Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1000: Causal fairy

Hey, this I naturally know, otherwise I will not run to Huang Zengtian! "The breeze is ruining the road. "I am struggling with Barra, then...the man actually ran again, I...I really have the urge to die." ”

Shen Hao thought for a moment and reminded: "Are you sure that the person can enter the mystery?"

The breeze did not answer immediately, but thought for a moment, shaking his head and saying: "It is absolutely impossible to say that the person is going to have a mysterious birth!"

"Then put this possibility first!" Shen said with a smile. "You think about it. What kind of clues can you see in the meeting?"

When the breeze reached out, the gossip fell into his hands, and the breeze looked down and smiled. "There is some faint light, but..."

Speaking of this, the breeze eyes lit up and smiled: "I understand, thank you, my son, although that is the cause and effect that has not disappeared, but there are traces after all, we are looking for it!"

"Causality?" Shen Hao heard the sound of his heart, some meaningful look at the gossip that can not afford to see, can explore the cause and effect of the fairy, no wonder her heart lost.

Not to mention the breeze to explore the traces of Xiao Hua according to the cause and effect revealed by the Eight Diagrams fairy, saying that Xiao Hua’s technique of urging the light flew across a maze of interface barriers, and there was a thick light knot in front of the head. Arranged to form a spiral, Xiao Hua knows that this is on the edge of Sen Luo Dao. He thought that this barrier was difficult to pass, but who knows that his body shape is not restricted, but there is some pressure in the longitudinal direction to make him look somewhat Distorted, and this distortion appears to be minimal under the force of the lateral interface.

After breaking through the barriers, Xiao Hua Xian Li has been exhausted. He dared not take more risks and hurriedly took out the light, but before he came out of the light, he never looked back and looked at the hundreds of thousands of squats behind him. Silver light has long since disappeared, apparently lost in the maze of light and shadow.

"Brush..." Xiao Hua took out the light, and there was a faint swarf in the whole body, like a water. "Hey," a heavy pressure overwhelmingly fell, "噗噗" Xiaohua’s fairy body gave a low tremor, and the figure It is a short three-pointer.

"Ah?" Xiaohua couldn't detect his own changes, but it was almost a whisper. "This... is this a mysterious child?"

It is no wonder that Xiao Hua was shocked. At this time, it was a thin shack, and the red and the west fell, and the autumn rose to the east. The heavens and the earth were in an inexplicable bleakness, and the place where Xiao Hua stood was ridiculous. Such as the autumn wind blowing, rolling up the gravel in the earth, rising to the high heavens, Xiao Hua eyes are all covered mountains, and even a lot of collapse is there is a dark abyss, good or whistling inside, There is no water, and there is no anger within a radius of a million miles.

The high-altitude, gray-white texture of the stone gravel is everywhere. If these textures are like tree shrews, the sky will be divided, the gravel will touch the texture, and there will be a faint black and white light flashing, which will swallow the gravel.

Not to mention the gravel, the wind is slightly larger, and the broken texture can be seen around the texture.

It seems that this piece of heaven and earth has long been beaten, and it is said that the law of the fairy tales is a bit sloppy.

"'s not as good as Huang Zengtian!" Xiao Hua secretly snarled and understood what Lei Ming and others said. "Huang Zengtian's dust fairy wants to come to the high-level heavens, thinking that this is a paradise. Why did they think of the cruelty here?"

"However, it seems that no one has raised the dangers of high-level heavens!"

"Oh, it's normal. Everyone in the world thinks about flying up the fairyland. I think the fairyland is a wonderful place, but who knows that the crucifixion is even worse than the real world?"

"Fairy spirit is richer than the heavens and earth, and the genius treasure is more than countless. Even the dust fairy is more powerful than the one, but... is this the fairyland that the supremes want?"

"In fact, it is said that the fairy world, the demon league, the dragon domain, and so on are all like this. I am afraid that this is the only way. Can the fairy be called the immortal?"

Thinking of this, Xiao Hua turned to look at the back, behind it is a mountain of clouds, this mountain peaks all over the world, no one can think of this mountain peak is actually running through the color circle of the road.

"The two men killed Lei Ming and others, they will not let Xiaomou, if Xiaomou wants to escape, he must be arranged here!" In the dark, Xiao Hua’s eyes were dark.

However, when Xiao Hua’s thoughts were released, it was only frowning around. After all, the surrounding area was mostly a spatial fault. The rules were messy and abnormal. They had two rivals. They had the monsters proficient in the space law, even if they put Xiaohuang and Xiaohei. Sending is also unlikely to be the opponent of two rivals.

“What should I do?” Xiao Hua was hesitant and looked at the distant overlap of the spatial faults. “Would you like to stay away from here?”

Xiao Hua hasn't decided yet. Suddenly, she was born with a horror. Xiao Hua almost didn't want to, and she didn't want to, and her body shape shook, and she was born with colorful light and shadow, and turned into a phoenix!

"Boom..." Xiao Hua's body shape has just disappeared, just behind him, within some of the fragmented spatial faults, a hurricane that has a tentacles as the sky passes by, and the space of a thousand miles has been swept away!

Xiao Hua’s back wings are of course augmented, but this moment, however, his body shape is still tumbling on the edge of the hurricane sweep.

Although he escaped a catastrophe, Xiao Hua’s face was not happy. He stood in front of him and continued to fly high. He thought: “Xiao is certainly a high-level strength of Juyuanxian, but the magical power used is still a means of scent. This wind and beast has a magical power, Xiaomou can not fight with it, then Xiaomou wants to think about how to use the power of the law!"

"Hey..." Just thinking, there is no sign of a dark knife shadow, and the space is generally floating in front of Xiao Hua!

Xiao Hua scared the soul and flew away, the left hand suddenly waved, Ruyi sticks out, "铿..." a loud noise knife shadow is broken like a broken firefly, sprinkling half empty, and after the knife shadow The humanoid shadow appears like a fallen leaf!

"Damn..." Xiao Hua was really puzzled. "How did they get it? Is it similar to Xiao’s brilliance?"

"Brush..." Behind Xiao Hua, there is a space fault, the whisky and swaying, the light is everywhere, and the space is sieved in a dozen.

"Hey..." Xiao Hua had been prepared. At this time, he was not panicked. He shot the top of his head and cuffed his head. "Humble and bang..." Countless stars and moonlight columns fell out of thin air, and these lights were beaten by life.

Then Xiao Hua once again urged the gongs to disappear and disappeared...

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The cause and effect of the breeze is comparable to the perception of the judges of the local government. Who knows where the breeze is going?

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