Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1178: Huangmei Palace

"Predecessors please..." Meimei still smiled and raised her hand. "The younger generation has prepared a thin wine and hopes that the two predecessors will appreciate their faces!"

"Little friends are polite!" Liu Yan did not deny, smiled and walked to the first plum.

Out of Xiaohua’s surprise, after flying into the 筱梅柊, the face is a temple built by bronze, but the temple is more damaged, it is difficult to cover up the ruin!

"Two adults..." Mei Mei looked at Liu Wei and Xiao Hua on the side of the main hall, accompanied by a smile. "This is the Huangmei Palace left by my ancestors of the Mei family. It has been hidden under the plum blossoms. The chances of the younger generation coincidentally, Huangmei Palace is still impossible to come out. The two adults are the VIPs who have been greeted for the first time since Huangmei Palace did not know how many times..."

Xiao Hua looked at Liu Wei, Liu Wei nodded slightly, and she gave up her thoughts. Although there were many bans in the Huangmei Palace, the ban was basically broken and could not pose any threat to her.

"Well, um..." Liu Yan nodded and smiled and flew into the road. "I am so honored!"

Looking at Liu Wei and Xiao Hua flying in, Mei Mei was even more delighted. After flying in, the plum blossoms made a look, and then dried up like a branch of a big hand, "Booming..." The bronze light around the temple From the beginning, a layer of light will cover the hall.

In the light, three bronze cases are revealed, showing some fairy fruit and a wine tripod!

"Two adults please..." Mei Mei sat in the first place, one fingered the wine tripod, and there was a clear wine in the wine cellar, and Meimei held up the wine cellar with both hands.

Liu Yan’s finger was hooked, and a small column of liquor fell into the wine cellar. Then he lifted it and said: “Little friend please...”

Xiao Hua smiled and picked up a fairy fruit and said, "I don't drink alcohol well, or taste the fruit of the plum blossoms!"

"Predecessors are free!" Meimei did not dare to say anything, rushing Liu Yan to indicate, "the younger generation is the first to be respected!"

Liu Yan took a sip of wine and praised it: "It's good! It really is the wine of the Taikoo Fairy, far from the world's wines!"

"If the seniors like it, they can drink a few more cups..." Mei Mei was overjoyed and smiled.

Liu Yan is also welcome, and Mume frequently toast.

After about half a column of incense, Mei Yun turned out from behind a copper pillar and stood behind Mei Mei.

Mei Mei looked at Xiao Hua and said: "Before the adults saved Mei Yun in Yu Endian, the younger generation knows the eyes of adults. The general thank you may not be able to see the eyes. The younger generations have just the things from the early relics. Xie Yi sent the adults to play..."

Said Mei Yunfei will come over, raise a tray with both hands, but see a large one and a small two bronze **** dripping.

"This... is it too precious?" Xiaohua’s eyes lit up, quite a bit of a surprise, but he was a little embarrassed to say.

"Adults..." Mei Yun smiled. "This thing is rare again, and it can't be compared with the life of the younger generation! The adults took the sneak attack on the immortal. It is really grateful to the younger generation. My parents also really want to thank the adults. Please accept it!"

"Okay... okay!" Xiao Hua "can't wait" to reach out and take the small bronze ball.

Mei Yun took the plate and flew to the front of Liu Yan, respectfully placing the big bronze ball.

"Mei Xianyou..." Xiao Hua Capricorn has a few bronze balls, some do not understand, "This... What is the use of this original thing? How do I..."

"Adults..." Meimei smiled. "The method of rituals in the early days has long been lost. The younger generations don't know what the beauty of this thing is, so they said that adults should be played!"

"Ah?" Liu Yan listened. He looked down at the bronze ball in his hand and said, "It turned out to be playing! Forget it, I don't want it, I will give it to you!"

Said, Liu Yan Yang hand throw the bronze ball to Xiao Hua.

"Adults..." Mei Mei said in a hurry. "The adults don't have to be so anxious. The younger generation invited the two adults to come over. There is a chance to talk to the two adults. If it is possible, the adults can follow the younger generation into the relics of the early days, maybe. Can you find the method of rituals from this beginning?"

“Oh?” Liu Yan’s brows rose, and the road said, “Is there really a relic in the fairyland?”

“Nature is...” Meimei replied, “Where are the two first-time objects from the younger generation coming from?”

“Is the ruins of the early dynasty in the 筱梅柊?” Xiao Hua’s eyes lit up and asked again “I can’t wait”.

"Yes, it's just under the plum!"

Liu Yan asked: "Since it is under Mei Mei, why only Mei Xiaoyou knows, other Mei family... Oh, or other elders of Mei family?"

"Adults..." Meimei thought for a moment and said, "This is a long story. Come, the younger brothers will dare to respect the adults and then take a closer look..."

"Good!" Liu Yan raised his glass, "I am listening!"

After drinking a glass of wine, Mei Mei put down the wine cellar, and a faint smudge appeared on her face. She looked at Mei Yun and said: "The younger generation did not succeed in the early years, and they felt the secrets of the family. After that, I left from Biqiongyuan and went to Huang Zengtian to find out everywhere... I lost my lost house..."

“Responsible?” Liu Yan interrupted Mei Mei’s words and asked, “Can a small friend make it clear what is this token? What is the role?”

"This..." Meimei hesitated a moment and shook her head. "I also ask the adults to understand. This is the secret of my Mei family. The younger generation is not good at saying that the left and right are a token. You can enter the token of the plum blossom!"

"Tianmei Ling!" Xiao Hua was amazed, but in a moment he shook his head again, Tian Meiling lost in the world, Meimei could not be found, and Tianmei was in Xiaohua space.

"Oh..." Liu Yan was also amazed, look at the near left, smiled. "It seems that Mei Xiaoyou is getting what he wants, otherwise I can't sit here now?"

"Adults only guess half!" Maye still shook her head.

"Half?" Liu Yan was trying to find out about Liu Wei, so at this time it was quite careful wanted to find clues from Mei Mei's words, she decisively interrupted Mei Mei and asked, "also That is to say... Did you find the token? Or did you find the defective token??"

"The adults are really wise!" Mei Mei's little flattering shot, "The younger generation has not found the token message for a long time, but in the search, the younger generation met a fairy, this immortal communication is extensive, means Mystery. First, the younger generation does not trust, and the exchanges are much more, actually... there is a feeling of heart and soul..."

Very surprised. When I heard this, Xiao Hua and Liu Yan turned their heads at the same time and glanced at each other. First, both of them nodded slightly, thinking that they all heard the meaning of Mei Mei’s words, but suddenly, one A small wave is born from the soul of two people: "Peace and heart?!!!!"

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