Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1147: In-depth interface barrier

Seeing that Xiao Hua’s left hand had a heavy blue light, it was like a wave of water. He often woke up and had a fever on his face. He said, “Sorry, I... I forgot that you are a true fairy, you... you already have the law. The body..."

"I still want to thank you for your reminder!" Xiao Hua said that he closed his eyes and began to condense his hands.

It’s difficult to condense only the hand, especially in the first stage, and Xiaohua’s chances are that the first part of the practice will be completed, and he will save his life! After that, Xiao Hua didn't have any special condensed hands. The reason is very simple. The second stage of the hand is simpler than the first stage, but it requires to sacrifice as much space debris as possible. The space of the hand-kun is up, and only the space is large enough to condense a space attack with sufficient power!

Xiao Hua has never had a chance, and there are no particularly good conditions to condense. Nowadays, when it comes to the mountains where the space is piled up, isn’t it best to condense the hand?

Xiao Hua was tempted to avoid shackles by practicing, but who knows that this cultivation is three yuan days, watching the green lines on the arm of Xiao Hua’s unspeakable, all the time, the heart of Changyue is still quiet, she I finally understood why Xiao Hua cultivated so fast, and did not see the painstaking work of sewing, how could he get to such a state?

Really fairy!

There are some bitterness in the mouth of Changyue. It is easy to make a spiritual dilemma. It is impossible to cross the spirits and cultivate the true immortals. If you are still in the heart, you are already rushing into the real fairy. Are you still awake?

Changyue has a fascinating singer, and the South is very popular. Naturally, it has its own uniqueness. However, the immortal celestial people are used to leisurely. Even the squad will be general. Perhaps Xiao Hua can also become the honing stone of the moon.

On the side of the regular month, Xiao Hua protects the law and starts to promote secret techniques.

I am practicing in the Changchun room. Suddenly, an unspeakable vigilance is born from her heart. There is no blink of an eye in the moon. I whispered in a low voice: "Xiao Xianyou, it seems that someone is exploring..."

"Yes!" Xiaohua faintly said, "This is already the second time!"

“Second foldback?” Changyue yelled, yelling, “How come I didn’t notice?”

"This person is afraid that there is a high-level of Juyuanxian..." Xiao Hua said, "At least it is a tiger cub, but the first time he passed by, I didn't care, and he turned back again, that would mean something." !"

"Isn't it related to the disappearance of the team?" Chang Yue was slightly shocked and hurriedly asked, "Don't leave it!"

"He has already left!" Xiao Hua shook his head. "I can't be sure if he is interested, so I can't make a surprise. I have already remembered this person."

Speaking of this, Xiao Hua brows and smiles: "Small silver is back!"

“How?” Changyue’s face gave birth to a happy color. “Can there be good news?”

"I haven't said it yet!" Although Xiao Hua said this, but the tone is not happy, because Xiaoyin has no intention of showing merit, and he did not find anything.

"Mother's mother-in-law..." Sure enough, Xiaoyin flew out, pulling his small head, and the tail was weak, and he said weakly, "The baby didn't find anything..."

"Oh, oh..." It was a little gold that was heartless, and cried cheerfully. "The baby found a lot of good things..."

Said, a few tentacles, "hey..." A bunch of messy things smashed toward Xiaohua!

"Master..." Seeing Xiaohua's face is not good-looking, Xiaojin panicked and hurriedly shouted, "Small is not intentional..."

In the words, Xiaojin’s tentacles are chaotic, and more dragons are rushing out, not so much to clean up the mess, not to attack Xiaohua!

Xiaojin almost cried!

"Brush..." Xiao Hua grabbed the big hand and the ragged things fell into his hands. Then he slammed the "啪" on the dragons, and the dragons were shattered, and Xiaojin was also Playing in the air.

"Master..." Xiaojin stood in the air and didn't dare to stand upright. He only dared to scream and pleaded. "Master is forgiving..."

Xiao Hua just wanted to talk, and suddenly it was a bright light in his eyes. The silver flash of his hand flashed, and a broken blood color flew out from the inside.

Xiao Hua has had three broken **** colors in the past. The first two are in the small space of Yunyuan. One is his own, and the other is Xu Chongxi. The two can't be made into a complete one. This third blood color is like a piece of debris that can be combined with the previous two to make a complete!

"Oh..." Xiao Hua smiled. "Yes, Xiaojin, you made a great contribution!"

"Ah? Really?" Xiaojin was happy, and straightened up to mean some claws.

"Mother's mother-in-law..." Xiaoyin hurriedly lost the opportunity. "That's what the baby told Xiaojin..."

"Yes..." Xiaojin, who is honestly paying the bill, also echoed the road. "It is the silver brother who let the little one take it! But there are too many things at the bottom of the water. The baby only takes a part. If the master wants it, the little one will go again!"

“Underwater?” Xiao Hua reached out and patted Xiaojin’s head. Xiaojin’s excited shot shook. Xiao Hua asked, “What is the bottom of the water?”

Xiaoye’s excited language is incoherent, or Xiaoyin’s paintings are vivid. Xiaohua understands that under the heavy space debris is the interface of the heavens. As for which world, Xiaoyin cannot make it clear.

Suddenly, Xiao Hua had a kind of enlightenment and looked at Chang Yue. He asked: "Chang Xianyou, under this mountain range is another interface barrier of the world. Do you think that the interface barrier has caused a space storm? ”

"Not very likely!" Changyue shook his head. "This is not the place where the boundary barrier is located, and even if there is a problem with the boundary barrier, it is impossible to hit the boundary. Xiao Xianyou has forgotten it. This fairy has gone. How long! How thick is the space debris here..."

“Is there a record before?” Xiao Huafa asked. “Where is the non-border barrier?”

“Yes!” Chang Yue reminded, “I have given you the records in the ink fairy. I have carefully investigated the fairy before, and I want to build a picking point from the fairyland to the boundary!”

Xiao Hua read it, and there are so many records.

However, Xiao Hua still chose to believe in Xiaoyin. He asked: "I want to go and see below, what about you?"

"This..." Hehe hesitated for a long time. After all, her strength is not enough to support her to dive to the bottom of the space debris.

However, it was only a moment, and Changyue smiled and said: "Of course I have to go, but I still need to protect me."

"Haha, let's go!"

Xiao Hua laughed and his figure flew up. Xiaoyin and Xiaojin cheerfully called to fly into it.

"Thank you for the fairy lover!" Chang Yue simply did not sacrifice the fairy, only urging the silver light body to follow the side of Xiao Hua.

The two rushed into the mountains, as if falling into the water waves, splashing some light cyan waves. The figure fell, and the two of them had different reactions. However, seeing the moon in the moon, the silver light is like a broken star, and a layer of bubbles rises in the bottom of the silver light. It rises from the silver light and has burst. The numerous small ripples are like a small sword. .

The moon is also calm, and there are eight baboons and four phases alternately born on the fairy body, which easily block the ripples.

As for Xiao Hua, the surface of the silver is gradually annihilated, and a circle of cloud-like texture is born. There is a glaucoma between the textures. The glaucom is exactly the same as the light cyan light. The blue light falls into nature and will not affect Xiaohua. .

"This... this is the true fairy, this is the body of the law!" Changyue watched, and felt in his heart.

There is a small silver lead in front of the head, Xiaojin is beside him, and it is not lonely on the way. Xiao Hua sometimes points to the understanding of the space law from time to time, so that Chang Yue is delighted.

About a Yuanyue, the silvery light of the permanent moon has completely subsided, and the cracks like a spider web began to grow. The moon is biting the teeth, and there is no sacrifice of the fairy, but as Xiaohua said, he tried to understand the law and insisted on the small half. On the first day, Chang Yue saw Xiao Hua’s strolling like a stroll, and finally smiled bitterly: “Xiao Xianyou, by virtue of the fairy and the exercises, I can’t insist on it. If you sacrifice the fairy, it’s not interesting, please Xianyou protects me one or two..."

Xiao Hua nodded and replied: "Just all the way, Chang Xianyou must have a sentiment. At this time, you may want to hit the iron quickly understand."

During the speech, Xiao Hua raised his hand, and the five fingers had already fallen, and the blue light contained space rules.

"There are friends with Lao Xian!" However, Chang Yue is reassuring to Xiao Hua, and Xiao Xiao promised that Xiao Hua will be included in his sleeve.

Xiao Hua didn't think much about it. He turned around and took out three broken blood colors. If he wanted to put it together, he didn't re-cultivate, and there was no spill in the gap.

Xiao Hua has the heart to take this blood color into the space to see if it is related to the **** Guanyin, but in this strange space debris, Xiao Hua did not dare to be too careless, and temporarily the mind did not enter the space.

Another half a day, the small silver figure suddenly went straight through thousands of miles of space debris, facing the face is a gray light and shadow, and around this light and shadow, a heavy like if the rock layer of light scattered, Xiao Hua eyes In the place where I feel, there are countless interface rules.

"Mother's mother-in-law..." Xiaoyin stopped and said, "It's here."

"Well..." Xiao Hua looked around and said, "Look again!"

Xiaoyin said nothing, with Xiao Hua going to one side, but after half a cup of tea, the gray light and shadow disappeared, replaced by a thick black, and the interface law began to dissipate.

"Look around and see..." Xiao Hua understood, laughing and telling Xiaoyin...

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There must be a clue...

In addition, the new book "The Six-Year Compulsory Education", the protagonist is Xiao Ming's son Xiao Ming, still starting at the starting point: https://. Everyone can take a look, help me with an opinion, recommend tickets to the new book! The new book is easy to style...

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