hand and eat a soft mouth!"

"How much do you get from people? Just do it!" Jiang Meihua is puzzled.

"Don't say anything else!" Xiao Hua smiled. "Say, he said that his Mei family's practice, Mei Yun did not let the old man make a promise, the old man can teach his disciples?"

"It's also!" Jiang Meihua said with deep feelings, "The younger brother occasionally heard a few words next to him. This Meijia practice is really good!"

"Moreover, the Taikoo immortals are declining one by one, and one can stay one!" Xiao Hua said, look around and say, "Okay, right here!"

“Here?” Jiang Meihua stopped the fairy boat, and said, “Is there a channel for sending fairy and interface?”

"Yes..." Xiao Hua pointed to the top of his head and said, "I just came down from there. It just happened to be a fool of Meiyun, so that you can drive the fairy boat!"

"You have to enter your space fairy!" Jiang Meihua said with a bitter face, "Can we go normally?"

"Normally, I have to go through several years..."

"Big brother, I didn't say anything. Since the big brother is willing to let the younger brother be lazy, why is the younger brother not happy?"

"Get it cheap and sell it!" Xiao Hua smiled and said that Jiang Meihua was sent to Kunlun mirror, and his body shape directly rushed to Tianzhu.

Xiao Huafei prepared to return to the boundary of Tianzhu, and in a certain place, a small boat carrying the breeze and Tu Shanxiu leisurely broke through the darkness!

"The son..." Seeing the boat's blue light breaking through the interface fluctuations, the undulating fluctuations are just like the water splashing, and Tu Shanxiu can't help but praise. "Your method is more sophisticated, and you are really admired!"

The breeze smiled and said: "I can be so refined, and you have a lot of credit."

Tu Shanxiu's eyebrows gave birth to a faint whisper: "It's a son!"

A "severe", listening to the breeze is also a hot ear, he looked at the near, just want to stimulate the boat to ban, Tu Shanxiu whispered: "This is the land of the boundary, it is said that there are many mysterious will to explore, The son of the son wants Meng Lang..."

The breeze slammed and retracted the arm, and smiled bitterly: "You are right, I am simply using the cause and effect divination, which leads to inexplicable awareness, and they may still follow me!"

"Right, son..." Tu Shanxiu still said, "The results of your investigation seem to be different from what your family said. If you can, can you rely on their strength?"

Speaking of this, Tu Shanxiu realized what he was, and hurriedly shut up and slammed his mouth. He said, "Sinner knows sin, slaves don't say more about this matter!"

"Well!" The breeze looks as usual. He looks at Tushan Xiuman's apap curve. He said faintly, "You know it! I have decided to leave the boundary. I don't have to mention this!"

At this time, "Hey..." In the distance, the darkness of the electric light flashed, and the instant illuminates the boundary and falls to the front of the boat!

Within the electric light, a humanoid shape sounds like a "Zi La La" sound!

This seems to be the sky, the lightning flashes, the darkness is annihilated, and the light is nirvana!

"Who are you waiting for?"

There is no sound, but the breeze and Tu Shanxiu’s mind are both thundering!

Tu Shanxiu was shocked. She fell on the boat and did not dare to move. One was that Lei Guang had an unspeakable power, such as the mountain pressure, which made her suffocate, and the second was her means of shocking the breeze.

Tu Shanxiu thought that the breeze did not bother to rush to the ground, and did not want to have a relationship with the team, but the people did not know the ghosts and led the team's top!

If you want to squat, you have to wait for the rabbit!

Really smart.

If you think about it again or breeze, there are many other parties with the help of other forces, and the main thread in it is not the meaning of the breeze?

Thinking deeper, Tu Shanxiu has not dared, it is not something she can consider!

As a chess piece, as a vassal, as a booster, there are too many ideas of your own that are not good!

There are countless eight light and shadows in the breeze, although the light and shadow are different in size, but the center is full of blue light, the blur inside the blue light can not see the clue, and the breeze is a little difficult to stand up, a blue light breaks between the mouth Empty out, isn't that bluestone?

The bluestone falls, and the surrounding rules are drastically changed. As soon as the blue light emerges, it will turn into a shadow of the mountain peaks.

"Ah?" Thunder's human figure was amazed, not waiting for the sound to land, the breeze raised his right hand, the **** and the index finger together, "brush..." Bluestone crossed the darkness, and the "啪" sound hit the human figure!

"Oh..." is just a soft bang, the Thunder figure is easily penetrated, and a mountain shape appears!

Then, in the roar of "Booming and Booming...", the outline of the whole human figure made a huge roar, annihilating this small mountain-shaped hole!

"Damn..." In the annihilation of the blue light, a low-pitched sound, surrounded by darkness and thousands of thunder flowers, thunder flowers like snow Qiong fell to cover the boat nearly ten thousand miles away!

Tu Shanxiu's body trembled, and the fear of death hit her heart. She had no doubt that any Leihua could kill her.

However, the breeze did not mess, he smiled and watched the electric light roaring, saying: "Dao friends, the opportunity to step into the sky is in front of you, do you want to give up?"


A cold resurgence, whether it is the thunder of destroying the earth, or the thunder that gradually annihilated in the black hole, disappeared in an instant.

Is the breeze so powerful? Who is the helper he found...

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