"Hehehe! Let me do it!"

Moria responded positively to Captain Gel's order, and stood up and walked forward to enforce the law.

"No! No, A-Ling! No!"

"Thors! Save me!"

The strongest warrior of Shandia, who has been reckless for most of his life, is not afraid even when facing the so-called God of Sky Island, but at this moment he finally feels what fear is.

The female warrior trembled all over, biting her trembling lips with her silver teeth. Although every Shandia warrior is always ready to sacrifice, she also knows that her fear of death at this time will damage the honor of Shandia warriors and the glory of her ancestors.

But, but!

She looked down at her slightly bulging belly, and her panicked eyes became extremely firm again!


Suddenly, the Shandia female warrior knelt down on her knees in front of Geer, touched her forehead to the ground, and began to pray:

""My lord, we have offended you and we should pay the price, but I cannot die! Not yet at least! So I can only shamelessly beg you not to kill me! As long as I can give birth to the baby in my belly smoothly, I am willing to do anything! Even if you let me end my life at that time, I will die with gratitude! Please, sir! We all deserve to die, but the baby in my belly is innocent!"

Thors's expression was extremely distorted, just like his inner struggle at the moment.

On the one hand, he wanted to pull his wife up, and the faith in his heart made him feel that the Shandia warriors should not beg for mercy from the enemy, but should die together.

But on the other hand, as a husband and father, there was an angel deep in his heart who was shouting at him to abandon the dignity and honor of a warrior, and even his life. Even if he had to wag his tail and beg for mercy like a dog, he should ask for a glimmer of hope for his wife and children.

"You are husband and wife, right? Isn't the baby in your belly his? Why is he so indifferent?"

Looking at the pitiful and pleading eyes of his lover, Thors felt his heart broken.

Gel turned his head away from the woman and said with a determined heart:

"So, what are you still holding back for? This isn't the first time.

Since we are enemies, the defeated will be deprived of everything, including life.

Isn't this normal? You and the Sky Islanders have experienced hundreds of years of disputes, so you must have done this many times, right? If you lose and don't want to die, then show the attitude and awareness of begging for mercy from the enemy.

You want to live and stand tall.

This is not acting.

How can such a good thing happen? Do you think we are just joking with you?"


At this moment, the proud Shandia warrior bent his knees and spine and knelt down heavily.

Gel's straightforward words made him completely understand. What glory of a warrior, what honor of ancestors, he just wanted his wife to survive!

"I am willing to die as an apology! Please forgive our offense! Give my wife a chance to live!"

His teeth were clenched so tightly that there was even a trace of blood at the corner of his mouth. His eyes were closed tightly and a tear of unwillingness dripped. After Thorz finished speaking, he slowly lowered his proud head.

Looking at the man who was like a mountain in front of him collapsed and knelt down, Gel secretly felt that the parents in the world were pitiful. Even for the arrogant warriors with faith, children were their absolute weakness, but on the surface Gel did not show any softness or sympathy.

Womanly kindness will only kill them.

To deal with these unreasonable, paranoid and radical warriors of the Shandia people, who are extremely proud in their hearts, you should first completely shatter his pride and dignity! Then they will follow you. Speak nicely, otherwise they will really be like a bunch of lunatics, fighting for the so-called honor at every turn. There will be no compromise or concession from the Shandian warriors, and only the Shandian warriors will die in battle.

Although Gill is not afraid of their desperate efforts, the gap in strength is there, and it is just a useless struggle like a moth to a flame.

Without the halo of the protagonist, the unyielding will cannot bring them immortality!

But then again, if all of them really come to interfere with his plan without fear of death, then there will be no peace unless they are all slaughtered. Such a result is not what Captain Gill, who has always been the most afraid of trouble, wants to see

"It's really troublesome. Please help them untie the ropes."

Ger shook his head and waved his hand.

"Be honest, take me to see your chief now, I have something to discuss with him."

The ropes on their bodies have been untied, but Thors and Ling did not get up immediately. They looked at each other and saw worry in each other's eyes.

Each of the few people who had just taken action on this ship was ridiculously strong. He, the Shandia War Ghost, was like a toy in front of them.

Bring this group of people back to the village. If they have any bad intentions, everyone in the village will be in danger of life. If a fight really breaks out, Shandia may perish today, and the two of them will become Shandia's sinners.

Seeing the hesitation of the two, Senior on the side reminded them:

"If you don't lead the way, can we not find you? If we really want to find where you live and catch you all, why bother with so much effort? The captain just pretended to let one of you go back and let me follow you from the air. I believe this problem can be solved faster.

"Also, you didn't bring anything except weapons, which means the base is not too far from here. It's not difficult for us to search the entire area with the distance of your one-day journey as the radius."

"The captain has already said that he has something to discuss with your chieftain, so I hope you will remember that you have already died once because of your previous stupidity and recklessness, so don't do anything irrational to bring misfortune to your people."

Ger's inner thoughts: Hmm? You are so good at talking, why don't you say more usually? And your method sounds very good, why didn't I think of it, Captain.

The two were frightened by the warning in Senior's words, so they nodded helplessly and stood up with the support of each other.

Then Thors stood in front to lead the way for the ship, and Ling leaned against the fence beside the bow. She subconsciously reached out and touched her belly, her eyes full of relief and worry.

What will this terrible man bring to Shandia?

Ger came to Sky Island with a clear goal. In addition to wanting to take away the gold, he also wanted to try to find the natural lightning fruit in Bica. Now that Enel is fourteen or fifteen years old, he must not have eaten the thunder fruit, but it is hard to say whether the fruit was born or not, but this... The fruit was worth a trip for Gel to try his luck.

Gel originally didn't want to rob the gold, so he had already filled his remaining system space with soil on Gaya Island. He thought he could use the soil to exchange for gold with the people of Sky Island, or give it to the Shandia people as compensation. Gaya Island and the Kingdom of God Arpaiado on Sky Island were originally one, so the soil brought from Gaya Island was also their long-cherished homeland.

In order to bring more than 9,000 cubic meters of soil to his friends at an altitude of 10,000 meters, Gel directly dug out a large piece of Gaya Island. Now, looking down from the sky, you can find that the original"upper and lower jaws" are missing a few teeth. Fortunately, they were all counted as destroyed in the battle to arrest Barrett, and no one would notice the abnormality.

Although more than 9,000 cubic meters is not much compared to the total volume of an island, you have to know that what Gel loaded was all fertile soil, which is already a lot. After all, most of the island's volume is made up of some rock layers and sand.

Even a small gift of goose feathers from a thousand miles away makes people feel that the sentiment is great.

Although Captain Gel's gift was not a thousand miles away, compared to goose feathers, this gift of more than 10,000 tons is enough to show his sincerity.

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