The misunderstanding had been resolved, and the ten navy men finally let down their guard against the two brothers.

Gel walked forward with a smile, shook hands with each of them in a friendly manner, and finally stopped in front of Peng En, patted him on the shoulder, and said:

"My brother, I see that you have an extraordinary appearance and are a rare martial arts genius. The future of maintaining peace on the sea may depend on you. Are you interested in joining me? If you are willing, I can discuss with the Warring States general to transfer you to my command. After all, we are all family members."

"I obey all the arrangements of my superiors! Sir, since you are the one who is going to hand over to us, where is Lieutenant General Gion?"

Peng En responded to Gel's poaching seriously, and hurriedly brought up the business.

Although it was boring, Gel knew that he was an upright person, so he did not continue to embarrass him, and brought everyone to Gion.

"Your Excellency the Lieutenant General!"

"Woo woo woo!"...

Seeing that Gion was safe and sound, a group of grown men gathered together and cried bitterly.

"Thank you very much for saving our commander. If she really died here to cover our retreat, we would feel guilty for the rest of our lives. Thank you very much!

Peng En and several navy officers formally saluted to Gel to express their gratitude.

Gel smiled and saluted in return.

"Everything is for justice!"

The ten people also shouted loudly with red faces:

"For justice!!"

Ger felt that this slogan really worked. Just shouting this slogan could bring the two sides closer.

"Vice Admiral Gion has exhausted her strength and is still in a coma, but I have given her medicine and she should wake up soon. The pirates in Mogu Town should have been eliminated. There are many pirate ships near the dock of the town. You can pick one to set sail."

"Ah! Yes, sir!"

Everyone was stunned when they heard this, and when they reacted, their eyes turned even more fiery towards Gel and Weevil.

In just a few hours, they didn't even have enough time to retreat, but they not only arrived at the battlefield in time, defeated the powerful enemy Barrett and rescued Vice Admiral Gion, but also solved all the pirates gathered in Mogu Town. What kind of strength and efficiency is this!

Too abnormal!

"Then I'll leave her to you guys to take care of. I have something else to do, so I'll leave first. My brother is going back!"

Gel waved his hand and walked towards the woods with Weeble.

Peng En and his group quickly stood up, stood at attention and saluted in a standard military salute, watching the two figures, one big and one small, disappear from their sight.

"So strong!"

"It’s so powerful!"

"Is this our navy's secret unit? It's so cool! I want to join them too!"

"Forget it. With your ability, you are not even worthy of carrying shoes for adults."

"Hey, what do you mean? It's normal that I just graduated and my strength is not so good. As long as I work hard, I will become stronger in the future! Then I will apply to the headquarters to join the special team!"

In this world, strong strength is the best business card. The young marines began to discuss Gel and Weeble fiercely, and their eyes were full of admiration.

T. Peng En also stared blankly at the direction where the two left, with a little more yearning in his eyes. He secretly made up his mind to work hard to become stronger with the goal of joining the Navy's confidential forces!...

On the deck,

Barrett, who came back with Moria, immediately became the focus, attracting the attention of everyone on the ship.

Barrett sat on the ground with his bare chest, leaning against the side of the ship, with his hands crossed on his chest. From a psychological point of view, this is an excessive self-protective behavior of an introverted and lonely personality.

"Big brother, are you joining us too?"

Biya, who is the most outgoing, stood by and poked and touched here and there.


Barrett was a little overwhelmed by this timid girl, so he could only frown and snort.

"Great, you are really amazing, what's your name, brother, with such muscles? You must be very strong, can you beat Weibull?"

"Sure! My name is Barrett!"

Barrett responded again, and felt that it was not good to coax a child, so he added confidently:

"The winner has not been decided yet! But if I keep fighting, I will definitely beat him!"

"Wow, you are really strong!"

"Haha, that's for sure. I want to be the strongest man in the world! How could there be an opponent that I can't beat?"

"Hey! What are you doing, old man?"

Barrett had just answered Bi Ya's question when he turned around and saw the old man on the other side also touching him.

"Not bad, not bad, born with such a strong physique and tenacious vitality, as strong as a monster, this is simply a biological miracle for the human species."

The old man with a strange hairstyle was touching his body with an obsessed and obscene expression, and he didn't look like a serious person at first glance!

Barrett's attitude towards the old man and the little girl was obviously different

"Hey, it's okay, you guys continue chatting, don't worry about me, I'm the ship's doctor, it's just a routine to check the health of each crew member"

""Damn, dun!"

Kurokas said as he stood on Barrett's thighs again and knocked on his chest with his fist, making a crisp knocking sound.

"Tsk tsk, these chest muscles are as solid as iron and stone!"

Barrett's mouth twitched, and he tried hard to restrain the urge to punch this old man into a meat pie.

"The captain said that after training the human body to the limit, there is a chance to open eight acupuncture points on the body and gain extraordinary strength.

I wonder if your body has reached the requirements to open the [Eight Gates of Dunjia].

As long as the [Ren and Du Meridians] are opened, you can gain super internal strength.

If you learn both, you will be able to cultivate both internal and external martial arts and become unparalleled in the world!

How about letting me give you a few injections to try?"

Kurokas said in a mysterious way, but his words successfully attracted Barrett's attention. He looked at the old charlatan with a burning gaze and asked

"Really? Can I really increase my strength by opening the acupuncture points you mentioned?"

"I don't know either. I just happened to hear the captain mention it.���Of course, he said this when he was telling the story, but he could even explain the specific location of each acupuncture point clearly, so I think it must be true."

Kurokas said, stroking his mustache. He was also very curious and wanted to try whether the eight acupuncture points mentioned by Captain Gill really contained magical powers.

Anyway, with his medical skills, it wouldn't hurt to prick them a few times. He had already experimented on himself, but apart from a sense of comfort, he didn't seem to gain the so-called powerful power.

Kurokas suspected that his physical strength was not up to the conditions for activation, so he wanted to try it on Barrett.

"Well, how about you give me a try?"

Barrett, who is devoted to the pursuit of ultimate martial power, was somewhat tempted and took the initiative to ask to be the guinea pig of Kurokas.

"No problem, I just want to verify the authenticity!"

Kurokas was overjoyed when he heard this. He took out a pack of silver needles from his pocket as if he had prepared in advance, took out the longest and thickest one and stabbed it at the"opening" on Barrett's forehead!

If Geer was there, he would definitely jump up and beat up this old quack. He knew he was just telling a story, but he took such a joke seriously!


The silver needle broke and fell to the ground.

Kurokas was stunned for a moment, then he took out another silver needle, covered it with the dark Armament Haki and stabbed it again.

The whole silver needle stretched into a C shape but still couldn't penetrate Barrett's skin at all.

"Damn, your defense is too strong. The silver needle is not hard enough and can't penetrate. I can only wait for me to get a set of needles with better material and thicker thickness to try again."

Kurokas said with regret, shaking his head and walking away.

Barrett touched his forehead with some disappointment in his eyes. He was very concerned about these two skills that could greatly improve his combat power....

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