
"It's okay, you can tell me whatever you think. I'm just asking casually, but I still hope to hear your true thoughts.

Seeing that Ling was still hesitant to speak, Geer encouraged her. She hesitated for a long time, and finally seemed to have made a decision. Her expression relaxed a lot, and she slowly opened her mouth and asked:

"Captain, before I answer your question, can I hear my story first??"

"Of course, please tell me now."

Ger got up from the sofa, sat up straighter, put his elbows on his knees and leaned forward slightly. He loved listening to other people tell stories.

Ling thought for a moment and began to tell the story.

"My father died in the war when I was still young. I only saw him in photos. When I grew up, my mother taught me to train hard. There is no boy in my family. When I grow up, it is up to me to inherit my father's will and recapture Shandora. I will light the lamp of Shandora to guide my deceased father and tribesmen and let their heroic spirits return to their hometown."

"We had no land to grow crops on, and food was scarce. Orphans and widows like us had even less food to share. My mother gave me most of the food, and she always said that she was full. Her health was getting worse day by day, and she died of illness soon. It must be a pity that she didn't see me become a Shandia warrior before she left!"

The strong woman said these words with a smile, but it was more heartbreaking to watch than crying.

On the side, Ajin and Mosan, who were repairing the cracks on the hull with hammers while the wind was calm, also stopped hammering. Everyone on the boat stopped what they were doing and stood quietly by to listen.

Captain Gel handed her a glass of water. Ling took it and held it in her hand without drinking it, and continued:

"Later, I became a brave Shandia warrior as they wished and fought to regain my homeland. To be honest, I have never seen Shandora, nor have I seen what the legendary hometown looks like. I have only seen the cruelty of war."

"We inherited the hatred and the wish to take back Shandora from generation to generation, and rushed to the battlefield without hesitation, fighting the Sky Islanders to the death."

"I know that we are fighting to take back our homeland. There is no such thing as worth it or not. This is what every Shandia should do."

"But when I was pregnant, I often couldn't sleep, and I was worried that they would go to the battlefield like us before they grew up, fighting endlessly until they died one day."

Perhaps because of thinking of her own children, the strong Shandia female warrior was a little emotional and her eyes were a little red. Thors walked to her side silently and put his rough but strong palm on her shoulder.

Ling looked up at her lover, showed a grateful smile, and then looked at Geer, and said firmly:

"So regarding the question you asked me just now, my answer is that of course I hope to end this war! I really hope that our generation can complete the mission of taking back our homeland, so that the next generation of children can live in peace and happiness on the land of their homeland, and no longer have to experience the cruelty and ruthlessness of war!"

Everyone on the boat also sat aside and listened quietly, Thors clenched his fists excitedly. That's right, as long as the next generation doesn't have to be like them! All the efforts and sacrifices are worth it.

"Well, you are such a great mother, your answer is very good."

Ger nodded, although he knew that if nothing unexpected happened, their next generation would still need to go to the battlefield, but he didn't say much....

The resistance of the ship sailing on the sea of clouds is very small, and a little wind can push it forward quickly.

A simple chat also made the Shandia female warrior no longer as nervous as before.

Three women, one drama.

At this time, Ling was already chatting with Biafni, chirping and answering each other's questions, comparing the differences between Sky Island and Qinghai.

Captain Gel leaned on the sofa boredly and took out the shell from before to play with it.

"Hey, Thors, is this the Paijibei you gave me?"

Thors, who was standing on the bow, turned his head and looked at the equipment in Gel's hand that was dropped by the monster he killed with a complicated expression.

Damn, this bastard is so shameless, who would give it to you! It was obviously you who snatched it from me!

In his heart, he really didn't want to pay attention to this guy who seemed to be smiling but was actually very bad, and even wanted to beat him up, but he had to bow his head under the eaves, so he could only nod reluctantly.

It's so painful! Paijibei is very rare and is almost extinct. Fortunately, there are still a few in the village. He can only ask the chief to give him one when the time comes.

""Heixixixi, Boss Geer, how do you use this? Isn't it a weapon?"

Moria came over and asked curiously.

Seeing that others were also looking over with interest, Geer stood up and said with a smile:

"Then let me show you my hand"

"Well, come on, Lao Mo, you take it."

Captain Gur certainly wouldn't really overestimate his own abilities and go into battle himself. This thing has too much recoil, and it can cripple the user at any time.

"Heiheihei, what next, boss? How do we play?"

Moria took the shell in his hand, put it close to his eyes and stared at the dark hole on it.

"Ah! Danger!"

Seeing his action, Ling and Thors were frightened and shouted loudly at the same time. They rushed forward and prepared to stop this idiot who put his hand on the trigger and dared to look at the muzzle of the gun.

Moria was not a person who would not listen to advice, so he moved his hand away from his eyes and aimed at the couple who were running over.

"Ah! Be careful!"

The two of them braked suddenly and quickly dodged to the sides, but saw Moria showing a smug smile.

"Hey, what are you doing? Don't react so strongly, I'm not an idiot. If you press the protrusions on the back of this thing, it will attack from these holes, right?"

The whole thing is so tiny.���There is a hole on one side and a button-like tail on the other side. Moria has figured it out after playing with it for a while.

"Bastard, since you figured out how to use it and you still pointed the volley at us, you must have done it on purpose."

Thors got up from the ground and said angrily

"Hehe, don't be angry, I was just joking with you and verifying my guess."

Thors and Ling were speechless after hearing this, what a group of people with bad personalities!...

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