Revival of the Gods

Chapter 118: Situ Jingxin and the world

Situ Jingxin is a sweet female fairy. When she saw Xiaohua in the late autumn, she didn't even see Xiao Hua's eyes. She pulled the hand of the late autumn and smiled: "At the end of autumn, you are a good luck. Where are you so handsome? Fairy friends? He is much better than Wang Yuhua and Yu Ping!"

At the end of autumn, the face was born with a blush, and he argued: "Calm, you have to ridicule, Xiao Xianyou meets me..."

"Shu Shui meets?" Situ Jingxin smiled and said, "At the end of autumn, you have to know that I didn't give it to me when I was asked by the original Zihongzi. I am a fairy friend who meets with each other. I will not cut love. !"

"You..." At the end of the autumn, Situ sighed with a hand, and groaned, "You are so embarrassed, I will not say good things in front of Yue Xingzhan!"

"Hey..." Situ Jingxin squinted at the end of the autumn with a slap in the face, slightly exaggerated. "I actually know that I am going to threaten me with Yue Xingzhan. It seems that the weight of this Xiaoxianyou in your heart is no worse than that of Yue Xingzhan in my heart." Poor weight!"

In the end of autumn, the blush was like a drop of blood. I didn't say a word. Xiao Hua was listening to the side. He touched his nose with his hand. He knew clearly that his most sensible approach at this time was to say nothing.

Sure enough, seeing the end of the autumn, Situ quietly pouted, took out a crystal clear silver-white material from the bag, and handed it to the end of autumn: "Okay, well, afraid of you, give you the opportunity to know, Even the sedge has been elope with the vine, you can't even say a word?"

"Hey..." At the end of the autumn, I smiled and took the ice heart silver first, and then said, "Sister, do you want to change the ice heart silver?"

"What do I want to change?" Situ Jingxin looked at the ice heart silver that had been taken by the end of autumn, and snorted. "Why don't you ask me early? I now say that I want to change the top of the pickpocket. Do you have it?"

"Yes, there..." Hearing at the end of the autumn, he did not hesitate to agree. The detective took the ribbon that was sacred and handed it to Situ Jing. "Can you see this?"

"Ah? It's really top grade!" Situ Jingxin swept away and was a little surprised. "Where did you get it?"

"Stuart Fairy!" Waiting for the end of the autumn, Xiao Hua hurriedly took the golden ring out and said, "That was just a good sacrifice at the end of autumn. How do you see this?"

"I still want it!" rushed to say at the end of the autumn, "I am the most suitable fairy tales like this!"

"Hey!" Situ Jingxin didn't know the two people's minds. She smiled slightly and took the golden ring from Xiao Hua's hand and said, "I like gold!"

At the end of autumn, she glanced at her and said, "That is to see the fairy eye open!"

Said, the end of the autumn handed the ice heart silver to Xiao Hua.

Xiao Hua took Bing Xin and smiled and said: "Situ fairy likes it, but this golden ring fairy must be changed when it is finished!"

"I don't like it, it doesn't matter!" Situ Jingjing said according to the gourd painting. "You should treat it in the end of autumn."

"Oh, yes..." Xiao Hua looked at the end of the autumn and asked in a hurry. "Just what the fairy said about the weeds and the vines, how is it?"

"No!" Situ Jingxin received the Golden Ring. Some exaggerated. "You want to run away now? Hey, if it doesn't happen, Yuanling Mountain is closed around. You can't run now!"

"Herbs and vines?" At the end of autumn, a singularity, "The sedge seems to be the grass spirit under the scorpion king, and the vine should be the wood spirit of the king of Yongteng. Their two kings are always awkward, two men. How do you run away together?"

"Yeah, it is because of this!" Situ Jingxin actually had some schadenfreudes. "The king of Yongteng and the king of Huanhua were thundering at this time. They sent spirits to look for sedge and vine, and the two spirits became powerful. It seems that killing is a hit!"

Xiao Hua hides in the side and listens to the swearing of the grass and the vine, and probably knows that the relationship between the king of Yong Teng and the king of the flower is not good, but he did not expect that the two spiritual kings actually made such a situation. Needless to say, the Tsing Yi Xianren must have provoked the contradiction between the two spiritual kings to kill the weeds and the vines. However, Xiao Hua hesitated, or tried to say: "Is there any other reason? For example, two Did the spirits have an accident?"

Situ Jingxin looked at Xiao Hua with great interest and smiled: "You don't know, King Wing and the King of the Flower are all good faces. The grass and the vine are also famous in both spirits. They are good with each other and let the two spiritual kings face their faces. It is good that they have an accident. If they are caught by the spiritual king, it is the end of the soul-breaking!"

Hearing here, softly said at the end of autumn: "And, this time, I went to Qiling Mountain, and the King of Yongteng and the King of the Flower have a chance. However, the King of Yong Teng put together the King of the Flower and let her lose the opportunity, and the King of Yong Teng In the Seven Lingshan, I got the benefit, and the shame of the two remaining spiritual kings was broken..."

"Oh..." Xiao Hua sighed slightly, knowing that the Qingyi immortal was extremely accurate, even if he now sent the living sedge to the front of the scorpion king, it is impossible to block the contradiction between the two spiritual kings, let alone Scribbled or coma! Of course, Xiao Hua can also know from the tone of Situ Jingxin's gloating, even if he wants to send the sedge back, this Situ Jing will not agree.

"Well, no matter what the spirits, they are going to die and live!" At the end of the autumn, it was quite exciting to swing the hand. "Sister, you go with me to find the world!"

"Crazy?" Situ quietly, amazed, "What are you looking for?"

"There is a great Nirvana gold in the hands of the mad world!" replied in the late autumn, "Xiaohua's ritual protection needle is still worse than Nirvana!"

"Xiao Xianyou..." Situ Jingxin looked at Xiao Hua and said, "You are an empty gloved white wolf!"

Xiao Hua listened aloud, just to explain, Situ Jingxin said to the end of autumn: "I will not go anywhere in the wild world, go on your own!"

At the end of autumn, I still have to beg, Situ Jingxin explained: "I have an elixir in the Dan furnace to be released, and I can’t distract..."

"That's okay!" At the end of the autumn, she was helpless. She thanked Situ Jingxin and told Xiao Hua to go out and fly directly to the entrance of Xianying Cave.

Xiao Hua Bennhan Stuart's meditation on the meditation, can be seen in the mad world of the cave, he immediately understood.

But see the mad world of Dongfu is different from the other Two lions and beasts stand on both sides, late autumn and Xiaohua fly in the cave, the two lions are white and the eyes are suddenly like the finishing touch Golden, "吼..." a roar, one of which is more than a dozen before the burst, the sound of waves will be closed around the Dongfu!

"The mad world is one of the earliest immortals to the Yuanling Mountain!" Standing in the air in the late autumn, he whispered, "He is old with the comet king."

Since the end of autumn and Xiaohua are not approaching, the two lions and beasts are still standing. After a while, the caves on the stone walls give birth to golden light, and the golden light is curved and curved. A fairy's illusion is slightly distorted and projected from the golden light.

"Crazy seniors..." At the end of the autumn, they did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly stalked and prayed. "The late generations have something to see at the end of the autumn."

"Oh?" The fairy projection looked at the end of autumn, and the face gave birth to joy and laughed. "It turned out to be the autumn fairy. It has not been seen for many years. You are getting more beautiful."

Then, the immortal looked at Xiao Huadao again: "Is this?"

"Elderly Xiao Hua!" Xiao Hua looked at the lion's nose and mouth of the immortal, respectful Shi Lidao, "Today with the autumn fairy, there is something to ask!"

"Well, come in!" The fairy projection smiled slightly, raising his hand, and a ball of light fell to the ground. The "brush" burst and the two futons condensed out!

At the end of autumn, when flying on the futon, the futon flew into the Dongfu with the immortal projection, and Xiao Hua looked at the lion and beast, which was standing still, and went to the futon. Seeing the futon flew into the stone wall, the golden arc of the stone wall rotated and condensed out a channel. Some of the channels were like the stars swaying, and Xiao Hua and the end of autumn had stood under a seemingly starry sky.

Under the stars, a warrior with a gold armor flew over the sword, and the face of the lion's nose was a majestic face. The war would look at the end of autumn, and the face gave a smile and said: "Autumn Fairy is good. ......"

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