Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1203: Archaic fairy shard

Meiyun then waved Tianmeiling again. This time it is still seventy-seventy-nine plum blossoms, but this plum blossom is white, just like the mourning of the children and grandchildren!

After the plum blossoms fell on the bronze monument, the bronze monument began to rise, and then the whole plum was shaking, and a mournful, chilling, and even dead air began to gather toward the copper monument, and the bronze monument was extremely brilliant. Tian Mei Ling forced himself out of Mei Yun’s hands and landed on the bronze monument. A will of Xiaohua’s almost unimaginable will roll up Tianmei’s sky!


The sky is broken, and a starry sky is revealed, the stars are skyrocketing, and countless stars are flashing!

There is no need for Xiao Hua and others to push the figure, "Hey..." A suction came out of nowhere, like a big hand smashing three people into the starry sky!

However, just after flying over the plum, Xiao Hua suddenly saw that there were thousands of twisted filaments appearing in his own left, and each filament had a twisted light and shadow!

"This... what is this?"

Even if it is already a true fairy, Xiao Hua does not know what it is, or what is it!

However, when the light and shadow became more and more different, suddenly a slight weight was born, which seemed to be transmitted, and it seemed to be imprisoned. Then Xiao Hua’s light and shadows began to decrease, and the surrounding stars gave birth to a starry glow. Jiang Meihua and Mei Yun also Appear next to you!

"Boom..." The sky above is like Lei Zhen. A piece of cymbal appears on the top of the three people. It seems to emerge from the water. Xiao Hua and others fall into a starry sky!

And then, I did not wait for Xiao Hua and others to see the situation around. m. "Hey..."


There are countless screams of screams, and murderous words that are hard to describe, like a tsunami.

“Booming and banging...” Xiao Hua, Jiang Meihua and Mei Yun’s body, or light gold luster, or silver-white luster immediately came out!

"Help!" Mei Yun was first exclaimed, and his fairy body gave birth to a patch of marks, as if it had been cut by a sharp sword!

Xiao Hua did not dare to neglect, hurriedly sacrificed Kunlun mirror, but fortunately, after the Kunlun mirror was motivated, Guangzhu would take Meiyun into it.

"This..." Xiao Hua's side, Jiang Meihua's silvery flames, burning, he looked incredulously in front of his head, exclaimed, "Is it really a piece of Taikoo fairyland??"

Xiao Hua did not dare to accept the Kunlun mirror, but raised his hand, Kunlun mirror blue light sprinkled, the two men will be protected, the blue light is cool, blocking the fierce and murderous!

Xiao Hua sees it again at this time. Sure enough, there are countless lights and shadows in front of the head. There are countless pieces, fragments of broken stars, light and shadow, and countless huge fairy wrecks.

That murderous, that screaming, is born from these fragments, madly flocking to the stars!

"Great handwriting!"

"A good place to experience!!"

Xiao Huayan has been able to motivate, and it has been understood that it is a real starry sky, and the fragments in the sky are also the real battlefield of Taikoo!

It must also be the Taiji immortal Mei family to gather the fragments of the Taiko battlefield here, and use the great supernatural power to keep the soul of the war dead in the debris, as the object of the Meijia disciples!

"Big Brother..." Xiao Hua just wants to see it again. Jiang Meihua’s tremble is like an excitement. He said, “You might as well look for a look?”

"Good!" Xiao Hua looked at her eyes and pointed at a piece of light and shadow. "How about that?"

"Go!" Jiang Meihua plucked a long gun and sighed with enthusiasm.

It seems that the light and shadow fragments are not big. When Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua flew in, they suddenly discovered that this turned out to be a huge world!

Moreover, they did not wait for them to stand firm, and they heard someone roaring: "Meishan seven strange Yang Xian is here, who dares to fight!"

Xiao Hua hurriedly looked at it, but saw a sheep demon with a height of several thousand feet holding a big knife and walking on the demon cloud to fly over!

A murderous murderer who feels trembled and feared himself will lock himself like a rope!

"Damn!" Xiao Hua whispered, just want to rush out of the wishful bar, next to Jiang Meihua hurriedly, "Big brother, the younger brother can not resist this war, this ... this monster is too powerful!"

Xiao Hua hurried a little Kunlun mirror, "brushing" Kunlun mirror to collect Jiang Meihua.

"Brush..." Jiang Meihua has just disappeared. As soon as the red knife knives have passed, Xiao Hua dares to scorn, and Ruyi is screaming!

"Boom!" The huge roar sounded, and Xiao Hua’s figure popped like a projectile. He was not the enemy of this sheep demon!

"Oh..." Xiao Hua's body shape is not equal, and there is almost a roar in the distance behind the fallen hills. "Yuan Hong is here, I am awesome!"

With the sound of roaring, the hills burst, and a monster of the same size of several thousand feet flew out. The demon monkey was armed with iron bars and took the atmosphere of destroying the earth to Xiaohua!

"Oh my God!" Xiao Hua has not seen such a strong bar, he whispered, his body slammed, and he did not dare to rush out, urging the light to escape.

Xiao Hua showed his physique and looked at the empty surroundings. He had a dark voice: "There is no such thing as a stupid person. The ancient fairyland is a fairyland that can be produced by people. This...the spirits that are detained here have the power of true fairy. What is their original strength?"

"Where is the thief coming, dare to peek at my military camp?"

A fairy in a bronze armor came from a distant mountain!

Seeing the Xianbing holding a long gun, the body is far less murderous than the previous two monsters, it seems to be the exploration of the Xianbing, Xiao Hua daring, and took the wishful stick with the fairy fighting!

Even if it is a fairy, Xiao Hua is enough to fight with dozens of rounds ~ ~ only show up and kill!

Of course, after the disappearance of the Xianbing, there is a completely identical sound in the mountains. "Where is the thief coming, will dare to peek at my military camp?"

The same fairy soldiers are separated again.

"It turns out!" Xiao Hua understands that the spirits here are inexhaustible, and there are also low-powered celestial soldiers!

Therefore, Xiao Hua urged his body shape to go away again.

"If it is possible for the disciples to practice, it would be great!" Xiao Hua was flying and thinking, waiting for a secluded place, Xiao Hua simply fell into the ground.

Under the cloth, there is a star array, and Xiao Hua sits on the knees, and the mind enters the space to become the shape of Yuhua Xiaohua!

Yuhua Xiaohua raised his hand and another Tianmei ordered in his hands!

It is a pity that Yuhua Xiaohua looked at her for a long time and did not see anything from Tianmeiling!

"Tianmei is just the introduction to open the ban, the key is the bronze monument..." Yuhua Xiaohua understands, "There must be a ban on the bronze monument, directly to the fragments of this ancient fairyland!"

Yuhua Xiaohua received Tianmei Ling to get out of the space. Suddenly he was a brow, his face showed a strange look, and his eyes looked at the space barrier!

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This is the real copy of the fairy world, the best choice for the upgrade!

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