Revival of the Gods

Chapter 112: doubt

It’s apologetic to turn around: “Little friends, my beast park is really small. There are too few places where these children can move. The previous group of goose beasts did not move because of several days, and they escaped... ..."

When it comes to goose beasts, the busy tone is a bit low, and Xiao Hua is keenly aware that the busy days are "a few days" or "number days", but he did not ask, because he was busy saying: " And I am also older, I don’t know when it’s turned into dust, I don’t know if I am gone, what will these children be!”

After that, in the blink of an eye, there was an excitement of light and shadow. It was like a hidden child. He lowered his voice and said, "Small friends, would you like to see my fairyland?"

"Think, why don't you want it?" Xiao Hua replied with a smile.

"Well, um..." Busy and happy, it’s like a child, saying, "In addition to the small friends, I have never seen other spirits in the spirit park!"

Xiao Hua’s face still looks: “The younger generation is very honored, wait and see...”

Busy and deep breath, his face showed solemnity, after two coughings, one mouth, a few feet of crystal-shaped wood branches fly out, the crystal branches fall in the air, a few vaguely green dragon outlines, The faint brilliance shines out the blurred texture inside the crystal branches! Busy hands out, hold the crystal branch and gently send it forward.

The sound of the "哗" sounds in the blue light curtain, and the light curtain falls on the stone wall as if it were uncovered, revealing the truth inside!

"Silk..." Seeing everything in front of him, Xiao Hua couldn't help but breathe.

But see this is a space that can't see the size. The upper part of the space is covered with cyan cloud smoke, and underneath it is shaded with earthy yellow, and the whole space is occupied... It is a dead tree in the sky!

The dead trees are sturdy, the branches and leaves are falling, and it seems to be overwhelmed. However, this dead tree is still tenacious and stands up, and the heavens and the earth are opened. Look at the branches of the dry branches, there are thousands of flowers like the flowers hanging, the shadow of the light and shadow, can not see what it is, but also the birds, or the beast, or the screaming Isn't it a little baby in the mouth?

Xiao Hua couldn't help but feel a little wet!

"Little friends..." Busy beside me, very careful to look at the look of Xiao Hua's face, can't help but whisper at this time, "Do you see my beast park, can you enter the audience?"

"Oh..." Xiao Hua sighed with a long sigh and turned to be a ritual. "Predecessors, Xiaomou lost his respect."

"Hey, what is this for Xiaoyou?" Busy is quite frightening. He hurriedly raised Xiao Hua and said, "Is it difficult for me to be a paradise?"

“No, not...” Xiao Hua shook his head. “Xiao’s generation of these demon spirits thanked the predecessors!”

"Oh..." Busy smile, looking very happy, said, "I don't want to thank you. I saw them, my heart is happy, I want to thank them! Come, come over, see these spirits. Beast..."

Busy and lazy, the figure flew up and fell towards the nearest light and shadow. However, it is not waiting to fly near, the sound of "啪" is bursting, one of the flowers is broken, and the inside is like a python, but there are five-legged monsters flying underneath.

He was a little embarrassed, but he was reluctant to take the two scorpions again, patted their heads and recognized them flying away.

Xiao Hua looked at a few places with a busy look and whispered: "Predecessors, this beast park... but your body?"

The busy mind is all in front of hundreds of serpentine spirits, and the mouth should be followed: "Yes!"

However, when I was busy, I immediately woke up and looked at Xiao Hua with some vigilance. But I only looked at it. I didn’t have any special precautions. I only said: "This matter also asks Xiaoyou to keep it secret, and this beast park Don't leak the situation to other spirits."

Xiao Hua looked at the dead tree body, and there were situations. He tried to test: "Predecessors, as seen by the younger generation, this space is your body, and your body... is not much time?"

"Hey!" He sighed and sighed, and sent the water spirit into the flower space, replied, "Yes! No friends, the previous goose and beasts fled, and there have been some small leaks. It is absolutely impossible for more than a hundred years." Recently, it has been frequent, and I know that I am old, I am afraid that it will not last long, but... I can live for one day and will support this spirited paradise for one day..."

Xiao Hua looked down at the khaki luster under the dead tree body and asked: "The roots of the predecessors are the woody treasures?"

"I don't know if it's earthy treasure..." Busy said, "I only know that when I was a seed, it was here. I grew up here for several years. It also accompanied me countless." Years."

"Hey, so to speak, even if the younger generation wants to invite the seniors to move a place, I am afraid that it will not work!" Xiao Hua sighed again.

I was too busy to understand the meaning of Xiao Hua’s words. I only smiled and said: "My root is in this Yuanling Mountain. How can I leave? Well, Xiaoyou, come over and see the fire spirit beast..."

Said, busy and flew down, when he reached the roots of the dead wood, he stopped, the illusion of the hand patted on the dead wood, a cluster of red flames spout!

Busy and graceful flashing, the big hand grabbed, a touch of blue light fell to seal the flame inside the tree hole, and Xiao Hua followed the busy flight into the tree hole, Xiao Hua did not feel moving again.

This is a space that is less than a thousand feet. A monster that rushes out of the flames lies down inside. This monster is weird in shape, and at first glance it looks like a long beak. It is said that there is a very long scar on the neck, and there is a silver-white light wire that is poured out from the inside. These light filaments fall from the light curtain that passes through the space blue, and stalked straight to the trunk of the dead wood. In particular, along the silver wire, the trunk is smoked and smoky, and the scars are everywhere. The beast burned many times.

Busy, did not pay attention to Xiao Hua’s movements, but looked at the fire spirit beast and said with distress: “Poor fire spirit beast, because it has metallic silver wire in it, the fire king has to devour it. When the King of the King swallowed the silver in his body, he threw it away. Other spirits thought that it was the fire spirit beast that ran into the fire king, but it was not..."

I was a little busy and said a few words, took out the golden worm, and gently squeezed out a few drops of light green juice. The juice dripped out, and a strong fragrance immediately emerged, and the surrounding emptiness was somewhat faint. The golden light flashed, and some outlines of the ghost face were born. For example, when Xiaohua met at night, the juice fell on the body of the fire spirit, and the golden light was born. The rune of the thumb size emerged from the body of the fire spirit, and the wound was rushing toward the tear. Go, as for the crack, countless gray-black flames and silver light rushed out, desperately blocking the runes, but these gray flames have just blended with the runes, and the golden light in the juice produces thin thunder and light. Kill these flames! Look at the extremely long scars that are visible to the naked eye.

"The fruit is not the golden silk ghost face!" I can't help but sigh. "The silver wire in the body of the fire spirit is swallowed by the fire king, but there are still residues. I think there are many ways to make it impossible. The wound healed, but now it’s just a few drops of the sap of the golden worm, and if it is used several times, the fire scorpion must be healed!”

“Hey...” Xiao Hua said with a smile, “The predecessors used it a few times, and the golden silkworm has been given to the predecessors!”

"Oh..." The fire spirit beast suddenly called a few times, but the voice was weak, but it sounded very comfortable.

Busy with the illusion of the hand touched the fire spirit beast, turned to Xiaohua said: "Little friends just said that there is something to ask, as long as I know, must know everything."

Xiao Hua looked around and smiled: "I am afraid it is not easy to say here!"

"Well, Xiaoyou came with me!" Busy nodded. With a wave of hands, two ancient woodcarved chairs floated out of the trunk, busy indicating Xiaohua sat down, and then saw a cyan light on the chair. Halo into the trunk, busy with Xiaohua straight into the roots of ancient trees!

About Mou went down nearly a thousand feet, the chair stopped, and he looked around, and lifted the crutches in his hand to a little on the啪", a tree hole was born, the chair didn't have to be motivated. Fly into the tree hole, and then the tree hole slowly closes.

Busy with a large sleeve, a few blue puppets fell on the corners of the tree hole, and the blue light shone the tree hole. Then, busy as if the owner is hospitality, morphing out the table and other things, and offering a plate of sweet and delicious fairy fruit.

"Little friends please..." Busy side is sending Xianguo to Xiaohua, and apologizing. "Yuanling Mountain rarely has fairy fruit for immortals. This is still a few years ago, other spirits brought back from outside." Honoring me!"

Xiao Hua was also welcome, picked up a fairy fruit and took a sip, and smiled: "So beautiful fruit, the younger generation likes it."

"Ha ha..." I was very happy when I was busy listening. I took out some sweet tea and invited Xiao Hua to drink. After a busy moment, I said, "I have a small friend. If you have something to say, here is inside my body. Unless you have the power of true immortality, you can't hear it."

Xiao Hua smiled and waved: "The predecessors were too cautious, but the younger generation had a small question to ask..."

"Small friends please talk about..." Busy and can't wait to ask, it seems that I really want to help Xiao Hua.

"It's like this..." Xiao Hua thought for a moment and said, "The younger generation has a good friend. He just flew from the lower bound..."

After listening to Xiao Hua’s case of Xiao Hei and Xiao Huang, the busy face was born with sorrow. He smiled and said: “You can bring this spirit of the human world to the fairy world, and it seems to be extraordinary! ”

"Cough..." Xiao Hua coughed twice, vaguely, "OK!"

"This spirit beast has not been able to wake up for two reasons..." Busy and not broken, explained, "One is that this beast is the human world. After it reaches the fairy world, it must be the same as your friend." You can wake up after washing with washing liquid."

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