Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1027: Liwei

Xiao Hua took a shot of his own door. After the release of the second gas force, the two arms were raised. "Boom..." was a loud noise, and Xiao Hua actually inserted the wishful stick into the mountain.

But when the earth shook, the mountain peak collapsed, and Xiao Hua’s figure fell on the wishful stick. The mouth called: “Long and long...”

"Booming and banging..." Ruyi sticks up again, holding Xiaohua into the sky!

"Who dares to fight with me?"

Xiao Hua's eyes gave birth to the fire, sweeping around, and the thunder, which was turned into a roaring silver, brightened the night sky!

Originally, there was a fairy who swept through and prepared to fly and kill. Seeing that Xiao Hua was so fierce, he had already turned his head, and no one would tear up with such a fierce life as soon as he came up!

However, it was a moment, and the surrounding night sky was like the smashing of fireworks, the sound of roaring, the sound of screaming, and the killing of 1,432 sensations began...

However, it is half a cup of tea, and there are already more than a hundred words to be swept away from Xiao Hua. Xiao Hua simply ignores it, only hands and one back, standing like a stone sculpture.

It is also weird, the more so Xiaohua is, the more the singers will not dare to challenge.

After another fragrant scent, the brilliance of the surrounding light began to fade. Xiao Hua squinted at the deep night sky and smiled. "There is always a coming, and it is not a fool to participate in these battles." !"

"Hey..." Xiaohua’s voice never landed. In the distance, there was a buzzing sound in the high sky, and then a shadow like a cloud quickly covered it. Xiaohua’s mouth was full of laughter, and the thoughts were clearly understood. Dozens of cents will pass through.

The ink-colored Yunxia stopped at the top of Xiaohua like a ghost. When the first battle was to fly from Yunxia, ​​there was a dark blue cloud of silk behind him.

The war will fall into a double fist and say: "Xianyou, this war is about fighting for battle, I am waiting to see the strength of Xianyou, not to join me and wait for the team, wait for the other teams to defeat, I wait How about the final ten battles?"

"No need!" Xiao Hua shook his head. "Get used to catching and killing!"

"Oh..." The warrior smiled and said, "If Xianyou doesn't join me and wait for the team, then I won't dare to let the fairy friend..."

Xiao Hua whispered, and the silver light flashed like a thunder, instantly illuminating around, and he roared: "When you fight, why bother?"

"Kill..." After the war, there will be a battle of the main battle, cold and cold orders!

"Oh..." The sound of the whistling sounds again, and dozens of cents will fall from the surrounding eyes in the blink of an eye. That Yunxia will cover Xiaohua in the distance!

Xiao Hua had a flower in front of him, and a piece of knife light fell from the night sky like snow. The sound of the knife was extremely harsh.

Seeing the slashing of the knife and turning into thousands of celestial soldiers, Xiao Hua Yang hand, "bang rumbling" thunder and lightning, thundering sword out of the air!

"Xiao Mou has no intention of killing all the fairy buddies..." Xiao Hua still stood on the wishful stick, steady rock, thundering sword waving, one squad was killed, turned into a decaying knife annihilation, Xiao Hua faint Said, "Which fairy friend feels uncomfortable, please quit and admit defeat!"

"Ha ha ha..." A voice rang at the top of Xiao Hua's head. "Xiao Xianyou thought more, and when he entered the battlefield, who could take the initiative to admit defeat? Even if you don't want to fight the fairy, you have to have your own face!"

"Oh..." Xiao Hua sighed with a sigh, his body suddenly burst into the sky, his hands on his chest, and more than 3,000 thunders roared out, condensing into a gossip, and with Xiao Hua suddenly took one.

"Boom..." A loud bang, the thunder light broke out, such as the wind and the ruined cloud instantly fell in the blade of the light to create a hole of more than a hundred years.


These celestial beings will not be allowed to struggle. "Oh..." The four ray of light flashed, and the figure of these celestial beings was caught in the void.

The four immortals will withdraw from the battle, and the battle will immediately produce flaws, and the surrounding knives will have a streak of halo!

"Kill, kill, kill..." Xiao Hua's handcuffs, and a little thundering sword, "Hey..." Thundering swords rushed out of the thunder, plunging into the nearest halo

"Damn!" A low-pitched, early fairy will spur the fairy, "brush, brush, brush..." A troll hammer, a square tripod, a red flying sword flew out of the knife, a triangular attack To Xiao Hua.

The three fairy devices are not too bad. The light and shadow of the troll hammer on the shape of the magic mark hovered out, and the layers of **** splashes emptied the void. The four squares were born with the force of repression, directly covering through the void. On the Xiaohua fairy mark; and the red flying sword does not have a special light and shadow, it seems to be in the middle of the law, but the sharpness on the sword front can not hide the thunder of the thunder sword!

"Hey..." Xiao Hua raised his brow and smiled. "The fairy is good, but the messenger is weak!"

Immediately after Xiao Hua’s thoughts, the thundering sword “咔嚓嚓” turned into three swords, and “噗噗噗” directly pierced the light curtain of three pieces of fairy, and wiped the fairy into the knife!


“Everyone works together!” Several voices sounded at the same time. “Otherwise I will be killed by this!”

"It's too late!" Xiao Hua whispered, taking a picture of his own eyebrows, and the forty-six light and condensed gossip rushed out of the light, which was on the Thunder of Xiaohua's handcuffs...

"Gathering...Gathering Yuanxian??" Several celestial beings will be seen, all of them are shocked, and eagerly, "Fast escape..."

Seeing that the formation of the battle is scattered, Xiao Hua laughed and said: "Look at Xiao’s thunderous technique..."

Xiaohua’s voice landed, and dozens of bronze thunders threw out like arrows. “The thunder is rumbling...” The thunder is always fine, but the thunder is roaring, especially thunder, and dozens of singers dressed in armor will each In the mid-air, they showed their physique, and they all flashed with their armor, and they burst wildly on both sides of the skull!

"Brushing brush..." Looking at the lightless flashes, these wars will disappear, Xiaohua pointed to the point, and the thundering sword flew back to his head: "Xiao Mou... Is it a bit bully?" ”

"Brush..." The thunderstorm has just disappeared, and a Xiaohua feels familiar with the sweeping out of thin air!

"Ah?" Xiao Hua was amazed, and hurriedly looked at the place where Yan Yan was reading. He really didn't know who was familiar with Ji Mu in this battlefield!

However, waiting for him to see the people, I don’t think it’s a big laugh. Isn’t the battle that Hurricane fled to be clear?

As for the Qing Qing, it is also familiar to Xiao Hua. It is Ji Mu with four warriors dressed in the mysterious armor.

Xiaohua saw Ji Mu at the same time, Ji Mu also saw Xiao Hua, when Ji Muyan swept Xiao Hua under his body and said: "It turned out that Xiao Changkong is here, Xiao Changkong is brave and invincible, Ji Mou old Far seen!"

Xiangqing escaped from a distance, naturally it was seen here that Lei Guang was fierce. I wanted to see if I could escape the pursuit of Ji Mu. I saw Xiao Hua and Ji Mu, and his face changed slightly. Suddenly stopped.

Ji Mu raised his hand and waved, and several cents next to him would immediately surround each other. Ji Mu smiled and said: "According to the Qing, you still withdraw from the competition. Your tiger thundering adult's tiger position is still there. Well done, you are still a deputy tiger, and you are an assistant to Ji!"

"Sorry..." Xiangqing slightly shook his head. "Some will not take the initiative to quit! And, Xiangmou will never be with you like this narrow-minded person!"

Ji Mu smiled and said: "According to the Qing, you are afraid that there is some misunderstanding of Ji Mou. Lei Hu had more contacts with Ji Mou during his lifetime. He is very appreciative of Ji. And Ji Mou also bravely defeated Lei Hu. I really admire, I just thought that I would be born and died together with Xiang Hu and others!"

"Hey..." Xiangqing smiled and said, "Ji Xianyou is still a small set of near good, how can my family be able to make good friends with you? His old man did not talk about Ji Xianyou before the military account... the previous things. Putting words here, even if Ji Xianyou wins, he has a military position in the tiger, and sits on the military account of my adult, I will not be convinced by the war!"

"That..." Ji Mu sneered, said, "I will wait for you to wait! On..."

With the order of Ji Mu, several celestials will not be smashed into battles, but the sacrifices will be sacrificed!

Xiao Hua has seen the clear magical powers, seeing a few fairy radiant, powerful, knowing that it is impossible to block several people.

Seeing that Xiao Hua did not provoke a thundering sword, Ji Mu was somewhat unhappy, and frowning reminded: "Xiao Xianyou?"

"What's wrong?" Xiao Hua was innocent. "Is there something Ji Xianyou has?"

"You and I are all under Han's masters!" said Ji Mu. "You naturally want to help me. Let's get out of this fight and say it!"

"And then?" Xiao Hua asked lazily.

"Then I will wait and work together to push the other celestials back..." Ji Mu said of course, "Wait for the end, isn't there a ten winning places? Let's talk about it at that time!"

"If there are eleven battles to stay..." Xiao Hua asked, "Will you quit?"

"We can join forces to force one more!"

"If the other nine teamed up to force you and me?" Xiao Hua asked Will you voluntarily withdraw? ”

"Is this kind of thing unlikely?"

"Well, it is!" Xiao Hua nodded, and then looked at Xiang Qing said, "Xiao a person can stick to the end, why should you join forces with you?"

"Forget it, forget it!" Ji Mu was too lazy to say more to Xiao Hua, raising his hand and a little fairy, said, "You don't take your hand, Ji Mou do it yourself!"

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Goodbye, each other is different, and I am afraid that I can’t believe my eyes!

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