Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1035: Killing the application?

If there is an inevitable idea in the immortal fairy, Gu Yu has experienced a lot of experience. He hurriedly replied: "Master, the younger generation is willing!"

After that, the old man will be hoeing.

Xiao Hua stopped it again and said: "Ancient, there is still a difficult thing to visit my door!"

"Predecessors please talk!" asked Gu Yu.

Waiting for Xiao Hua to say the swearing oath, Gu Yu is somewhat hesitant.

When Xiao Hua saw this, he smiled and said: "The ancient monk, you don't have to be embarrassed. Since you have the clues of the predecessors of the Dao League, you may wish to take a look at it first. Xiao can send you the common practice of the fairy world, and even the things that should be cultivated..."

"Ha ha!" Not waiting for Xiao Hua to finish, the ancient 穹 通 通 通 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Killing a disciple, this poisonous oath... It doesn’t make any sense to say it!"

After that, the ancient 穹 穹 将 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一

"Good!" Xiao Hua sighed, "I am a disciple of my creation when I am a martial artist. In the future, I will make a slogan from my master!"

"Preaching masters?" In the eyes of Gu Yan, he couldn't think of it. It was only a few decades, and the gates of creation were so prosperous in the fairyland!

"But this is not the time for your cultivation..." Xiao Hua looked up at the void and said, "You have to give directions to the old man. The old man will go and see if you can find my disciples in the left!"

Immediately, Xiao Hua took the ancient room out of the quiet room, and heard the ancients bowing into the door of Xiao Hua. Xiang Qing and other are congratulations. As a predecessor, they each gave out a meeting and gave it to the ancient ancestors. .

The direction of the ancient Shu is similar to the direction in which Jiang Meihua perceives the disappearance of Linglong, so Xianzhou did not stop and still flew.

Flying for dozens of Yuan Days, it has already surpassed the where Linglong Dragon disappeared. Xiangqing can only fly in accordance with the instructions of the ancient Shu. This Yuanyue, seeing the white moon falling, the pepper figure rises at the beginning of the day, a touch of sunshine Next, there is a fairy boat flying in the distance!

Xiao Hua had already explored the control of the tobacco, and knew that it was a female fairy, but she did not care. However, when the fairy boat flew near and looked at the familiar fairy boat, Xiao Hua was paralyzed.

Isn't this Zhuang's fairy boat?

Xiaohua saw Zhuangxi's number of times, and Zhuangzi rarely used Xianzhou. The only time was in the vicinity of Danfang, the dusty sea. Xiaohua went to Danfang from Fudaomeng and met Zhuangyu and Zhuangxi in the middle. After Xiaohua went to listen to Tianxue, he threw a boat in the fairy boat, so Xiaohua had some impressions on this fairy boat.

Zhuang Yu's fairy boat here naturally shows that Zhuang Yu escaped from the faint, Zhuang Zhen is arrogant, but very principled, Xiao Hua has a good impression of Zhuang Yi.

However, Xiao Hua still hesitated. After all, he did not want Zhuang to know his identity again. I can think of Zhuang Yu from the dusty sea to get here. It is very likely that he will encounter Bai Xiaotu, and Zhuang Yi has seen Bai Xiao. Earth, so he couldn't help but sway, fly high, block the fairy boat, smiled and said: "This little friend, don't know the master of this fairy boat..."

On the top of the fairy boat is Shen Hao. She also saw Xiao Hua and others, and she was alert in her heart. She could see that the fairy boat was about to fly, and the other party had no difference. Shen Xin’s heart was put down again!

At this time, seeing Xiao Hua blocking the fairy boat, Shen Hao did not feel a tight heart, slightly frowning, looked up and down Xiao Hua, and Xiao Hua took the ancient 穹, although restored height, but not particularly prominent, it looks That is about five hundred feet or so, almost five elements of strength, I heard Xiao Hua asked Zhuang Yi, Shen Hao did not hesitate at all, "brush ..." waist neon like a dragon rolled up, twisted towards Xiao Hua!

Xiao Hua cried and laughed, and his body hurriedly flew up. The big hand slammed the neon of Shen Hao and smiled: "Little friends are anxious, the old man is just..."

Shen Hao is the most time to judge the situation, knowing that Xiao Hua and Zhuang Yi are familiar with each other, she did not listen to Xiao Hua points, urging the body shape to rush out of the flying boat, desperately flew in the direction of the breeze.

Xiao Hua thought that Shen Hao had misunderstood, and after swaying, he chased after Shen Hao and raised his hand to send the neon to the past. He smiled and said: "Little friend, your fairy..."

"Booming and banging..." Shen Yan saw Xiaohua's strength actually surpassed the five elements, and there was already some panic. Now Xiaohua quietly chased after him, raising his hand and offering a neon. She bite her teeth and take a shot. Naxu Ring, Qianleiling, Wanleihai and Moyun Leijin were sent out at the same time. With the spurting of the blue light in her mouth, these three powerful lightning weapons will explode!

Seeing that the Emperor Leizong three small fairy flying out, Xiao Hua couldn't help but think that there were many immortals in the past, so he suddenly changed color, his eyes appeared cold, and the big hand grabbed three pieces of the device. Nailed in the air, and immediately shouted: "What about them?"

"Oh..." Shen Yan snorted and cried. "He naturally died long ago! I honestly told you that I am a Shen disciple. Even if you kill me, I can tell you immediately. To..."

"Haha, haha..." Xiao Hua laughed aloud, and there was some sadness in the laughter. "Do not say that you are a Shen disciple. Even if you are a disciple, you kill my disciple, and I can't spare you!"

After that, Xiao Hua’s body shape has already been pushed to Shen’s eyes. This method is as fast as the middle distance. However, Shen Hao had no time to make any defenses. Xiao Hua had a thunder in his right hand, and he slammed it between Shen Yu’s eyebrows!

"Ah!" Shen Yan screamed, and the eyebrows were broken!

Then, Xiao Hua left his fist and punched his fists.

"Xiao... Xiao brothers..." Xiangqing will come over with the ancient scorpion fly, watching Xiao Hua raise his hand and throw a foot to kill a five elements, he is a little surprised, "What is going on?"

Xiao Hua pointed to three pieces of fairy in midair and said: "This is the fairy that Xiao gave me the father of the realm, the son of the son and the daughter of the mortal family..."

"Not bad!" Gu Yan looked at the three pieces of fairy and nodded. "This is ruthless, to the ceremony and Cui Wei's life! I am afraid they are already fallen!"

"Damn!" Xiang Qing also whispered, looking at the dead body of Shen Hao, said, "How can she know a few dust celestial ones?"

"I have to look at it!" Xiao Hua grabbed the big hand and smashed the scars of Shen Bing's heart. Cold and cold, "What is the power of this Shen family, dare to kill Xiao's disciple!"

Xiao Hua took Shen Shen’s fairy marks and immediately broke into the space. However, for a moment, Xiao Hua’s gods returned to his place. He had some unsettled big sleeves and wounds, and the Shen Shu’s remnants and other things were collected. Commanded: "Come on, don't have to stay in Huang Zengtian, wait for me in the two worlds!"

"Ah?" Xiangqing hurriedly said, "Don't you find Linglong?"

"No need!" Xiao Hua turned to look at the place, and hurriedly said, "The matter is urgent, not much to say, go quickly, if it is slow for a while, you and I will die without a place of burial!"

Seeing that Xiao Hua was serious, she did not dare to neglect and rushed to send Xianzhou.

"Ancient 穹..." Xiao Hua sacrificed Kunlun mirror and said, "You are waiting for Kunlun Wonderland!"

"Yes!" Gu Yu rushed to promise.

"Right, there are disciples in the Kunlun Wonderland, you don't have to be surprised..." Xiao Hua said a few words, and later seemed to think of something, said, "Forget it, let's talk about it later!"

After that, Xiao Hua urged the Kunlun mirror to fill the space of the ancient scorpion, and the ancient smashed into the space, "brushing..." The space around the room immediately gave birth to the golden eyebrows, and the distant jade Xiaohua avatar A pair of eyes, a thunder and light across the sky hit the ancient gold silk did not enter, the first level of the practice of stepping on the gods has been printed in the ancient mind!

"Thank you for passing the lord!" The ancient ecstasy, thank you for your help.

"Fast speed understanding..." Yuhua Xiaohua's voice is like a god-like voice in the ancient mind.

The ancient 穹 穹 穹 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧Condensed with the water, and there are river pictures and the shadow of Luoshu.

The gossip rises into the sky and covers the surrounding area. As Xiao Hua raises his hands, the inexplicable light and shadow converge into the gossip, and the gossip begins to spin rapidly. The river map and Luoshu rush out, one turns into a water wave, and one turns into a thunder mark. First, scouring the Wanli space, and then with the rotation of the gossip, the whole left is involved in the gossip. After the gossip is rotated for a large number of days, it is reversed, and after another big Sunday, the gossip flies to the top of Xiaohua, "Boom" Xiao Hua showed that three hundred and sixty-five gossips flew from all over, and after the crazy rotation, disappeared with the top door gossip falling into Xiao Hua's body.

Then Xiao Hua squinted and saw that the technique of displaying the light disappeared!

Xiao Hua just walked, where the sun is falling in the嗖..." The breeze drove the drop-shaped fairy boat like a meteorite!

However, the fairy boat passed through the air and did not stop. It was only after flying for ten million miles to stop. The breeze showed its figure on the fairy boat. He looked around and wondered: "It is here! How? Is there anything wrong?"

Afterwards, the Qingfeng drove the Xianzhou for a long time in the vicinity of a million miles, and even took out the sacred device of Shen Hao. Nothing was found.

The breeze's face became more and more dignified, and the vest gradually became cold and sweaty. Finally, he waved his sleeves and Tushan Xiufei will come out! At this time, Tu Shanxiu seems to be no different from the previous one, but if it is carefully explored it is a little different.

I saw that Tu Shanxiu’s eyebrows were a little lazy, and there was more smile at the corner of his mouth. The gestures were not only as tempting as before, but also a kind of empty meaning.

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Xiao Hua is finally on the breeze!

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