Revival of the Gods

Chapter 108: Old man Xiao Zhenren

Xiao Hua flew out of the boat, Yunfeng and so on also hurriedly followed, and even looked around, whispered: "Predecessors, let's go, these places where the boat enters, it is me temporary opening, Jingzhou Fei Entering will surely attract the attention of the spiritual kings..."

"Okay!" Xiao Hua nodded, and a small flying boat flew into the mountains with Yunfeng and other spirits. Although the Yuanling Mountain under the ground looks similar to the Yuanling Mountain on the ground, the excitement on the mountain is not comparable to the Yuanling Mountain on the ground. There are various buildings in various colors, and various spirits fly or fly together. There are also many similar flying boats. The end is full of excitement.

However, waiting for Xiao Hua to see more, the flying boat fell into a building like a shop, and Yunfeng accompanied Xiao Hua down the flying boat, the flying boat still flew out, and even the rising spirit did not follow.

“Let the seniors be wronged!” Yun Feng respectfully said, “Please come over with the younger generation!”

"Nothing, no problem!" Xiao Hua waved his hand and followed Yunfeng into a quiet room. Yunfeng asked Xiao Hua to sit down. He went out for a long time. About half a cup of tea, Yunfeng personally took the fairy tea and other things back. Xiao Hua is full, respectfully said, "Predecessors, this trip to Qiling Mountain, is the number of younger generations, but also the luck of the younger generation, can meet the predecessors, it is really fortunate for the three students, the younger generation once again thank the predecessors for their help!"

Xiao Hua took the teacup and smiled and said: "Since you have returned to Yuanling Mountain safely, the old man should also leave. I hope that we will have a future!"

Yunfeng saw Xiao Hua’s straightforward indication of his mind, and had to accompany him with a smile: “The predecessors left today, but they still don’t know when they can meet each other. Can the seniors give their names? The younger generation can’t even know the names of the saviors! ”

Xiao Hua has the heart to take the name of Xiaoyao, but look at Yunfeng’s appearance. He doesn’t want to deal with it, so he smiles and says: “Old man Xiao Hua, you can call the old man Xiao Zhenren!”

Yunfeng listened, and he liked it: "Yes, the younger generation remembers the name of the predecessor. If the younger generation is a rejuvenated throne, they will be the predecessors..."

Xiao Hua hurriedly waved: "This is no longer necessary. The old man is a human being, so he will be criticized by other immortals."

"Oh, okay!" Yunfeng sighed and took out a hundred-nano bag and put it on her hands. She smiled bitterly. "I don't want to be a senior. These things are returned to the Yuanling Mountain as early as the younger generation. The younger generation has already given it to the younger generation. I dare not give predecessors, not to be reluctant, but the younger generation is afraid to give things to their predecessors, and the predecessors will leave. In this hundred-nano bag, there is also a token of Yuanling Mountain, please also take the predecessors, and there are many mountain spirits in Yuanling Mountain. Body, if there is no token, it will cause some unnecessary trouble!"

Xiao Hua smiled and took over the bag. He said: "Since the old man promised something, he must do it. Even if you give it at that time, the old man will leave at this time!"

"The meaning of the younger generation is..." Yunfeng still wants to retain Xiaohua, but Xiaohua has received a hundred-nano bag, and his body shape has already flown out, laughing. "Yunfeng Xiaoyou, we will have a period!"

Yunfeng hurriedly turned and shouted at the back of Xiaohua's back. "The younger generation... Gong Xiaoyu!"

Xiao Hua flew out of the store, and did not go far, but urged the Tiantian ring to hide in the near, Yunfeng Shili, followed by flying, where is the shadow of Xiao Hua? Before he stood in front of the store, he watched the sun falling on the glory day.

"Less master..." A spirit body flew out of the store and looked around. He whispered. "The news came from the palm of your hand. If something is impossible, please ask the Lord to rush to the rogue hole. Even if I break a few secret places, several palms need to discuss countermeasures with the lesser masters!"

"Well, I understand, you are ready, let's leave immediately!" When I heard that there was something to be done, Yunfeng's standing disappeared, and the younger ones should be restored, and faintly told.

Looking at Yunfeng's departure, Xiao Hua showed his figure there and shook his head slightly: "Hey, poor little spirit..."

Just about to shake his head, it happened that a purple-red spirit shook his head and flew over. Xiao Hua hurriedly urged his body to block in front of the spirit body. He said: "Xian friendship, where is Xianyingdong?"

When Xiao Hua inquired about Xianyingdong, the other side of the broken Lingjiang River was led to lead Wang Lang’s teacher to stand in midair, watching the vastness of the river’s waters separating the space, creating doubts in his eyes, and a dust fairy next to him. Said: "You ... you confirm that the supervision of the heavenly device is here?"

Next to the dust fairy has more than a hundred feet high, the whole body is faint silver light, the dust fairy heard the female fairy asked, hurriedly looked down at the pentagonal strange fairy in his hand. At this time, there was a purple cloud above the fairy, and a vague spot in the cloud was flashing slightly. The dust fairy raised his hand, and the cloud rushed out. Before the two immortals, it turned into a rolling mountain, trees and The outline of the river, the flashing light spots are mottled within a million miles.

"Teacher..." Dust fairy looks at the situation inside the cloud, and carefully said to the female fairy, "The Zhitian fairy known is here, but because the distance is too far, there can only be a range..."

“How big is it?” the female fairy asked with some intolerance.

"Eight thousand ... to 12,000 miles..." Dust fairy hesitated, replied.

The female fairy’s face was obviously anxious, and she said with dissatisfaction: “This... such a large range, let us find it? Qing Yang, you inform me of Fei Feiyan, let him bring the detectives to come over...”

"Teacher!" Before the female fairy finished, the dusty fairy named Qing Yang said in a hurry, "Let us ask the ink master to automatically use the Tiantian device to violate the Tianzun government commandment. If it is repeatedly violated, it is known by Tianzun adults. , uh...we can't really retreat."

"Hey..." The female fairy looked at the vast area and was covered by light. She sighed. "You can rest assured that this thing has nothing to do with you. You were sent by me."

"Yu Shizhen..." Qing Yang hurriedly argued, "You misunderstood me, how can I save this kind of thinking? If there is such a mind, I will not come with you at all."

"That's good..." The female fairy did not pay attention to the Qingyang. She looked at the broken Jiangtaotao River and some lost her mind. "Tell to contact Mo Feiyan!"

"That..." Qingyang hesitated, whispered, "Yu Shizhen, the younger brother thinks that you may lose your sense of time. If you can, you can tell the younger brother about the matter. After all, the younger brother and the teacher Already a grasshopper on a rope, the younger brother can listen, at least give the teacher a reference."

“The monitor Tianxian shows that the immortal we are looking for is opposite the Broken River?”

Qing Yang did not dare to confirm, but also took a look and said: "Most of the area is opposite, there is a small part here..."

"There is a time interval between the inspection of the Tianxian Detector. You will search the information of the celestial celestial device again, and it will take time!" Yu Shiyan said faintly. "You don't know when it is time to see the situation. We want to find that." Unknown immortals, or should look forward to..."

"Looking forward?" Qing Yang looked at the purple cloud, raised his hand, and the cloud rolled over, the contour changed a little, and finally he frowned. "Yu Shizhen, there are three places where the immortals gather in the Lingjiang River. The ministry is Xuanyiguo, Jiyueguo and Mo Dangguo, of which Xuanyi is the most recent; there is also a place where spiritual bodies gather, called Yuanling Mountain. Xuanyi has about a million miles, and there is a dragon in the middle. Yuan, said to be more dangerous, if we want to go, it is best to use Helan's transmission array..."

"Well..." Yu Shiyi nodded and said, "I will wait for this to turn, on the road..."

Just said here, Yu Shizhen suddenly shocked his body, as if he was hit by the Thunder, then he was quite excited: "I... I know! Yes, it is nine robbers!"

The Qing dynasty is receiving the pentagon-shaped fairy, and at this time it is also a glimpse. Qidao said: "What does Yu Shizhen mean?"

"It’s nine robbery!!" Yu Shizhen’s face gave birth to a sigh of relief. "I said, Wang Lang said that it is also a condensed fairy. How could he be killed by a flying singer?" Only the Feishengxian is a nine-robbery baby, and its strength is far superior to that of ordinary flying, and it is possible to explain that Wang Lang was killed!"

Qing Yang’s face is stunned, I don’t know what Yu Shizhen is saying, but he just wants to ask Yu Shizhen wakes up again, his eyes sweeping away, and a cold heart gives birth!

The Qing dynasty and the hand trembled, and the fairy that was put away almost fell to the dust.

Yu Shi blinked his eyes and looked at Qing Yang. After a long while, he grinned and said: "Qing Yang, let go of the flying boat, follow me to Yuanling Mountain!"

"Yes...Yes!" Qing Yang's face was a bit cloudy, but he did not dare to neglect, hurriedly took the fairy, took out a triangular fairy from the bag, and with a scent of scent, " The bombardment of the fairy was made into a thousand feet and rushed to the sky.

Yu Shizhen looked very good, and smiled at the Qingyang smile. The sleeves waved, and a cloud of condensed from her feet gave her a fairy. Qing Yang did not immediately leave, but looked at his high altitude, the immortal imprint of the engraving at the bottom of the fairy, slightly biting his teeth and stepping up to the fairy.

Qing Yang step by step a cloud, the cloud is as thick as his thoughts!

Yu Shizhen took a look at Qing Yang’s embarrassment and did not open his mouth. It was Qing Yang and he cleaned up his mood. The fairy swayed above the fairy.

"Oh..." The singer screamed above, the tops of the three horns bloomed in red, yellow and blue, and as the top of the triangle slowly rotated, a great halo emerged.

Qing Yang look at Yu Shizhen, raise a hand a little fairy, "嗖" fairy rushed to the broken Lingjiang.

"Booming..." The spirit of the broken spirits is still fierce, but it is like a snow wave on the aura, only a huge roar, and then instantly turned into nothing. The three colors of Guanghua have passed, and the Broken River has been pierced!

"Cough cough..." Yu Shizhen looked at the center of Broken River and coughed and said, "Qing Yang..."

Qing Yang hurriedly looked up: "Please tell me..."

Ps: Ask for a ticket, Xiaohua’s robbery is coming again...

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