Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1066: Incoming starry sky

"Oh?" Xiao Hua stunned. He didn't think of this question. "Why is the red-eyed star fox not going out from the alien sky?"

"Adults..." Hu Feishan smiled. "The red-eyed star fox is clearly pregnant. It is not in its own nest. Why are you going out?"

"There is some truth!" Xiao Hua nodded. "But it can't be ruled out. The red-eyed star fox is raising a baby in an alien rain, and then sensing the buddha demon flower, which is rushing out!"

"The adults said it is! There is such a possibility..." Hu Feishan nodded. "But adults can think about it from another angle. If the nest of the star-shaped star fox is not in the sky, then the moon and the moon are naturally not found. To the star-studded star fox, why did he fall into the alien sky?"

"That must have met a more powerful demon!" Xiao Hua smiled. "Even the alien rain itself swallowed her!"

Hu Feishan’s fairy body smashed a bit, as if he was afraid of shrinking the neck, and nodded: “The adults say it is, not...”

"Well, the old man understands!" Xiao Hua smiled. "Everyone just needs to get the flame in front of it, let the squadrons lay down the fairy squad and explore it around!"

"Thank you an adult!" Hu Feishan was overjoyed and hurriedly handed over, but he explained before he left. "Adults, not the last will be afraid, they are the last squatting, many of them are the five elements of the low-level, even Yanxian, too weak... ..."

"Know, know!" Xiao Hua smiled. "You go by yourself! Pass me the military order, and hand it over to me after the investigation. I will return the fairy to pay the reward!"

"Civil!" When I saw Hu Feishan, Jiang Meihua couldn't help but whisper. "How do you still lead the soldiers?"

Xiao Hua smiled, not much to say, he himself was just on the battlefield, really not qualified to judge others!

After flying for tens of thousands of miles, suddenly there was a violent heat wave coming through the water waves. Even the phoenix feathers of Xiao Hua’s body couldn’t help but squirt the squirt, and there was a star-marked starlight to protect Xiao Hua. .

Jiang Meihua's body unicorn can no longer be turned into a virtual shadow. "吼..." whispered, Kirin vain fell into Jiang Meihua's body, and immediately saw Jiang Meihua's fairy body begin to change, a beast of the beast and scorpion body revealed In front of Xiao Hua.

Xiao Hua glanced at Jiang Meihua, and there was no doubt in his eyes. Jiang Meihua, who was awkward, was very determined.

Jiang Meihua already knows that the reason why he can successfully master the secret skills of the Taoist is not his own luck. The only possibility is Xiao Hua.

As for why Xiao Hua has such a great magical power, look at Xiao Hua and also transform the Phoenix demon, Jiang Meihua chooses to shut up.

"Go..." Xiao Hua whispered, carrying his wings and spreading his wings to the whirlpool of fire in the distance. The shape of the body is even more powerful than the fairy world!

Jiang Meihua followed, and the yellow hoof was born under the four hooves.

"Silk..." Before flying to the fire, Xiao Hua couldn't help but **** a cold breath. This is a whirlpool. It is clearly a huge fire column. Above the Scorpio, Yu Tai, who has already fallen west, shines on the pillar of fire, and a heavy nine-color flame falls wildly.

Not only the flame, the place where the fire shines, the stars hidden behind the sun shoot out the light column, and fall into the flame to make stars of big and small, like a hail.

Within the pillar of fire, countless large and small demon light and shadow roar, but unfortunately this light and shadow is broken in the stars, melting in the flame!

"This kind of demon, this kind of power, this is the power of heaven and earth, in fact, ordinary Juyuan can come?"

Xiao Hua felt the star flame coming from the face, and his heart was shocked. He also knew that if he had a demon body, if his own strength has reached the first stage of the spirit, he is afraid that he cannot insist on it. He does not know the moon. Why survive in such a sinister situation!

"Brush..." At this time, between the flames, there is a broken pale golden triangle that flows up against the river, like a fish.

"Boom..." is inevitable, a star lingers on the triangle, the golden light splashes on the triangle, and the shadow of a female fairy is reflected from the inside, and then annihilated.

"Changyue??" Xiao Hua was shocked. Although the triangle was smashed and still flew up, he hurriedly extended his feet and explored the pillar of fire to catch the triangle!

There is no need for the stars to fall, Xiao Hua's claws are ignited out of thin air, and a sharp pain is like a sword!

Waiting for Xiao Hua to look at it, Tianyu Shangyu has already fallen, and the sky is not black, but the top of the fire column emits a whistle of "嗡嗡嗡...", a huge flame vortex emerges, and the side of the spin is falling, the vortex There is a seal in the shape of a star that seals the entire fire column!

"Adults..." The voice of Hu Feishan came from afar. "The alien stars and the sky have changed, and it is not suitable for exploration. Wouldn’t it be necessary for me to return?"

Xiao Hua did not answer urgently, but after he swept through the golden triangle, he handed the triangle to Jiang Meihua and Jiang Meihua, and exclaimed: "Is Mo month still alive?"

"There is a constant cry for help in the middle. As for whether it is alive, no one knows!"

"In the middle of the month, if I want to save her, I can only go down from the pillar of fire. Otherwise, the fire column is closed and another space is impossible. It is impossible to find her!"

Xiao Hua nodded and said: "You are here to pay attention to the fact that the fire column is closed, and I will pass it to me at any time. I will send Hu Feishan and they will say it again!"

Xiao Hua flew back, but seeing the bodies of Hu Feishan, Yue Xi and Zhao Pingyi have already ignited the flames, and a starlight is like a sword in this flame.

As for the two military formations, there are many fire clouds that are pouring out in the blue light. Many Xianbing fairy bodies have been burned!

"Hu Huqin Hu..." Xiao Hua said, "The old man has already discovered the whereabouts of the permanent moon. She is under this pillar of fire. This pillar of fire is a space of alien stars and rain, and the old man is ready to save him!"

"Adults..." Hu Feishan hurriedly yelled, "The alien starry sky is already dangerous, and the space of the fire pillar that comes out with Yu is even more..."

"Don't say more!" Xiao Hua smiled. "If you don't know, the old man will not go. If you know, the old man can't help! You take your own knees and quit the alien rain!"

"Yes, adults!" Hu Feishan was overjoyed. He hurriedly squatted. "At the end, this will bring..."

After that, Hu Feishan snorted and bitterly said: "At the end, I will take my own knees and quit my alien sky!"

Hu Feishan also understands that if the rescue of Changyue, the military power is naturally many, and he withdraws from the alien sky and rain, Xiao Hua will naturally not give himself to the military, but to clear down these fairy soldiers, Xiao Hua is definitely the income flag, they are certainly No need to contribute, but also get military power, Xiao Hua is so thick and thin that Hu Feishan has nothing to say.

Of course, Hu Feishan also knows that Xiao Hua is prepared to defend himself against the Xianqing soldiers.

Hu Feishan, Yue Xi and Zhao Pingyi with a thousand celestial soldiers retreat, Xiao Hua took out the command flag and flew to the front of the squadron and smiled: "The old man wants to explore the alien stars and rains. If there is military power, you can evenly divide, if there is danger, You can't be spared. The old man gives you ten minutes, if you don't want to, you can retire at this time!"

All the soldiers did not hesitate to think about Xiao Hua. Qi Qi said: "Thank you for the gift of the grown-up, I will wait!"

"Good!" Xiao Hua's exhibition will make these stalwarts income, while Lu Shu and Xiao Ming are still in the income space.

"Adults..." Xiao Hua just finished all this. Jiang Meihua in the distance has already rushed. "Fast, the seal is coming down!"

Xiao Hua spread his wings and flew, and saw the starry seal carrying the infinite power has reached a height of 100,000 feet, and the edge of the fire column began to collapse...

"Ha ha..." Xiao Hua laughed and said, "Jiang Xianyou, go, you and I will go on fire, but look at what this first demon league is like!"

"If you want it!" Without Hu Feishan and others, Jiang Meihua whispered, and there was a dragon pattern on the shape of the unicorn. The body shape rushed into the fire pillar before Xiao Hua!

"Booming and banging..." Jiang Meihua just rushed in, and the light and shadow that surrounded the stars began to burst, and Jiang Meihua was suddenly tumbling.

"Hey..." Jiang Meihua yelled, shaking around!

"Hey..." A phoenix sounded, Xiao Hua spread his wings and flew in, the wings were like clouds, and the flashing room had already broken the stars around!

"Follow me!" Xiao Hua whispered in a low voice, Jiang Fenghua grabbed the chicken feet, and his figure flew down the abyss in the pillar of fire!

It really fell under the seal of the fire pillar. Xiao Hua only perceives the horror of space. "Hey..." The thunder roared above the head, the space was broken, the side was sealed again, and the uncast wind blew the flame column. all!

This fire column can be different from Senluo Road. After Xiao Hua flies, it should be swept away, and the edge is almost innocent. Obviously there is a complete interface rule.

Under the pillar of fire, it is the abyss. It seems that there is a sinister rain, and it seems that the flame is rolling, and there is no real contact. It is impossible to see the truth.

"Let me down!" It is also flying down 100,000 feet ~ Jiang Meihua saw the stars and flames slightly reduced, struggling.

Xiao Hua loosened the chicken feet, Jiang Meihua's unicorn demon body rolled in the air, and the man first turned into a beast head.

Jiang Meihua roars in the sea of ​​fire and feels more at ease than the fairyland.

"If it is as usual, the whereabouts of more than 100,000 feet, there should be a crack in the space..." Xiao Hua Feng looked around and began to look for the cracks in the golden triangle, the dark road. "Unfortunately, Changyue sees the crisis, first step the golden triangle Out, but I don’t know it later!"

Xiao Hua’s thoughts had just been born, and suddenly there was a roaring sound like a drum in the top of his head. Xiao Hua was shocked and looked up, but saw that the rotating starry sky seal suddenly stopped, and the flashing thunder was like a streamer. Throughout the space, the tears in the space have inexplicable fluctuations and brilliance.

This fluctuation and light sweeping the space, what kind of flame, what stars are turned into dust!

"Not good!" Xiao Hua did not dare to have a slight scorn, spread his wings to Jiang Meihua, and did not allow him to resist any rapid rushing toward the abyss...

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Finally, deep into the alien sky, what will happen to Xiao Hua?


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