Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1038: Xiao Hua’s inference

“What about you?” Xiao Hua realized that he was too stupid to ask Cui Wei’s question and turned to ruthlessly. “Listen to what you mean, do you want to go to the penalty palace?”

"Baby is thinking!" Nostalgic nodded. "After all, the child is the head of Yu Leizong. Although the Lemo Mountain has not left the ancestors' shackles, since there are ancestors in the penalty palace, they still leave a token in the washing pool, the baby. It is natural to look for it."

"Why didn't you find it before?"

"Ritual and timid are looking for a brother, if the baby does not protect them, the baby is not at ease!"

The ruthless words did not surprise Xiao Hua.

"It's a pity..." Xiao Hua's words are ruthless. "The old man just killed a penalty palace, and he has a grudge with the penalty palace. If you go to the penalty palace, the old man can't guarantee that your spirit is not being used. Exploring..."

"Yes, the baby understands!" A ruthless sigh, a smile appeared on his face, and he said that he would pray for the punishment of the palace and said, "The baby does not go to the penalty palace, but also enters the gate of creation!"

Xiao Hua’s heart is bitter. He knows that he is ruthless, but this matter is related to his own life, and even to the safety of the door. He dare not have the slightest scorn, so Xiao Hua took over the punishment of the palace and comforted him: “You can rest assured, make the door Will not taint you and other qualifications..."

"Uncle Shi, the child is also willing to worship the door of creation!" Cui Wei is looking forward to the ruthless horse, and at this time he is also included in the token.

"How good is this!" He smiled and said, "Let's be together again!"

He said that he would also hand over the punishment to Xiao Hua.

Xiao Hua took over three penalty palace tokens, raised a hand of Kunlun mirror, Xiaolei and Gu Yu flying out!

"Booming rumbling..." Xiaolei rushed out of the thunder and rushed to the three small. After all, they had the blood of the beast, and Xiaolei liked it.

Looking at the three small and ancient 穹 穹 暄 暄 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧Although there is no memory left in the name, even the application of Shen Hao, the appearance of this lead is also vague, but since you host this indirect spirit pool, how can you escape the relationship? So it is a mystery, it is limited to the city. Xiaomou is worried about the whereabouts of Lie Er, etc., and this is the means of searching for souls. Otherwise, he does not know that the penalty palace Gongxian is actually bought by Shenjia, doing some things that cross the sea."

"Tianzunfu has a Tianzun order, demanding that the detained Feishengxian be released. You are bold, still imprisoning the immortals who fly here, and handing them over to Shenjia. If Xiaomou comes over, Xiaomou’s disciples are not all Want to fall into the hands of Shenjia?"

"Inferred from this, it must be that Shenjia realized that his disciples sent to the Wan Yaojie were killed by Xiao Mou. This is the focus of the Wan Xuejie's corresponding Lingchi. Of course, these punishments are not possible. Too much, from the point of view of the ancients, I am afraid that there is only one here."

"As for the ceremony, they are flying in the mainland of Dongjiang. They are controlled by the Koi Sect. They have no contact with the Shen family. There will be no other problems."

"...In other words, Xiaomou in the disciples of the world, most of them should be flying in the purple Xuanxian domain, Xiaomou needs to leave a message, collect them back to make the door..."

"... As for the real fairy who went down with Shen Hao, it was really awesome. Xiaomou couldn’t see anything from Shen Shen’s soul. He could only vaguely know that he came from the color world and wanted to find something in the world of desire. People! This person was originally enlightened in the mainland, but I don’t know why the true immortal has reached the mainland. Although this period of Shen Shu retreats, everything from the Shen Yu’s memory to this true fairy has been blurred. I can know that even if Shen has no retreat, Xiao can't see anything from it..."

"...So, Xiaomou can't be sure who the real immortal is looking for. But the only thing that can be sure is that this immortal should not be looking for Xiaomou. After all, Xiao has never been to the Qing Dynasty."

"...I don't know if the cause and effect of Xiao's display can shield the real fairy. After so long, the fairy hasn't come yet, it shouldn't come again. Hey, this is really awful, even for Linglong, directly let the real fairy kill Zhuang, Zhuang Hao is mad, but it is also a principled immortal, so plain death, it is a pity..."

"...Zhuang's relics are still there, Xiaomou is sending the relics back to Tianhongge, or is it given to the disciples of the martial arts? Zhuang's practice is indeed unique, and some reference values. Then, Zhuang Wei's Afterwards, I will talk about it later, and after watching the opportunity, Xiaomou now has a military position. It’s not as easy as going to Tianhongge. It’s not easy...”

"... Although some are difficult and ruthless, the punishment palace is not the place where ordinary immortals can be happy. My ancestor Zuo Zongzu has some status in the penalty palace, but this status is really compared with the gods, and it gives more ruthless opportunities. After he is ready, he will understand! Of course, since the immortality of this penalty palace has the background of Yu Leizong, if there is a chance, Xiaomou should also go and see, after all, against the palm of the palace, rescue Xu Big Brother and Xingyue Fairy, It’s not something that Xiao can do..."

Xiao Hua thought for a long while, the three small people on the other side had already seen the ceremony with the ancients, and the four did not speak to Xiao Hua.

Xiao Hua smiled and said: "You are four people too busy, but this is not enough, and look at the old man's means..."

"Yifu..." smiled at him and said, "You will not directly reach into the demon world, and you will make the disciples of the creations to the fairy world?"

"Haha, the old man can't have that skill right now, but the old man has built another building door in the fairy world. The scale may be more than that, but..."

Speaking of this, Xiao Hua suddenly gave birth to a strange face, look at the ruthless words: "ruthless, are you the master of the Royal Leizong?"

"Good teacher knows!" ruthlessly rushed to the body Babe is the head of Yu Leizong. ”

"That's good!" Xiao Hua said with great joy, "I will give it to you when I make it!"

"My brother is wrong!" He shook his head ruthlessly. "The child is not a dust fairy. The disciple of the brother is afraid of what is also a fairy. How can the child's words serve the public?"

"It is also!" Xiao Hua nodded. "The worst of their seven disciples is already the beginning of the Five Elements, and your strength is really not good."

Although the rituals, ruthlessness, Cui Wei and Gu Yu have ignored Xiao Hua’s realm, they have heard that Xiao Hua’s disciples are already five elements, and they are even more shocked. At the same time, they also have a happy color...

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Every day, a little transition, and then no one can guess that...

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