Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1193: Faithful power to devour and fuse

Then Xiaohua’s crystal-shaped godhead slowly flew out, and Jinguang will illuminate all around!

Jinguang passed, not to say that the golden luster is as regressed as the tide, that is, the pale space has vitality! Not to mention that the cause of the cause of the collapse is rapidly condensing, and the river of cause and effect of annihilation continues again, flowing deep into the pale white space!

"Hey..." The pale golden crystals seem to be unwilling, and there is a heavy lance in the tremor that flutters toward the crystal godhead, but after the light and shadow, the golden light of the pale gold crystal is getting more and more bleak!

Look at the crystal godhead, the same roar, a golden light not only rushed out like a thunder, greet the pale gold spear, although the Thunder is obviously less powerful than the spear, but in the cause of the hand, countless golden light rushed into the crystal Godhead, the crystal-shaped godhead is shining, and it is getting more and more!

"Hehe..." On the bones of the bones, the thirteen gods of the dragon's first body squeaked in the mouth, and one of the green mountains of the shadows was born, and the golden crystals were smashed!

The pale gold crystal is also arrogant, in the face of this attack, it has regenerated the spear light and counterattack!

But everything in the eyes of Xiao Hua, he knows in his heart, whether it is the blood Guanyin, or the white bones, fear that it is all the way to the end of the oil, they may not be able to contain this pale gold crystal for how long!

How to do?

Xiao Hua was in a hurry, and his eyes were full of sorrow at the moment when he defeated the Buddha. The sacrifice was not terrible. There was nothing shameful about failure. Even if he was forgotten, there is no regret. As long as he did it, for the whole world, a little wronged, a little bit Hey, who cares?


kill! !

kill! ! !

Xiao Hua is full of daring spirits, and the power of countless beliefs emerges from the inexplicable space. The crystal-shaped godhead emits a splendid flame, and the light flames can not be blocked by the pale white space, and gradually burn!

The infinite warfare rushes out with the flames, turning into a pale gold crystal!

"There is no big compassion and pessimism in the south..."

In the pale space, a buddha sounds, and all the blood is gone, the goddess statue of the **** Guanyin and the lotus stand are annihilated, falling into the **** relic!

The blood-colored relics swayed through the pale space, with the cause and effect of the light falling into Xiao Hua's causal hands, "Boom...", the relics were broken, and turned into a thousand crystals into Xiaohua's crystal godhead!

"Oh..." Xiao Hua’s crystal-like screams suddenly rose, but in a moment it was shaped like a fist by a nail. The madness is filled with blood in the flames, and another method of Guanyin Bodhisattva is born!

Only this Guanyin is not a sage, but a world!

There are both compassion and sorrow in the eyes!

"There is no big compassion and pessimism in the south."

The world-famous law of the world is reflected, and the golden light and blood color sweep the entire pale space!

That is the causal water filament that is connected to the outline of the hollow and the battle to defeat the Buddha stone monkey. The water filament suddenly shrinks and disappears, and the two contours are also combined into one!

However, because the outline of the battle against the Buddha stone monkey is much larger than the hollow, although the two contours are exactly the same, Xiao Hua seems to... his own disciple... is born again!

Yuan Tongtian!

Fight against Buddha stone monkeys! !

"Brush..." Guanyin world respects the hand, the other side is broken, even the so-called Bai Xuan Xuanzhen can not resist the power of reincarnation, a ten-color iridescent sweep out all the light golden sword shadow, hit on the pale gold crystal!

"Booming..." The light golden crystals vibrate, and the weird water lines are born, and the life will block the other side!

"Holly..." Seeing the other side without fruit, the white bones sighed and sighed, and the stream of light disappeared into the crystal-shaped **** of Xiaohua's blood and flames!


The crystal godhead rose again, and there were almost as fine as the cracks of the spider silk. In the golden light, the crystal godhead rose to the size of watermelon!


Another tremor was heard, and the green light column broke out. The other body of the dragon's body rushed out around the world of Guanyin Bodhisattva. "Hey..." The dragon's first person raised his hand and the Pangu axe appeared in his hands!


I don't know if the voice of the heavenly or the sorcerer shouted from the body of the dragon, and the Pangu axe broke down!

The pale gold crystals finally trembled, and a heavy golden light came out to produce them. One thousand worlds full of causal waters turned out to be illusory, and they wanted to resist the ancient axe!


The deafening sound sounded, and the axe shadow cut off all the little worlds, and even the pale gold crystals were broken into pieces!


I don’t have to worry about Xiaohua at all. A faint golden water will puncture the white, falling into the fine pieces of pale gold, and countless pieces are not left behind. The cause and effect of Xiaohua’s pale gold crystals... It is doomed!


The pale golden water light will be used to collect Xiaohua’s crystal-shaped gods, and the crystal-shaped godhead will rise again. When it is up to the size of the scale, “啪...”, the crack finally came out...

The crystal-shaped godhead has just broken, "brushing..." The white space, the power of countless beliefs flooded like water, and the law of the world without the great compassion and pessimism of the world is slowly disappearing into the crystal godhead, at the same time, a large The water is broken and falls to the hollow outline!

"Hehe..." The dragon's body's law sounded awkward, gradually broken, and turned into a thousand green literary texts that did not enter Xiaohua's crystal-shaped godhead, and the green light and shadows were like silk repairing the inner crack!

Xiao Hua’s crystal-shaped godhead slowly rotates and looks like a star.

Within the crystal-shaped godhead, the light golden light is like electricity, the green light is like The blood is shining like smoke, the crystal-shaped godhead, and the power of countless beliefs is surging, turning into gold wire to fill the crack.

Xiao Hua’s causal hand condensed again, and the river of cause and effect runs through the pale white gradually.

Xiao Hua’s consciousness is like sleeping. The past world Guanyin, the thirteen gods and the nameless pseudo-god have already reached the point of annihilation, but their legacy is still not easy to be swallowed by Xiao Hua, especially how can the anonymous gods succumb? However, under the joint efforts of the previous Guanyin, the thirteen gods and Xiao Hua, this legacy was gradually absorbed by Xiao Hua.

As for the relics of the predecessors of Guanyin, as soon as the crystal fragments of the anonymous gods disappeared, they merged with Xiaohua’s crystal gods, and there was no difference.

If the relic of Guanyin is blood, the crystal fragments of the anonymous **** are the flesh, and the melting thirteen bones are the bones of the crystal godhead!

Patching the crystal godhead does not know how long it takes, or a generation, or a universe, or a robbery, or a moment, the left and right time does not make any sense in this pale space!

The crystal-like gods repaired the perfect moment, the atmosphere of the past world Guanyin, the thirteen gods and the nameless pseudo-god completely disappeared. Three even Xiao Hua did not know that the existence of strength combined to create the pale space began to collapse, everything in the space turned into powder!

However, everyone on the cause and effect of Xiaohua’s causal river is protected by causal water!

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This story has finally been written, it is very brainy!

The new book "The Six-Year Compulsory Education", the protagonist is Xiao Ming's son Xiao Ming, starting at the starting point: https://. Everyone can take a look, help me with an opinion, recommend tickets to the new book! The new book is easy to style...

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