Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1085: Collecting military cards

"And, this military power of adults..." Xiangqing has not finished, Xiaohua's seals are a little shimmer, and they smile, not to say more.

Xiao Hua stunned for a moment, suddenly understood, and hurriedly looked at Yin, and sure enough, Li Cheng and other immortals, and a number of Xianbing also gave themselves some military skills!

Xiao Hua was crying and laughing. He had just given these military skills to them. They had to "bribe" themselves. This is what it is!

Xiao Hua’s face changed slightly, and the “啪” shot was smashed, and all the shimmering shots were shattered. Then he yelled at the seal and said: “There will be orders, other teams will not care, who will wait for you in the future. No matter, but whoever allows me to wait for the tiger's day, no one will pay the military merits to the boss, and the boss will dare to take the military power below. I must let him end up like Hu Feishan!"

"Big...Adult..." Xiangqing cried and said, "No need?"

"I know that I will leave you a problem after taking over the tiger!" Xiao Hua said with a sigh of relief, "But I don't like these, but you can rest assured that the military strength of Qin Long rides from me..."

"This is the filial piety of our team to the dragon rider..."

What else to say about Xiaoqing, Xiao Hua waved his hand and stopped, saying: "Let's go to the big brother, let me listen to it first!"

"Okay, okay!" Xiangqing nodded helplessly, took out the ink fairy, how to tell Qin Xin, how to filial piety in detail.

Xiao Hua looked at and urged the seals. The camera said that it was done. Sure enough, without half a cup of tea, Jiang Meihua’s seal had a movement, Jiang Meihua looked at it, and Xiaohua nodded and flew out of the military camp.

"Adults..." There are some words to say and stop.

"I am a big brother..." Xiao Hua smiled. "I understand what you mean. Although the Tiantian team shoulders the heavy responsibility of guarding the fairyland, but the fairy will be a fairy, the various forces within the team are intertwined, and the immortal will be alive, relying on military merit. This is inevitable that there is a link to hide the dirt, I have no intention to break this, I just want to give me a relatively clean place in the scope of my control. In fact, big brother, you think, in the war In front of the rushing is the Xianbing, the least military force is still the Xianbing, and the military merits finally fell to the Xianbing, do you have the heart?"

Clearly silent!

Xiao Hua is right. The tiger cub gives the dragon a ride to the military. The military service of the tiger cub can come from the sky, the commander, the sky and the commander to pay the military for the tiger cub. The military merits from the next level, the layers are turned over, and the last source is the fairy. !

And the military power of Xian Bing comes from killing the demon!

This is unfair to the fairy!

But the Xianbing... there is no room for resistance. They also hope that there will be soldiers covering them, and they will easily fall.

Xiao Hua looked at the Qing and looked up at the military account. He said, "So, I will fight for more military strength and satisfy all the brethren!"

"Than Xiao Xiao Hu!!"

In addition to the military account, the sound of the mountain and the tsunami sounded.

All the immortals will be tripped on one knee.

Xiao Hua walked out of the military account and looked at the sacred soldiers of Bai Fu. He smiled slightly and raised his hand to help them one by one: "Xiao may not understand the art of war and he does not understand the battle, but Xiao is willing to follow It is difficult to share the same life and death, and jointly guard the fairy world."

"It is difficult to share the same life and death, and jointly guard the fairy world!"

All the soldiers are shouting!

After a short time, Jiang Meihua returned and looked at Xiao Hua’s military case. He smiled and said: “The 900,000 military merits have worked, and Jiang’s people are now adults.”

"Well, since you have benefited, the matter of collecting the old military cards will be handed over to you!"

"How to collect it!" Jiang Meihua scratched his head. "After the adults said, I also thought about it. Is it not attractive to attract rewards? It will be troublesome..."

"It's very simple..." Xiao Hua mysteriously smiled and said, "So this..."

"No... no?" Jiang Meihua was crying and laughing.

After half a cup of tea, there is a reward for the unremarkable child in the Tiantian singer: "The hibiscus is immersed in the scent of the sage, and the blood is greeted with the sorrowful military card. The love of the tens of years of love is the scent of the mountain scented tea, which is in the battle of the boundary, 妾If you are alone, you can't sleep. Ask the lover's military card to express your condolences. The person who sends the Camellia military card is willing to give it to the 10th Army.

The reward has just been sent out, and there is a message: "Hibiscus, there is a military card here. I don't know if it is a camellia. Let's take a look..."

Jiang Meihua didn't look at it, and received it directly. He said: "I am thankful to the adults. This military card is not, but I am grateful to the fairy friends for their heart. The military card will also cost the military. It is better to give the military directly to the adults... ..."

With a military pass, there is no sound.

A useless military card for a military service, better than no!

Then, another message came: "Hibiscus, the deceased has died, I am a flower tea, I am strong and strong, considerate and enthusiastic, I am willing to pick up the behemoths of the Camellia, and care for Furong my sister..."

"nnd, what a ghost!" Jiang Meihua did not read, could not help but swear, "roll!!"

Then Jiang Meihua’s card was flashing, and Jiang Meihua was somewhat tired of coping.

"Adult..." Jiang Meihua cried and said, "How does this make the end of cultivation?"

"Crap, can't you use a fairy?" Xiao Hua said with no anger. "There is a military card for a military service. See the military card for military service. If you don't have a military card, you want to take advantage of it. Let them roll it!"

"Adult is brilliant!" Jiang Meihua erected a thumbs up and hurriedly sent a fairy into the military space.

However, Xiao Hua still underestimated the number of useless military cards of the Tiantian team. These military cards are like the dust and sand in the sea. They are deposited everywhere. No one thinks of it. The news of Jiang Meihua’s reward is like having a big hand to put these dust. Pick up.

Jiang Meihua didn't really care, but when he packed up and was ready to go out with the army, his military card suddenly flashed.

When Jiang Meihua looked at I didn’t feel dumbfounded. In the immortal space of the military card, Xian Yu asked him poorly for military service!

He gave the fairy martial arts 100,000 military power even one!

Jiang Meihua and Xiao Hua said, Xiao Hua was also shocked. He hurriedly let Jiang Meihua withdraw the reward. 100,000 military cards, is this still enough? Xiao Hua just wants to sneak in some small moves, get some small benefits, and collect 100,000 military cards at once... This is clearly the rhythm of looking for attention!

Xiao Hua has some regrets, should not let Jiang Meihua be the bait, this bait is too fat!

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Hibiscus, Hibiscus, I am a camellia...

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