Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1163: 擒 族 、, encounter

After a while, Wu Zhan returned to the gods, pressed the impulse to catch up, and whispered: "Can you... can you??"

"No!" Xiao Hua refused without hesitation.

"You... what do you want? I... I will give it to you..."

"Wu seniors think more!" Xiao Hua said faintly. "You are now deeply insulted by the soul, not suitable for cultivation, and you are in a hurry. If I give it to you, you must be enlightened. This... No! Don't forget that there is a story in the world, people who are thirsty and thirsty... can't give him hot water!"

"Okay, good!" Wu Zhan raised his head and yelled at Xiao Hua's back. "The old man is taught!"

"Wu old predecessors, what happened?" Lu Zhong looked at Wu Zhan, really did not understand what happened.

"This Luzhong..." Xiao Hua is also a voice. "It’s too inflammatory, and it’s also snobbish. Don’t let him sing the stars again... smeared the flying celestial.”

"Yes, the old man understands!" Wu Zhan answered and got up, looking at Lu Zhong's eyes are not good!

"Predecessors..." Lu Zhong was shocked and flew back.

Think about it, Lu Zhong yelled at Xiao Hua's words, and the real arrogance, now, Xiao Hua is just a word, you can put Lu Zhong in the dust!

Thirty years of Hedong in the 30 years of Hedong, isn’t it?

"Xiao Xianyou..." Chang Yue followed Xiao Hua and looked at the fairy flying around him. He said, "Where is Zhong Xiao?"

"I am in a hurry..." Xiao Hua said, "Then is near, he thought I couldn't find him..."

"Great!" Chang Yue understood, whispered, "You are hitting the West?"

"Well, I am going in a slightly skewed direction..." Xiao Hua smiled. "Wait..."

Just said here, Xiao Hua smiled stiffly and whispered: "Where to go!"

Looking at Xiao Hua's body shape and hurriedly flew in another direction, Chang Yue also covered his mouth and laughed. If Zhong Xiao was confused by Xiao Hua's desire, how could he escape the other singers?

Xiao Hua can only blur the perception of the position, and it is impossible to determine who it is! And at this moment, many immortals in the clouds are flying indiscriminately, and Xiao Hua has no way to tell!

Seeing the moon in a constant month, urging the body to fly high, the hand will sacrifice the seal, and the finger will be a little bit. The bronze light and shadow on the "boom" of the seal will shine, and the eyes of the moon will sweep around and scream: "My Nai Chong Chong Team Tiger cub, come to pick up the demonics mixed into Kunming, and wait for the flight to stop immediately, waiting quietly!"

Most of the immortals of Moyitian are above the realm of the Five Elements, and there was some confusion before. At this time, the common moon roared and the immortals stopped.

"Where to go!" Xiao Huayan immediately locked a few flying immortals!

Feeling the lingering of Xiao Hua, several immortals hurried to stop, and only one immortal in the sacred armor was far away!

"Oh..." Xiao Hua snorted and urged the technique of Risheng!

"Peng..." At this moment, the immortal's fairy body suddenly burst, flesh and blood fluttering, a vague animal shadow swept through the air...

"Oh..." Xiao Hua smiled, and the technique of Risheng was motivated.

"Oh..." The vague beast bursts from the middle!

"Ah..." A scream, the shadow of the animal is divided!

However, after a while, "嘭嘭嘭..." Several immortals near the shadow of the beast also burst open!

"Damn, Zhong Xiao wants to win the fairy of these immortals, but these fairy bodies can't bear the soul of this..."

"Well, the immortals are starting to panic again, and they are also fleeing, and they are afraid of death!"

The immortals are still fleeing, but the sound of "噗噗" is still endless, and more and more immortals are being blasted by Zhong Xiao!

"Oh..." The screams of the screams were screaming by a few fairy babies!

"Damn!" Xiao Hua whispered, just about to push the dead, suddenly the screams disappeared, the sound of the tomb exploded, only the scared immortals!

"This is too embarrassing..." Xiao Hua was helpless and smiled. "May have found a suitable body..."

If it is a neighbor, at this time, it is said that the power of the great power will not be used, and the immortals will be killed in the surrounding, to prevent Zhong Xiao from fleeing, but Xiao Hua can't start.

Just as Xiao Hua had some problems, his ears suddenly remembered some vague voices: "...The record of Kun State...The net dust sound is really abnormal...four uncle..."

“妤儿姐??” Xiao Hua is inexplicable, and his heart is inexplicably warm. “She...what is she here?”

Xiao Hua hurriedly looked at the voice, and at this time, the sound suddenly accelerated "Who?"

"Not good!" Xiao Hua was shocked. He knew that Liu Wei met Zhong Xiao. He did not think about the technique of urging the light. At this time, Xiao Hua’s brilliance technique has already begun, and he feels like flying out. He will see two ordinary looks on the head, and it seems to be just a fairy in the realm of the two gas fairy!

Hey, the plain Xiaohua fly to fly, like a headless fly, the key moment has not lost, is the soul of the soul? Still have a heart? ?

The two immortals are sparsely surrounded by people, all of them are panicked, and only two people seem to be whispering, what are being discussed!

The female fairy looked down a little surprised, watching her body surface appear a little purple gold band suddenly rose, blocking a faint beast shadow...

Xiao Hua suddenly flew out, another male fairy is like an enemy, his left arm is not raised, there is a purple gold spot with a shape like a star plate, and the mouth is even low: "Who?"

"妤儿姐..." Xiao Hua saw the shadow of the beast, and the figure did not stand firm and immediately called, "That is..."

"Xiao... Xiao Hua?" Waiting for Xiao Hua to finish Female fairy exclaimed, "You... how are you here?"

After exclaiming, the female fairy looks like a stunned face on her ordinary face and nods: "Okay, I know!"

Said, Liu Yan backhanded a look at the surface of the purple gold light shadow, that light and shadow turned into a net-shaped pocket to fall toward the animal shadow!

"Oh..." The beast screamed and turned, and the figure was dissipated in the blink of an eye!

"Hey..." The male fairy is naturally the four uncles of Liu Yan. He snorted, and the purple gold spot that defended Xiao Hua in the left hand suddenly fell. "Hey..." The shadow of the animal’s shadow was frozen immediately. If the animal of the big-headed doll is stuck in it.

"Receive..." The awkward population swears the truth, the spotlight turns into a cage to cover the beast, then raises his hand and grabs it. The cage is condensed into a purple gold ball and falls into his hands!

Then he looked round and looked at Xiao Hua, and asked incredulously: " are Xiaohua???"

At this time, Xiao Hua was tall and tall, and the golden light flames of the whole body moved with the wind. It was quite a mighty standing there. The scenery was shining on his body, and the light was so stunned that Liu Yan had some dizziness. In the eyes of the blind people, this It is clearly an enemy who can attack himself at any time. How could it be the poor little fairy baby before?

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Xiao Hua meets Liu Yan again and changes the impression of the Iraqi people step by step...

In addition, the new book "The Six-Year Compulsory Education", the protagonist is Xiao Ming's son Xiao Ming, still starting at the starting point: https://. Everyone can take a look, help me with an opinion, recommend tickets to the new book! The new book is easy to style...

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