
""Hululu! Hululu!"

After the fusion was dissolved, Weibull, who was sitting on the ground, was still sleeping soundly.

Geer did not rush to wake him up. He dragged his tired body to sit next to Gion and lit a cigarette to refresh himself.

""Huh! What's going on? There are more and more capable people on my ship, but why do I, as the captain, have to work so hard and become less and less useful?"

Gel exhaled a puff of white smoke, sighed in confusion, and then took out a Den Den Mushi from his pocket and called...

Marine Headquarters


"Bulu bulu bulu bulu~!"

The call of the Den Den Mushi instantly quieted the noisy office. The busy naval elites stopped what they were doing and looked at the source of the sound.

General Sengoku, who had been waiting for the latest news at the staff headquarters since the incident with the recruit ship, looked at the Den Den Mushi on the table with a complicated expression. He did not answer the call immediately.

The Den Den Mushi that made the sound was the exclusive Den Den Mushi used to contact Gol. He had been waiting for the reply from the Den Den Mushi, but when the Den Den Mushi rang, he felt a pang in his heart.

Because it had only been less than 7 hours since he told Gol about the matter and asked him to support him, and the call came at this time, Sengoku had already guessed: the most likely possibility was that Gol felt that the enemy was too powerful this time, and he was unwilling to risk his life to rescue him, so he deliberately waited a few hours after agreeing to call and found an excuse to shirk or deliberately delay time.

Even the excuses that Gel might say later were already thought of by the wise general Zhan Guo. For example: the ship suddenly hit a reef and broke down halfway, and it might need two or three days to repair, or it might be blocked by pirates, the battle situation was tense and it was temporarily unable to withdraw, the weather suddenly changed, and so on.

Find a reasonable reason that you can't refute. After all, it's just a cooperative relationship, and everyone is just being nice to each other. Don't delve into whether it's really because of something that you can't support. The naval officers under him have used this trick a lot when they are late or ask for leave.

The worst result is that Gel may have arrived at the scene, but the battle has already ended, so he called to inform Gion of his death as soon as he arrived.

In either case, it means that Gion is in danger.

How could Vice Admiral Tsuru not think of what Zhan Guo could think of? She first waved her hand to signal the dozen or so navy officers in the office to go out first. When there were only two people in the room, she trembled with dry lips and said:

"Sengoku, answer the phone. The result cannot be changed. Can you escape by not answering the phone? I have prepared myself mentally. We still have to lead the entire navy to fight against the pirates on the entire ocean. Sacrifice is inevitable. Every navy soldier who sacrifices has his own relatives and friends. It will not be different just because the people who sacrificed this time are closer to you and me. We should not behave so immaturely."

Vice Admiral Tsuru said this as if he was talking to Sengoku and to himself.

Sengoku looked up and saw that Tsuru's eyes were slightly red, and his eyes were turbid but still firm.

"I understand, Xiaohe."

He didn't refute anything. Women are emotional animals after all. Even the most rational women will find it difficult to completely detach themselves from the emotional problems they care about and deal with them in the most rational way.

Zhan Guo is not so naive as to be afraid of sacrifice and want to escape the consequences. He is just afraid that his old friend will not be able to bear the bad news of losing a loved one.

Zhan Guo said and pressed the answer button.


Den Den Mushi slowly opened his eyes, took out a cigarette from his four-dimensional pocket and lit it for himself, looking both ecstatic and carefree.

"Hello? What's wrong with you, Dasenbei? You're so slow to answer the phone. I'm helping you with a very dangerous mission!"

"Are you kidding me? If something really happened to me, I would like to tell you a few last words before I die, and ask you to look after my family and children, but no one answered the phone for a long time, and I hung up before I got through. How disappointed I would be before I died? I would definitely die with regrets!"

Gel scolded the Den Den Mushi. His current temporary position is also a general, on the same level as Zhan Guo. If the other party makes a mistake, he should be scolded. There is no need to indulge him.

""I'm sorry, I was delayed by something just now. I was late in answering the call."

As a navy admiral, Zhan Guo was not angry after being scolded, and even had a hint of joy on his face. It was not that he had that inclination, but he just realized from Geer's words that things might have taken a turn for the better.

""Ger, what's the situation?"

Lieutenant General He asked anxiously, no longer as calm as before.

"Well, Aunt He, we have rescued the person for you. He is slightly injured, but other than being completely exhausted and needing some time to recover, he should be fine."

Hearing this, Lieutenant General He finally let go of her tightly clenched hands, leaving a few bleeding wounds on her palms caused by her own nails. It is not difficult to see how nervous she was before answering the phone.

"Xiao Geer, is Gion with you? Can I have a few words with her?"

"Um. This. That. It may not be possible for the time being. She was awake at first, but I don't know why she fell asleep again. Maybe she was too tired. But Aunt He, don't worry. I have checked her body thoroughly and taken medicine. There will be no problem. You can rest assured that I can do it."

Ger said with some pride. He knew that Gion and Vice Admiral Azuru were sisters. Although they were not biological children and the age gap was quite large, their relationship must be good. This wave not only earned a Barrett but also sold a big favor to the navy. Captain Ger won both sides, a win-win situation.

"By the way, I heard from Gion that her subordinates just retreated from here, right? It hasn't been long since then, so those people shouldn't have gone far. Can you help notify them and call���"Let's turn around and pick up Gion. I'm very busy and can't take you back in person. I'll wait for them on the west coast.""

No one can stop me from digging for gold on Sky Island!

""Okay! We'll arrange for someone to go there right away! Thank you so much this time, Gel, you really helped me a lot!"

Zhan Guo said as he picked up another Den Den Mushi to contact Peng En and his gang....

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