
"Hehe, come on! It looks like this time my opponent won't let me down after all!"

Barrett bumped his fists together, making a sound of steel colliding, and looked at the muscular man in front of him who was as strong as himself but more than a meter taller than him with fiery eyes.


Weibull hesitated for a moment, and seeing that his opponent was unarmed, he also thrust his Azure Dragon Crescent Blade into the ground, clenched his fists and covered them with black oily Armament Haki, and imitated Barrett's movements by bumping his fists together a few times, and walked forward.

"Haha, what an interesting guy!"

Seeing that the other party actually put down the weapon that looked a bit tricky and wanted to fight him with fists, Barrett couldn't help laughing.

"I will defeat you. I want to be the strongest man in the world! Don't let me kill you in one blow!"

Weibull's expression was serious. Although his tone was naive, it was as if he was stating a fact, with an unquestionable firmness.

"Hey! What do you want to be?"

Weibull's words hit Barrett's minefield accurately. The smile on his face disappeared instantly, and he began to become serious.

"Eh? Is your ear bad?"

"I heard you. What nonsense are you talking about? I am the only one who can be the strongest in the world!"

Barrett rushed towards the other party as soon as he finished speaking. Weevil didn't waste any words and disappeared in a flash.

The next second!

The two people appeared again, and their right fists collided fiercely!


A metallic collision sound that could break the eardrum was heard.

There was no fancy talk, the two men came up and confronted each other head-on!

At the moment of the punching, the muscles of their right arms swelled a lot, the blue veins on the muscles popped out, and the black and hard fists produced visible compression deformation. The white gloves on Barrett's fists and the sleeves of his entire right arm broke instantly. The huge reaction force caused the two men to be knocked back more than ten meters after a punch!

Gel, who was watching the game, quickly blocked his ears with his little finger. The fists of these two men were harder than steel, and the collision was really like a bomb at close range.

Gel then got three pairs of earplugs from the system. After plugging them in for himself and Gion, he handed the oversized earplugs to Moria, but found that this guy was gifted, and his two ears actually closed automatically against his face.

""Haha! Cool!"

Barrett felt the numbness from his right fist and laughed happily, then tore off his clothes and turned into a shirtless war god.

Under Barrett's clothes was a body of muscles like forged steel and densely covered with bullet holes and scars, which looked both creepy and domineering.

Wibble was just wearing a vest without sleeves and gloves, so the visual effect seemed that Barrett was at a disadvantage in the fight, but in fact, the two were evenly matched in this punch-off. The two rushed towards each other again. This time, Wibble took the initiative and used his height advantage. After he got close, he directly punched Barrett in the face with a right straight punch.

Barrett did not retreat, he bent his arms in front of him, like a boxing defensive posture, When the fist was about to hit him, Barrett used his left elbow to knock the fist away, and took a step closer using the moment of the fist being knocked away. He punched Wimbledon in the chest with his right hand, forcing him to defend with his left fist, but was still pushed back several steps by the punch.

Geer watched and nodded repeatedly. Barrett's defensive counterattack was very smooth and efficient. It was obvious that he had learned some military fighting techniques.

Barrett took advantage of the victory and jumped forward, and then he punched him in the face with another right punch.

Wimbledon learned and applied what he learned, and also used his left elbow to deflect the attacking fist. Then he took the opportunity to get into Barrett's arms. After closing the distance, he used a stolen right elbow to hit Barrett's chest, knocking him out like a bull.

"Bajiquan Dingxin Elbow?"

Ger's eyes widened in surprise. Wasn't the move Weibull used just now the Dingxin Elbow of Bajiquan in CN Kung Fu? As expected, traditional martial arts are all practical killing skills learned in actual combat, but there are few opportunities to use them in peacetime, and few people have really mastered them, which leads to criticism from villains that the Kung Fu passed down for thousands of years is not practical.

Ger suddenly thought of buying some traditional martial arts books from the system and letting them learn from them. With these guys' super physical fitness, the power of traditional martial arts techniques may be beyond imagination.

"Cough cough!"

After Barrett stabilized his body, he felt a little out of breath. He coughed twice before recovering. He rubbed his red chest and said in agreement:

"That's not a bad move!"

Without further ado, the two men immediately rushed to the field and continued to fight each other with punches. Compared to talking nonsense, Barrett and Weeble were both better at talking with fists.

"Hehehe, this guy is really strong, boss. This should be the first time I see someone who can not lose to Weibull in pure strength!"

Seeing such a brutal fight, Moria on the side couldn't help but smile and praise

"Yes, he is a real monster! This is what a hot-blooded fighting manga should be like!"

Ger was also fascinated by the fight between the two muscular men in the field, and felt that such a hot-blooded fight was really exciting to watch.

When I watched anime before, I also felt that the physical battles in the early stage were more exciting, unlike the later stage which was full of light pollution and was already difficult to watch. Now I can enjoy the fighting scenes frame by frame like this....

"Oh la oh la oh la~"

""Ah, hit, hit, hit!"

The two punched very fast, so fast that countless shadows of fists appeared, looking like they were fighting with rubber machine guns.

Both Weibull and Barrett put all their strength into it, neither of them could stop them.���The two men stood face to face and fought for an hour without dodging or evading, fully demonstrating their terrifying endurance like a monster.

"Bang, bang!"

Finally, one of them punched the other in the face, and both of them flew backwards with their facial features distorted instantly.

The two of them climbed up from the ruins almost at the same time, as if whoever was a step later meant that the other's fist was more powerful than their own.

"Pick up your weapon! Show me your full strength! You are a qualified opponent, and I will use my strongest form to completely defeat you! And crush you!"

Since leaving Roger's Pirates, this is the first time Barrett has encountered an opponent who needs to fight with all his strength, and the fighting style is also his favorite type. In order to enjoy this hard-won battle, he specifically reminded

""Brother! Take the knife and defeat him with all your strength! No need to hold back!"

Gel shouted from the side. He would like to see both sides reveal their cards as soon as possible. He didn't want to see the two of them fall into a protracted battle for seven days and seven nights.

So no matter whether Weibull was able to solve it alone or not, Gel would not insist on a fair duel. Now there was just enough time to let his stinky brother fight with a rare strong enemy to gain some combat experience. If the winner could not be determined by the time, he would definitely let Moria go up and beat him up.

Because on the phone, Zhan Guo meant that the support from the navy would arrive in three days, and he just had to try his best to delay it.

Zhan Guo said this because he was not clear about the real combat power of Gel's side, and Gel also didn't want to expose all his strength to the navy, which would cause fear and bring unnecessary trouble.

So Gel's plan was to fight quickly and resolve the matter before the navy arrived. It should be impossible to kill Barrett. At most, he could repel him and then find a reason to prevaricate the navy....

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