Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1122: The team is missing, the metaphysical spirit is complete

"Haha!" Xu Chong laughed. "There is not enough to kill the old man here! Besides, the old man already knows that Xiao Xianfeng has just risked his life to save the old man. Although he has not rescued him, if he is not Xiao Xianfeng, the old man will not May be out of the secret, do not say to send you to crack the monument, is to send you back to the fairy world, to help you heal, the old man is willing!"

"Adults are also polite!" Xiao Hua likes Xu Chong's boldness, not to mention that Xu Chong is also surnamed Xu.

In a short time, I saw the beam of Yunyuan Xiaotianjing, and the shadow of Panlong. It was very weird. The small heaven of Yunyuan was sinister, but the beam was protected by the blue light, and the dragon was swimming in the blue light. There is no trace of damage to the entire stone beam!

The figure fell on the beam, Xu Chong returned the Qinglong Boundary Monument to Xiao Hua, and then hesitated. He took a small piece of blood from the armor and handed it to Xiao Hua Road: "Xiao Xianfeng, you are seriously injured now. Need to retreat, Xu should give you some elixir or understanding. However, Xu's immortal may not be suitable for you, and there are many such immortals in Tianxian, and as for the realization, the three steppers will definitely give you. Xu did not add a snake to the snake. This thing is just when Xu entered the Yunyuan Xiaotianjing, flying out from the cloud column, not with Xu, but with Xiao Xianfeng, Xu did not like scarce things, he gave it to is you!"

"Oh..." Xiao Hua sighed in his heart. Of course, this thing has a relationship with himself. Before he met Liu Wei, did he get a small half of his blood?

Looking at Xiao Hua’s wish, Xu Chong said: “You are also urging the broken monument, waiting for you to go, Xu will go!”

"Working hard Xu Daren!" Xiao Hua smiled and smiled. After the last ceremony, he hurriedly urged the monument.

Xu Chong looked at Xiao Hua's body shape and turned and flew into the cloud column.

"Xiao Xianfeng went?" Qian Yuhan looked at Xu Chong back, asked faintly.

"Yes, adults!" Xu Chong hurriedly replied, "Xiao Pioneer returned to the fairy world with a broken green monument!"

"Well, you go to cast a view!" Thousands of feathers nodded and said, "Then you can return with other teams!"

Looking at Xu Chongfei, Su said with his eyes, whispered: "Thousands of steps, as the saying goes, it’s better to see it. I heard you say this several times before Xiao Xian Pioneer. Now it’s not easy to see it! Otherwise the adult How can I get a shot?"

"Yeah!" Thousands of feathers also nodded. "He is just a high-level realm of Juyuanxian. The strength is really good! And, haven't you seen it? He returned to the world of color through the Broken Dragon Monument!! !"

"The adult is naturally eye-catching, but Su Buyao..." Chen Jin smiled bitterly. "When the adult came, why don't you say hello to me?"

"Sou Mou!" Su Shi is a bitter face, replied, "Su Mou did not know when the adults came! Just Su Mou also recalled for a long time, but fortunately, you and I are dedicated to the public, have not said, Have done something inappropriate..."

Thousands of feathers still want to say, Chen Jin suddenly changed his face and whispered: "No, the news came from 1741. The two hundred and forty teams received the military order and returned to the military camp. At the time, there was an interface storm in the fairyland near Jiechong, and the storm rolled up the starship of the 260-strong team..."

"What about casualties?" Thousands of feathers are also anxious. She just promised Xiao Hua, how did it change?

"The starship turns into the storm, and the two hundred and forty teams are missing!"

"How come so!" Su Shi also had some mistakes. "Quickly ask for directions!"

"Boundary 1741 is now chaotic, almost annihilated, afraid that it is not easy to explore, can only wait for the interface storm to rest, look inside the fairy world, in the end where there is a change, in order to explore!"

"Worried!" Thousands of feathers nodded slightly. "The left and right Xiao Xian has just left, and he can find the 260-year-old team before he leaves the customs."

"Booming and banging..." It is said that there is a loud roaring sound in the distance, and a huge demon saga of **** light has been cast...

Not to mention the smashing team to celebrate the big victory, simply said that Xiao Hua flew out of the Qinglong Boundary Monument, immediately received the Qingbei, left and right to see a flew to a place, he tried to spur the light of the technique, but unfortunately the body is not affected by him. With complete control, there is no way to integrate into the light.

Finally, after Xiao Hua, he sacrificed the Pioneer Star Boat and flew to the depths of nothingness!

About a dozen or so days of flying, just flew to the waters of a sloping water, Xiao Hua felt that the thousands of feathers of the fairy marks were loose, and hurriedly received the star boat, and the technique of urging the otter directly flew into the bottom of the clear water!

What surprised Xiao Hua was that the water pool was extremely deep, and in the depths of the waterhole, there was a tattered Zhu Xi Temple flooded in the water.

Xiao Huayan read it, and did not see anything different, simply flew to the center of the temple, will be starry array!

Sitting cross-legged in the star array, Xiao Hua calculated how to sacrifice Xuanguang and **** thunder, Xuanguang filled Xiaohua's body with 130,200 light spots, and the **** Thunder completely covered Xiaohua's bones!

"Yes!" After thinking for a moment, Xiao Hua thought about it, and said in secret, "The **** of the ancient fairy beasts occupied a light spot, and the other 130,109 light spots are Xuanguang. If Xiaomou If you remove this fairy beast, you will not make a light spot. This light spot can let Xuanguang and **** scorpion enter, and form a balance after refining. Isn’t that the number of Da Yan and the one that goes?”

Just having a plan, I haven’t done it yet, and Xiao Hua’s rhinoceros has news.

Xiao Hua hurriedly urged the rhinoceros. There was a voice of Liu Yan, saying that Liu Jia was willing to exchange the missing metaphysical gods with Xiao Hua, and said the name of the secret of the Liu family.

It’s really ecstasy to hear Xiao Hua’s, Yang’s Yang’s articles, swallowing thieves, swearing articles and stinky lungs are what he lacks!

After waiting for Liu Wei to pass a soulful remnant to Xiao Hua, Xiao Hua also hurriedly gave himself to Liu Yan with a remnant of the soul and Liu Yi.

However, after passing the speech, Xiao Hua hesitated again, because he had been concealed before, and he still had a soul in his hand. If it was given to Liu Jia, is the Liu Yuan’s metaphysical spirit not complete?

But when Xiao Huagang had to talk to Liu Wei, he had a glimpse of his heart and shut down the rhinoceros!

Not to mention that the transaction with Liu Jia is a soul and soul, absolutely fair; just leaking the news of one soul and one soul in his hand to Liu Jia, is a big risk!

A seven-soul article makes it possible to declare a country’s restlessness, a complete metaphysical article?

Xiao Hua can believe Liu Yan ~ ~ but Xiao Hua will not believe in Fenghua! I don't even believe in the Liu family who never met!

After Emperor Haotian, their minds and calculations are where Xiao Hua can measure. Will they tolerate a fairy who has no foundation to share a complete set of metaphysical gods with them?

Xiao Hua does not dare to bet on his own life!

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State Xiaoming and Lu Shuke are together with each other. They are unpredictable...

In addition, the new book "The Six-Year Compulsory Education", the protagonist of Xiao Hua's son Xiao Ming, is still serialized at the starting point: https://book.qidian./info/1014281512. Everyone can take a look, help give a comment, recommend tickets to the new! The new book is easy to style...


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