Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1200: Taikoo Fairyland

Since Lianzhou Xiaoming has no special feelings, Xiao Hua knows that Xiangqing and others are only affected by the space storms of others. If there are two warlords, if there is no Meimei rhetoric, simply from the perspective of the team. Look, this is just an accident!

I am destined to get no news from the team here, so Xiao Hua will release the battle and will be released. Sure enough, seeing Xiao Hua is shocked and happy, and he is a gift.

Xiao Hua comforted a few words, explained the matter, did not mention the specific situation, only said that he entered the net dust sound annihilation space will rescue everyone, and immediately encouraged a few words will still be in the virtual ring.

Until the end, Xiao Hua will send Jiang Meihua from the Naxu ring!

"Hey..." Seeing Xiao Hua, Jiang Meihua smiled heartily and looked at Zuo Jin. "Is this the core of the space storm? I know that no one cares about our lives except you..."

"You are wrong!" Xiao Hua smiled. "This is not the core of space storm. The space storm is a conspiracy. Here is the Huangmei Palace of Taikoo Meizu Meijia..."

"Silk..." Jiang Meihua took a sip of cold air and exclaimed, "It is really Huangmei Palace, are you sure?"

"Accurately speaking, it is under the Huangmei Palace!" Xiao Hua pointed to the top of the head, "that is the real Huangmei Palace!"

"That..." Jiang Meihua had ecstasy on his face and stared at his body. "Is this below? Should it belong to the Taikoo fairy world of Meijia?"

Xiao Hua was forced, and Liu Yan was still talking about their ancient immortal world, and now there is a Taikoo fairy world!

And still belong to the Mei family!

What is the fairyland now? ?

Xiao Hua feels that it is a very correct decision to leave Jiang Meihua in the end!

He asked in reverse: "If our feet belong to the Taikoo fairy world of Meijia, then it belongs to the ancient fairyland of Jiang's family?"

"Nature is in Jiang's..." Jiang Meihua smiled slightly and only said a few words. After Xiaohua erected his ears, he turned his head and said, "You think I am a little fairy, I can know Jiang. Where is the Taikoo fairy world?"

“Is it true that every Taikoo fairy has its own Taikoo fairy world?”

Jiang Meihua shook his head and replied: "I really don't know this. I just heard some rumors, and Meimei's Huangmei Palace... In the rumor, it is the entrance to Meijia Taigu Xianjie! As for, who knows?"

"Do you think so?" Xiao Hua asked with interest.

"Hey..." Jiang Meihua looked at the bronzed masters and locks under his body and sighed. "The Taikoo fairyland is a fairyland with a brilliant workmanship and a generation of people. Every fairy can have incredible magical powers. I really can't think of it... How did the Taikoo fairy world disappear, and this is below... I think the biggest possibility is that the ancestors of the Mei family left the experience for the younger generation. It may be a piece of space. It is unlikely that the ancient fairyland is too big..."

"Will it be that the ancient celestial world was broken, and the ancestors of the Taikoo immortals used the great supernatural powers to hide the sacred shards in the present fairy space?"

"Don't forget..." Jiang Meihua shook his head. "There is an ancient fairy in the middle!"

"Well, just when I didn't say anything!" Speaking of the hidden secrets of the fairy world, Xiao Hua naturally did not know much about Jiang Meihua. He shrugged and replied.

“How?” Jiang Meihua looked at Xiao Hua’s stability as Taishan, and wondered, “How can it still not move? Mei’s family has been declining, whether it is the Taikoo fairy shards or the experience of Mei’s disciples, it’s not all here. Don't hurry to see?"

"I returned Tianmei to Mei Yun!"

"Oh my God!" Jiang Meihua was stupid. Looking at Xiao Hua again, it was incredible. "You found Tianmei Ling? Meimei’s Tianmei did not know when it was lost. You can find this... ... Isn't this the way to give you the foundation of the Mei family? How can you hand it over again?"

"Tianmei makes no blood of Meijia's children can't sacrifice!" Xiao Hua explained.

"Hey..." Jiang Meihua said coldly, "There is such a saying! However, you can rest assured that as long as my Jiang family gets Tianmeiling, we will have 10,000 ways to sacrifice..."

"That's your Jiang family!" Xiao Hua smiled, but he suddenly turned his eyes. "Are you already turning out the **** family?"

"Hey..." Jiang Meihua sighed and waved. "You don't have the practice of practicing the Taoist, so you don't know very well. The ancestors of the family banned the practice of meditation... It makes sense! A young man is very proud. I really took this step to know the pains of the family. If I don’t meet you, I am afraid that it will be gone soon..."

Speaking of this, Jiang Meihua looked around and said: "Can I go to Huangmei Palace to see?"

"Despite going!" Xiao Hua smiled. "There is no one else except Meiyun. If you can find anything, it will be yours!"

"Take it down!" Jiang Meihua spurred his body shape and rushed to the sky. He smiled. "If it is your Huangmei Palace, I will take it when I take it. At this time, you will return it to Meijia. I don't have to search for anything." I just want to see what Huangmei Palace looks This is the foundation of the Taikoo Meizu Meijia, similar to the Fei Xiong Temple of my Jiang family!"

When I heard Jiang Meihua spit, Xiao Hua smiled and said, "I didn't intend to rob you of the **** family's Fei Xiong Dian, don't be afraid!"

"Hey, do you dare to go?" Jiang Meihua's figure gradually disappeared, and the voice echoed in the space. "You are going, I am behind you. The Flying Bear Temple is the holy place in the hearts of each of our Jiang disciples!"

"Huangmei Palace, Fei Xiongdian..." Xiao Hua smiled, the foundation of the Taikoo immortals gradually unveiled, and the Taikoo fairy world... also seems to be revealed in front of him, the fairy world, how many secrets are annihilated by time?

Xiao Hua took a look at the distant ban, Mei Yun is still cultivating Tian Mei Ling, and has reached the key, Xiao Hua pays attention to a moment, seeing is no different, it is relieved.

After thinking about it, Xiao Hua took out the two bronze **** that Mei Mei sent.

"This is a very early thing!"

Xiao Hua has measured a few times, and the size of the bronze ball is the same. No matter whether it is a sacred and a soul, it cannot be penetrated. The end is mysterious.

"Swireless bronze petals?" Xiao Huagang had to enter the space with a bronze ball. He suddenly thought of something and sighed. "Xiao Mou forgets the petal that represents Mei Mei’s feelings. It’s hard to make Mei Mei really kill him because of a guess. Something? Maybe she is in the ruins..."

Immediately, Xiao Hua shook his head and shouted. "No, no, not necessarily, there is such a possibility!"

"Xiao's appearance is Juyuan, and it is repaired as Meimei, who is far more than the second qixian. She dares to invite Xiaomou to come. Although Xiaomou saved Meiyun, she is assured of Xiaomou's character. Maybe, she doesn't have any harm at all!"

"So outside the plum, Huangmei Palace, there is no concealment to Xiao Ming, the story of 1510, also sent Xiao two these bronze balls..." What is the use of these two bronze balls?

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