Barrett looked at the third-level disabled Geer (only 1.8 meters tall) with some suspicion, and pointed at Weibull and said

"Haha, just you? Are you sure it wasn't him who attacked?"

"Stop talking nonsense, just say whether you dare or not, don't be so fussy."

"Damn it! What is there to be afraid of! Come on, let's start!"

Although Barrett also felt that there might be a trap, he was a little excited by Gel at the moment, and he was absolutely confident in his own strength, so he agreed immediately.

In Barrett's opinion, the strongest of the three opponents, Weibull, could not defeat him, so how could this thin dog be stronger than him? And he only took one move! It is impossible for him to not even take one move from the opponent!

"Wait a minute!"

Seeing that Barrett had already taken a posture and was ready to gather the Armament Haki to defend, Gel suddenly asked for a pause, and then waved to Moria in the distance.

"What! Do you want to regret it?"

Barrett stopped and asked unhappily.

"No, no, no! I'm afraid you'll regret it later."

Gel pretended to be suspicious of his character and said lightly. Barrett was immediately unhappy when he heard it.

"Damn it! Who are you looking down on? How could I go back on my word? Are you planning something again? You guys love to play dirty tricks!"

Ger turned a deaf ear to me.

"Hey, boss, what do you want to ask me?"

Moriah first used a shadow box to cover the unconscious Gion, and then ran over.

As soon as he approached, he heard Gel's familiar words. He turned his head to look at Barrett, and his eyes were already examining another victim after him. His triangular eyes were full of excitement and sympathy.

Gel took out a video recorder, handed it to Moriah and said:

"Please record it for us. I am afraid that someone will lose and refuse to admit his mistake. Then I will hand the video to the newspaper. Even if I lose everything, I will print billions of copies and distribute them all over the world to make him lose face and never be able to survive in the ocean again."

""Okay, no problem, leave it to me, boss."

Barrett's forehead was bulging with veins. This guy must have deliberately said it so loudly for him to hear.

After Moria pressed the button, Gel recounted the details of the bet in front of the camera, then turned around and rubbed his palms, showing an extremely evil and greedy perverted smile to Barrett and said:

"Hehehe, here I come! Xiaoba!"

Barrett's brows were knitted into twists, and the steel-like man couldn't help but feel a chill on his back and a little scared at this moment.

"Don’t do anything weird. We agreed to a frontal attack!"

"Don't worry, I'm recording the whole process!"

Gel said without further ado, and turned into a beam of white light that enveloped Weeble.

After a burst of dazzling light, Gel, who had transformed into a 6-meter-tall little giant, twisted his neck, turned his arms, raised his Qinglong Yanyue Sword, and then dragged the sword behind him, and asked seriously:

"Barrett! Are you ready?"

"What is this?!"

Barrett's pupils shrank. Looking at the guy in front of him who gave him a huge sense of oppression, he wanted to protest. Wasn't this a foul?

Gel seemed to see what he was thinking and asked:

"What? This is my devil fruit ability, and it can also be considered my strength. You can also use your devil fruit to defend yourself. Aren't you also a devil fruit user? Your fusion fruit fuses inorganic matter, while my fusion fruit fuses humans. It's not a foul, right? Or are you afraid and want to regret it?"Ger said, narrowing his eyes slightly, raising his chin high, looking down from the slit of his eyes, and in front of him was only a five-meter-tall dwarf.

"Humph! How could I be afraid? I want to be the strongest man in the world, how can I retreat! Come on, just one blow, but you! Have you thought about how you are going to die?"

Barrett said stubbornly.

He did not follow Gel's advice to activate the devil fruit. In a one-on-one fight, only by concentrating the domineering power can it be more powerful. What's more, there are only some soil and rocks around for him to merge. It doesn't make much sense to become a rock giant.

"Well, you are indeed a slogan party. Once you shout slogans, you become more open-minded and more stubborn."

Ger took the opportunity to tease

"Stop talking nonsense and come quickly!"


Barrett yelled, and entered the devil form again. His muscles swelled, and even his height increased by half a meter. He looked almost the same size as Gel at the moment.

He frantically gathered the Armament Haki on his arms, took a horse stance, leaned forward slightly, and crossed his arms in a cross in front of him.

Barrett felt that even if Gel used the strongest move that Weibull had used against him before, he had the confidence to defend it head-on!

Gel didn't waste any words, and his momentum began to rise rapidly. Circles of air waves swung around, and soon the thick top-level Armament Haki covered the entire blade, making the crescent-shaped blade black, but it was not over yet. An even more terrifying force appeared from Gel's palm, and it wrapped around the blade along the handle like a series of ink-colored dragons.


The Azure Dragon Crescent Blade made a buzzing sound, as if expressing the extremely excited mood at the moment.

The big knife in Gel's hand emitted a black fluorescence that was obviously different from the armed domineering, and there was black and red lightning wrapped around the blade.

"What, what is this?!"

Barrett couldn't help but sweat on his forehead. This feeling of oppression and this move gave him a familiar feeling. It seemed like he had seen it somewhere before?!


It's that man!!

"Hahahaha! Let’s relive the feeling of failure! Barrett!!!"

Captain Gill, who had lost himself in the power, grinned wildly, even showing 16 teeth. The muscles in his arms were bulging, and he swung the Qinglong Sword forward with all his strength!

"God avoid!!!"


Barrett's eyes widened in disbelief. He didn't have time to react. The black light instantly enveloped him.


Barrett roared, holding back the mighty Azure Dragon Sword with both hands, his feet firmly dug into the ground, sinking deeper and deeper!

I thought it would be as easy as Roger defeating Oden and Red Hair defeating Kidd, but I didn't expect this guy to be able to hold on. Captain Gill had already decided to delete the video and run away.

Fortunately, the domineering color entanglement, which represents the ceiling level of military power in this world, did not disappoint Gill!

After Barrett held on for two seconds, his whole body shot out like a cannonball, flying hundreds of meters with the momentum of a comet hitting the earth, and crashing through all the objects that blocked the way.

Gill let out a long breath, as refreshing as hitting a home run

"Hahaha, even God avoids you?"...

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