Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1060: Guess and preparation

"Good!" Xiao Hua took out the Indian slogan. "There will be a pair of tigers, and this will bring you out to practice. The military camp will be handed over to you for processing!"

"Yes, adults!" Xiangqing hurriedly took out his own seal, waiting for Xiaohua to urge the seal, a false shadow fell into the phase of the seal, and the Qing once again squatted, "the end will not live up to the adults. Trust."

"Hu Hu Hu Hu..." Xiao Hua took the Indian seal to see Hu Feishan, said faintly, "the whole team set off!"

"Adults..." Hu Feishan hesitated a moment and said, "Yue Changkong and Zhao Changkong have physical problems. If they are allowed to rest in the military camp, how will they accompany the adults to the demon league?"

"Hey..." Xiao Hua looked at Hu Feishan coldly and said, "This will have already reported your name in Tian Tian Xian, how can I change it?"

"Okay, okay!" Hu Feishan looked around Yuexi and Zhao Pingyi, and all three were desperate.

"Depart!" Xiao Hua was funny, but he was still gloomy.

Outside the military camp, the sensation of the sensation, two thousand celestial soldiers entered in an orderly manner, although the copper spoons of the celestial soldiers, but Hu Feishan and other sacred soldiers are obviously different from the sacred soldiers of the Qing dynasty, they are depressed, and some are decadent, where Can you compare with the excitement of another thousand celestial soldiers?

Seeing the excitement of a thousand celestial soldiers, Xiao Hua is also happy. He also thought that after the division of 200,000 military powers, each singer was only two hundred, plus he was assigned to Hu Feishan and others. The singer may actually have only one hundred. Military merits, the Xianbing may not see the eyes, but now it seems that even if it is a hundred military exercises, the Xianbing is also happy to be fart!

So Xiao Hua has a score in his heart.

The fairy boat used by the Tiantian team is far from the ordinary fairy boat. The two thousand celestial soldiers are flying on the fairy boat, and the body shape is much reduced. It is not crowded at all. Waiting for Xiao Hua and other flying bodies to fall on the central platform of Xianzhou, Jiang Meihua looked at Xiao Hua, Xiao Hua nodded slightly, Jiang Meihua said: "Go!"

"Yes!" Under the platform, the fairy who was in charge of the boat had promised that the fairy boat roared and rushed out of the military camp.

"Hey, forget to report to Qin Xin Qin Long!"

When I flew out of the military camp and rushed to the sky, I saw that there was a patrol in the front, and Xiao Hua suddenly thought about it.

Who knows, there will be a fairy, the past will not go away, the fairy who will block the road will fly away, and the fairy boat will fly again.

"Good to teach adults to know..." Although Hu Feishan’s face is not good-looking, he can still accompany the smile. "After the adults, the tigers have sent the soldiers to Qinlong to report, Qin Long riding. I also know that I will wait for the adults to go to the demon league!"

Hu Feishan said the last sentence is very heavy and seems to be warning Xiao Hua.

It is a pity that Xiao Hua only glanced at him coldly. Qin Xin said that if Hu Feishan refused to obey the discipline, he could kill him. How could Qin Xin care about the ending of Hu Feishan and others hunting?

Seeing Xiao Hua without words, Hu Feishan and others have no bottom in mind, they really did not expect Xiao Hua to act so thunder and decisive, they will bring them to hunt when they come up!

I think that Xiao Hua had previously broken the dozens of squadrons with one person, and their hearts were cold.

Hu Feishan and others have the heart to sue, but in the presence of two thousand celestial soldiers, in the face of Jiang Meihua and others, they really can not give up their faces.

Out of the military camp, Xianzhou slanted for more than 100,000 miles. There was an interface barrier in front of the head. Xiao Hua suddenly had a strange heart. He said: "No, the edge of the ordinary interface will have an interface rule similar to that of the singer. It is unlikely that a monk will be able to see the interface barriers when he flies to death. How can the interface barriers of the Qiyi Moyitian be so easy to approach? Is it because of the influence of the power of the demon alliance?"

"Adults..." At this time, Hu Feishan whispered, "There will be... at the end, there are some things that you want to sue, don't you know if you can sue alone?"

Xiao Hua was about to release his thoughts and listened to the words of Hu Feishan. He knew that he wanted to sue, so he smiled and said: "Hu Hu and Hu, don't think too much, just take you to hunt, this tiger has nothing else! ”

The more Xiao Hua said, the more Hu Feishan felt that Xiao Hua was a smiling tiger. He sighed and said, "The adults may have misunderstood the end..."

At this time, Xianzhou has already provoked the ban, and the glare of the scorpion is like water ripples. Xiao Hua’s thoughts are released, and the law is changing. Hearing Hu Feishan’s opening, he waved: “Hu’s deputy, I’m thinking, Xiao’s really didn’t think much. ""

"Oh, okay!" Hu Feishan Xiaohua oil and salt did not enter, had to sigh and sigh back.

Jiang Meihua looked at Xiao Hua and secretly sneaked in his heart. He thought that Xiao Hua deliberately did this!

Where does Xiao Hua care about this? He released the law of space exploration, and sure enough, the interface rules here are disordered, and many subtle fragments can not be explored even if they are rumored, and even many space laws do not seem to have broken.

"Some weird!" Xiaohua brows.

When the interface barrier is rushed out, the law is more disorderly. One heavy and heavy color is mixed with the fog, and it is scattered all over the space. The inexplicable fluctuation ignores the imperial defense of the fairy boat. The two thousand celestial soldiers give birth to the brilliance like a broken firefly.

"Adults..." Hu Feishan hurriedly whispered, "I also ask the adults to sacrifice the seals, so that the squadrons will form a military squad, otherwise their fairy bodies will be destroyed by the eclipse!"

"Bounding the light?" Xiao Huayan read it, and felt that this inexplicable piece was weird. On the other hand, he sacrificed the seal and asked, "What is this?"

"Adults..." Yue Xi also laughed with laughter. "From the vertical perspective, the boundary here is where the boundary between the heavens and the color circles meets. There is a fairy light, and from the horizontal perspective, there is a demon. The power of the Allies and Stars rushes, the light and shadow are intertwined, and they merge with each other, annihilating each other, giving birth to strange light and shadow. This light and shadow is extremely harmful to the fairy body that I am condensing!"

"Well, I will understand!" Xiao Hua nodded and asked, "How far is this to go to the 1967!"

"About eleven days!" Zhao Pingyi has a quick interface.

"Good!" Xiao Hua smiled. "You wait here to guard, the old man first retreats, wait until you get the edge, and then wake up the old man!"

"This..." Hu Feishan was stunned.

It is a pity that Xiao Hua does not wait for Hu Feishan to say more. In the hand, the fairy boat will provoke a lot of light and shadow will be Jiang Meihua, state Xiaoming and Lu Shu.

Looking at the rotation of the light and shadow disappeared, Hu Feishan's face gave birth to a hint of excitement.

"Big brother..." Yue Xi saw the situation and hurriedly said, "This... is this a trap of Xiao Hu's?"

Yue Xi’s reminder made Hu Feishan shocked. He looked at the tiger seals that were not far away from him. He sighed and was somewhat depressed.

"Big brother..." Zhao Pingyi whispered, "Listen to the words, this... This Xiaohu is not so cold-blooded?"

"Who knows!" Hu Feishan shook his head slightly and replied, "I don't know what to know. You and I don't agree with each other, and there are some misunderstandings with Lei Ming. The whole team knows the whole thing. This hunting, he is a clear-cut. If you don’t bring the fairy, you will take me three..."

"Is there still a thousand squadrons?"

"That is a play for others to see!" Hu Feishan hated the iron and did not become a steel, and replied, "If he only takes you and me, and you and my brilliance... Anyone who understands it, Qin Xin Qin Long ride will not agree..."

"What should I do?"

"Look... find a chance to explain to him!"

"I knew that this is so powerful. When it was the first day, we shouldn’t let go of the madness when we went to fight against the military."

"Yeah, who can think of this Xiaozhen people actually have the strength of Juyuan Xianzhong!"

"Do you not only gather Yuanxian mid-level? I heard that Xiao Fan, who took over the palm of Luqing Luhu's military camp, has the high-level strength of Juyuan Xianzhong. Let's take this task before Xiao Fan!"

Xiao Hua naturally would not pay attention to the trivial speculation of the three people. He just banned the immortal, and Lu Shu couldn't help but smile: "Master, you can't make three dimethesmen!"

"And see the performance of the three!" Xiao Hua smiled. "I have no intention of doing anything, but if they have the heart, then it is no wonder the old man."

Jiang Meihua shook his head: "Adult, this kind of thing is a test of life and death... Anyone is not good!"

Hearing that Jiang Meihua called himself "adult" several times, Xiao Hua had his heart to correct it before, but I think this is also about his own majesty, so I won't say more.

He thought for a moment and said: "This is not a test of life and death. I didn't say anything. I also brought a thousand celestial soldiers. If they are really different, then there are ghosts in their hearts. Since they are not good for the old husband, then Of course, the old man will not be polite! And look at it..."

After that, Xiao Hua closed his eyes and raised his spirits.

Jiang Meihua still wants to say something, watching Xiao Hua close his eyes can only shrug.

Xiao Ming of the state is to understand Xiao Huaji know that Xiao Hua took the time to practice, so he whispered a few words with Lu Shu and began to understand the mind.

Sure enough, but half a sip of tea, Xiao Hua's eyebrows began to flash, a glimpse of the light that formed into a gossip, overflowing in the surface of Xiao Hua, the light knots all over the body, a shape of the robe was born.

However, this robe was just revealed, and it began to break. Countless pieces began to collide with each other and blend together. One of the seemingly invisible dark holes was born in Xiaohua's body.

"I am going to..." Jiang Meihua was stunned and couldn't help but sighed in his heart. "Xiao Hua was in the first few days of the first stage of Juyuan Xian. How can I have a shock in the middle of the Yuanxian? sign?"

Immediately, Jiang Meihua began to look at his fingers.

When Jiang Meihua met Xiao Xue just met Xiao Hua, Xiao Hua was still a high-ranking emperor. When Jiang Meihua saw Xiao Hua in Senluo Road, Xiao Hua was already the first stage of Ju Yuan Xian. At that time, Jiang Meihua did not have any special. Surprised, after all, Xiao Hua has already been a two-dimensional fairy, and can be advanced to the Yuanxian.

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The initiative is in the hands of Hu Feishan and others, to see how they choose...


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