Revival of the Gods

Chapter 104: Hard fight

“Hey!” Xiao Hua’s heart sighed slightly. If it was unusual, Xiao Hua was really unwilling to face the Frost King, which seemed to have the spirit of Xuanwu Yuanling. However, when he knew that Yunfeng might be related to Qiling Zhenxian. Xiaohua can only face it!

"呜" Xiao Hua waved the Kunlun mirror, and the light and shadow of the fingers fell, and he protected himself!

Sure enough, the light and shadow had just been born, and the crisp sound of "咔嚓嚓" was born in the space, and the snow fell through the shadows! Waiting for the cold wind to blow, the "噗噗噗" light and shadow condensed into ice crystals, and the pieces broke down!

"Young people..." Such a powerful means seems to be the warning of the Frost King. His slightly old voice sounded. "If you are a spirit, this king will not say a word to you! Now the king gives you the last a chance……"

"No need!" Xiao Hua categorically refused.

"Hey..." With Xiaohua's voice exiting, Zhou Tianfeng's clouds are rising, the flying snowflakes are gone, and the thin clouds that have just disappeared through the sun are all gray, just like the color of the Frost King. It is better to be like the angry mood of Frost King.

Seeing this, how can Xiao Hua dare to be half-small? Ruyi sticks out immediately, "Boom..." but listening to the loud roar of the surrounding, the inexplicable cold is born out of thin air, like a behemoth carrying the power of the mountain, watching the gray light of the surrounding sky, Xiao Hua knows that Frost King has blocked the space!

"Hey..." Xiao Hua proudly danced the five elements of the wishfulness, like the warriors of the war, the shadows of the sky and the sky, "Booming..." Every time there is a shadow, there is a roar Storm!

Waiting for Xiao Hua, he screamed: "Hit!"

"Boom..." Thousands of sticks of shadows made a tumultuous fall!

"Hey..." There are hundreds of feet of wide and narrow sticks fluttering toward the Frost King, the shadows are everywhere, the space is smashed, the ice is dissipated, and the waves are soaring!

However, when I saw that the shadow had to fall on the Frost King, the Frost King had some unexpected "hmm", "噗噗噗..." The shadow of the shadow was awkward and turned to Gaotian!

Xiao Hua was shocked and knew that this was the power of the Frost King to control the space, but he still shouted: "The little man should look at it, how deep your understanding of the space law!"

"噗噗噗" Xiao Hua urged Xianli to pounce on the Frost King, and the wishful stick once again set off the shadow!

The shadow is like a wave. First, it is still rushing to the sky. After a while, the "bang" is falling, like the tide. The frosty king who has been standing out has finally figured out, and backed away Baizhang to avoid the shadow of Xiaohua!

The Frost King is so good that the "bang" sounds loud, and the Kunlun mirror that has just protected Xiaohua suddenly bursts into the red light and shadow, and a light column breaks out and hits the spirit of the Frost King!

When the light column falls, the spirit of the Frost King collapses rapidly. During the sound of “哗哗...”, countless ice blue runes are mixed with ice and fading out in Guanghua!

"Damn!" Frost King whispered, "brushing" a frosty spear at the high point of Kunlun mirror, screaming fiercely!

"Hey..." Xiao Hua sneered, raising his hand, Kunlun mirror turned, and a beam of light rushed out!

The light column hit the spear, making a loud roar, the spear annihilated, and the light column was destroyed!

"Haha, but that's it!" Frost King laughed, and hundreds of icebergs rushed out of his body and rushed toward Xiaohua. At the same time, a frosty spear swarmed out and stabbed Kunlun mirror!

"I am afraid that you will not be a master?" Xiao Hua snorted, a mouth, a scent of smoldering on the Kunlun mirror! The Kunlun mirror blooms like a moon, the light column condenses to meet the frost spear, and Xiao Hua himself is more powerful with his arms, and dances again and again, "噗噗" will smash the iceberg!

It’s really the movement of the mountain, the space is shaking, the ice is cold and bursting, and the stand that is stumbling in the distance is gradually standing up.

The face of the aging king of the frost gave birth to a kind of blue-white color. The godless eyes began to flash in the blue light, and they came out of his body with a rare and cautious voice: "There are clouds of human races, heroes are young, really!"

In the words, on the green body, suddenly a fist that is comparable to the iceberg is born, and the spirit of Xiaohua is avoided.

The fists have not been close, and the strength of the dignified seal has been overlapped and stacked to suppress the Xiaohua spirit!

"Well come!" Xiao Hua is now unbearable, and the dance is so tired that he feels a little tired. When he sees the frost fist, he screams and screams, his hands are moving, and the "bang" thunder is displayed, a five-color Thunder's big hand was born out of thin air.

"Oh??" The Frost King is naturally a little surprised. The Thunder's big hands are falling, countless thorns are like thorns, and there is no big frosty hand. The "bang..." sounds loud, the frosty fist bursts, and the surrounding space begins to collapse.

However, at this time, above the space, a scream of "铿", several frost spears defeated the red light column and hit the Kunlun mirror, and the Kunlun mirror screamed and fell from the sky.

The frosty fist bursts, and countless cold winds re-emerge, and the ice shards condense into ice thorns again, and if they are slammed into Xiaohua. However, just as the ice thorns struck, Xiao Hua’s body suddenly disappeared out of nowhere!

"Hey?" The Frosty King stunned, and the illusory face turned around the spirit, seemingly looking for Xiao Hua.

Just in the frosty king Nahan, the sound of "嗖" is loud, and a five-color fire net is falling from the sky to the spirit of the Frost King!

Seeing the place where the fire net fell, the spirit of the Frost King had signs of collapse, and even the spirits could not resist the great earthquake.

It is a pity that when the fire net just touched the distorted space of the head of the Frost King, the "呜" burst into a gust of wind, and a layer of ice like a crown came out of the air, blocking the fire net.

"Ha ha ha..." The Frost King laughed and suddenly reached out to the left side of his own air!

"噗噗" space is cracked, and Xiao Hua shows his figure with a horrified look!

"Do you dare to display martial arts in the king's field?" Frosty King sneer, big hands and mammoth, seemingly to make Xiaohua into a meat!

However, in the place where the Frost King used his strength, his face suddenly gave birth to a strange: "Hey? You are actually a fairy baby?"

As the voice of the Frost King was born, "啪啪啪" Xiao Hua suddenly felt the inexplicable tingling in his baby body, and bursts of screams actually came out of his body. The Frost King did not know why he directly hit his baby. body!

Xiao Hua is a big man, and this kind of awkwardness is definitely not the previous outfit!

At such a critical moment, "Booming and Booming" under the Frost King, a burst of roaring sound, but see a pentagonal fairy flying out, isn't it the five elements? At this time, the five elements are different from the same day, Sun Yubo’s offering is the same. The five corners of the five elements are in the five corners of the five-body body. The five-body flashing mottled silver light is set up in the air, and the five different colors of light columns rise from the sky. Around the five beams of light, Qinglong, Baihu and other Yuanling virtual shadows roared to the Frost King!

The light column passed, and the big hand of the "噗噗" Frost King was crushed, and the virtual shadow of Qinglong was torn the surface of the Frost King.

The face of the Frost King changed sharply, but he did not panic. In the demise of the body of the spirit, there was a "squeaky" sound in his spirit, and then a broken sword flew out of his body. When the remnant sword came out, the surrounding space immediately burst into ice. "Hey!" In the ice crack, the residual sword crossed the sky and stabbed to the five elements!

Although it is a remnant sword, passing through the space is also a residual image, but the afterimage is over, the five elements are all smashed, not to mention the smashing sword between the electric and the flint, and the smashing of the seven spirits. The five elements that are easily broken are now split like paper.

"Ha..." Frost King laughed, but he just just laughed out a word and saw Xiaohua with a mockery on his face and looked at himself. In the hands of Xiao Hua, the sword of Yuan Ling Yuanguang has long been Sacrifice, "Brush..." Swords on There is a brow with a nose and eyes. The black and white 诛灵元光化为光幕 instantaneously tears the space of the Frost King!

"Not good!" The Frost King was shocked. He didn't know that this was Xiao Hua's killer. He hurriedly thought about the sharp turn and wanted to recover the stabbed sword. Unfortunately, the remnant sword is intended to be turned into a shadow. The upper half of the sky resisted the spirit of Yuan Ling, but it only rushed more than a hundred feet, black and white Ling Yuanguang has fallen!

"噗噗" 诛灵元光 bypasses the ice cap that resists the five-colored fire, and straightens into the spirit of the Frost King! Instantly, the entire space is quiet and solid, and everything is still!

"Call..." I glanced at the remnant sword that was parked in the air. Xiao Hua finally breathed a sigh of relief. He originally thought that the Frost King was a basaltic bloodline inheritance, and he would have such a cold ice magical power. But there is always a sharp tingling in the ice, and even Xiao Hua’s thoughts can be torn, which makes Xiao Hua more eye-catching, when the Frost King’s ice cap can actually block the five colors that are not in the five elements. When Shenhuo fires, Xiao Hua has already determined that the Frost King must have more powerful means!

Sure enough, the remnants of the sword, the five elements are decadent. But if the five elements change the opportunity of Ling Yuanguang to kill the Frost King, Xiao Hua is willing!

"Kill!" Xiao Hua slightly paused, fearing that the eternal life will suddenly rush to spur the fairy, the black and white 诛灵元光 slightly cross in the body of the Frost King, the sound of "咔", a **** rush out!

Seeing the blood color, Xiao Hua frowned, at this time, "呜呜" in the void, the smoldering wind, a strange twist reversed the spirit of Yuan Ling Yuanguang into the void!

The distortion just disappeared, Xiao Hua felt that his soul was like being torn by a big hand. He was black in front of him, could not help but scream, falling from the air...

Ps: Killing a thousand self-injury 800, poor Xiao Hua has no physical support, even the control of Ling Ling Yuanguang is difficult!

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