Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1030: Lower bound

Xiao Hua looked at Jiang Meihua and smiled bitterly: "No way! If the situation is not strong, there will be more warfare coming over to harass, Xiaomou has to spend more energy..."

"Right, the battlefield, including Xiao, left a total of eight warriors. I waited for a task. Xiao’s mission is to kill Huang Zengtian’s Qinglan continent and kill a psychic monster. You are willing to talk with Xiao. Someone?"

Jiang Meihua smiled and said: "If it is a side, a family can't swear, the Qinglan mainland is a familiar place, and a certain family can definitely help!"

"Well, then I will wait for the first return to the Starship..." Xiao Hua looked around and asked, "What about Ji Mu?"

"After you were forced out of the battlefield, you have no face and you have already turned the stars!"

“Hey!” Xiao Hua sighed. “This battle is really boring!”

"Is it boring, are you so fierce?" Jiang Meihua sneered. "Is it the warrior who stood with you, is your old knowledge?"

"Yes, he is called Xiangqing..." Xiao Hua said, "I am the deputy tiger cub of Lei Ming Lei Hu, and I saved me when I was a fairy!"

"He was also frightened by your fierceness?"


Xiaohua has already flew to the star boat to the left, and he can see clearly. On the starship, Ji Mu stood on the edge and looked at himself coldly.

“Why don’t you come yet?” Xiao Hua stood outside the starry boat and looked around. He said: “Is it right?”

There is a bag of cigarettes, the opposite side of the star boat, Xiangqing with seven warlords flying in time, the old long-distance shouted, "Xiao brother, I am coming!"

Xiao Hua greeted the past and stood by each other. After the Qing Dynasty, the seven warriors will be in the same position: "I have seen Xiao Huyu..."

"The brothers are polite!" Xiao Hua hurriedly lifted the crowd and smiled. "Xiao has never got the tiger seal, which is not appropriate!"

"Hey..." Xiangqing said with a slight smile, "Someone just said something about Xiao Brothers and Shentong. We are all happy with these brothers. They have already determined that Xiao Brothers is the tiger of our team. Anyone else comes. Don't think about sitting down!"

After that, Xiang Qing Yang will pay a visit to the Xinghe River and say: "Xiao brothers, it is not too late, let's go to the star boat first, and Xiang is familiar with Huang Zeng Tianji. Let's go to the Qinglan continent and say no later!"

"Even, there is such a big brother!" Xiao Hua was also polite, with Jiang Meihua on the flying boat.

Xiangqing urged the Xingxing River to fly away from the city of Tianzhu. Xiaohua and Jiang Meihua respectively met the other seven warriors, and each of them was slightly cold. The five warriors were separated and guarded by the edge of the Xinghe River. Zhou, Xiang Qing stepped over and said: "Xiao brothers, and show me the ink fairy!"

After seeing the ink fairy, the face was sad and whispered: "The Xiao brothers are powerful, but luck is not good."

"How do you say?" Xiao Hua is a bit ugly.

"After withdrawing from the competition, I have already got some news..." Xiang Qing said, "In addition to the Xiao Fan, there is also a female fairy with a strength comparable to that of Juyuan Xian. The name is Chang Yue. These two immortals will It is the biggest rival of the Xiao brothers. When they come late, they are going to inquire about their whereabouts. They both go to the boundary to hunt the demon, only the Xiao brothers go to Huang Zengtian!"

"Psychic monsters are difficult to hunt?" Xiao Hua asked.

"Psychic monsters are hard to hunt!" Xiang Qing explained, "especially the psychic monsters hiding in the fairy world are more difficult to hunt!"

"The so-called monsters are different from the ordinary demons. They have more primitive blood. If it is a psychic word, it is an unspeakable supernatural power. This magical power is more powerful than the human race. Oh, some are similar. Let's often say that the prophet is not!"

"This... so powerful!" Xiao Hua was a bit stunned.

"Even the Tongling Wicked Beast, it is divided into three equal steps!" Xiang Qing nodded slightly, explained, "The inferior has a beautiful slave, shallow language, medium has a solution flower, Linglong, superior There is a dream of love, Xuan Mozhen. This Linglong dragon is called the dragon, but the demon is actually very small, but more than a hundred feet, if it is hiding in the green continent, it is impossible to find."

"I am going, that is trouble!" Xiao Hua listened more and more chilling, and said that Linglong is a hundred-footed spirited monster, even if it is an ordinary monster, he can not find it in a short time!

However, Xiao Hua spoke, and the eyes were shining to Jiang Meihua. Jiang Meihua has been waiting for the formation of the dragon space, not to absorb the dragon gas, presumably what will be the induction of what Linglong dragon?

I have to say that this is also a way for Xiao Hua to keep a low profile. In fact, after Xiao Hua saw Mo Xianyu, his first reaction was to invite Jiang Meihua to go with him. However, he did not explain, and even encouraged to explain clearly. This is not to say that Xiao Hua does not understand, but that he is willing to listen to the opinions and suggestions of others.

Sure enough, Jiang Meihua smiled and said: "If the Linglong dragon is a dragon, Xiao brothers don't have to worry, Mei can help the Xiao brothers!"

"Haha, then I will rely on Mei Tong to lead!" Xiao Hua laughed and looked at the battles of the boat, saying, "As for how to cross the boundaries of the world, then give it to you!"

"Xiao Huyu rest assured!" The boat will laugh. "I am used to the world of desire, where the interface barriers are weak, I will wait until clear, otherwise it is impossible for us to call us."

Not to mention that Xiao Hua’s confidence is full of interface barriers across the heavens and sneak into Huang Zengtian. He said that Huang Zengtian’s foggy place, a fairy boat broke out, and within the fog, thousands of cloud-like animals roared The fairy boat, and the fairy boat from time to time has a lantern-like flame spewing out, this flame bursting place will ignite the alien beast, the fired beast mourns everywhere, and ignites other exotic beasts. !

"Gig..." Shen’s voice rang from the fairy boat. "Breeze, your means is very powerful. Don’t say that you have to retreat for a few months. It’s just a matter of retreating, you can’t do it...”

"嘿嘿 This is nothing..." The breeze stood on the bow of the ship, smiling at the contours of the mainland in the fog, and said, "I have more means!"

"Is this the enlightenment of the mainland?" Shen Yan got up and looked at the mainland in the distance, asked with a smile.

The breeze hesitated for a moment and replied: "It's not clear, I just got it according to the guide of the fairy."

"Gig..." Shen Yan smiled. "Look, I am only slightly retreating for a while, you are out of the blind, it seems that I can't do it!"

"Yes, yes!" The breeze eyes are a little flickering. Look at the flames in the distant fog.

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Will the breeze meet Xiao Hua?

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