Soon, a few hours later, an island appeared in front of the ship.

In fact, Gel and his crew had already arrived at the waters near Gaya Island yesterday. If they had not stopped to deal with that group of pirates, and Captain Gel had not been delayed for half a day testing new skills on the ship, they would have arrived at Gaya Island long ago.

The ship was docked at the shore, and from a distance, one could hear thunderous sounds coming from the island from time to time. Obviously, the battle was not over yet. Gel was a little curious about which handsome guy on the navy side could fight Barrett for so long.

On the deck, Gel sat on Weibel's shoulders and directly instructed everyone on the ship:

"The situation this time is rather special, there may be a fierce battle, so non-combat members should not go to the island. Weibull, Lao Mo, follow me to the front battlefield, Ajin and Senior, go and deal with the pirates gathered in Mogu Town, the rest of you stay, I'll leave the ship to you, Mr. Crocus"

""Leave it to me."

Kurokus patted Lab's head gently and said confidently.

Although he didn't know how far Barrett's fusion fruit had developed, he was afraid that he would melt the entire island and open Susanoo directly if he was forced into a corner. The rest of the people should stay as far away as possible.

""Yo hey yo hey!"

The little manatee tugged at the corner of his master's clothes, making a yo-yo sound, as if whispering something to Ajin. There was no need for Kurokas to translate. Now the master and apprentice can communicate in different languages without any obstacles in their daily lives.

""Captain, can you take Po with you?"

Jin asked. Geer turned around and looked at the little manatee with a look of expectation, and nodded.

"Um, then Po will go with you guys and take good care of it."

"No problem!"

Ah Jin nodded in response, and Ah Bao also shouted happily.

"Let's go!"

Ger gave an order, and Senior transformed into a giant dragonfly and flew into the sky with the master and apprentice. Moria also flapped his black devil wings and flew up.

And Weevil could only follow with the moon step.

Ger looked up at the two figures in the sky, and couldn't help but sigh that the ability to fly is really good. If there is a chance, he must give his stinky brother one, and he will be comfortable sitting there.

After everyone on the ship left, the deck suddenly became deserted.

"I'll go prepare dinner, they will be very hungry when they come back from the battle!"

Fate stroked his sexy mustache and walked towards the kitchen while talking.

Mosan and Funi took advantage of their free time to take care of the small garden on the back deck. The man loosened the soil and weeded, the woman watered and fertilized, and flirted from time to time. The sailing adventure instantly turned into a pastoral life of men farming and women weaving.

Bia walked aside alone, silently picked up the dumbbells and continued to exercise. She also wanted to fight with the captain and the others, but she knew that her own strength would only hold her back, so she had to work harder to become stronger to catch up with everyone. Maybe next time, the next time, she can fight side by side with everyone!

Sometimes animals are more sensitive than humans in terms of emotions. The considerate Lab and the cute Qiu'er also ran over to exercise with the little girl....

Gaya Island.

At this time, the area within a few hundred meters of the center of the battlefield was in ruins, with broken or neatly split stones and trees everywhere.


After the two high-speed moving figures collided for the umpteenth time, the thinner one was repelled again.


Gion steadied herself. Her coat had been tattered by the fierce battle. She was wearing a tight black sports vest, which showed off her proud figure, especially her full chest, which rose and fell violently with her rapid breathing. The turbulent scenery was dazzling and made it difficult to concentrate.

If the opponent was a normal male creature, this DEBUFF could at least reduce the opponent's strength by 50%. Unfortunately, the monster in front of her, let alone a woman, might not have much interest in humans.

""Crack, crack."

Barrett put his left hand on the back of his neck and tilted his head to make a comfortable sound. Looking at his body, except for a few small holes in his white gloves that revealed a few insignificant scratches on the back of his hands, there was no other wound on his body!

Although Gion did not seem to be injured on the surface, Barrett's breath was obviously more stable, as if he had just finished warming up. Gion was almost exhausted in terms of physical strength and domineering, and even the black armament color on Kinpira was gradually fading.

"Your strength is not bad, but it is far from enough to defeat me!"

The assassin faced the hexagonal berserker with high attack and high defense.

Gion showed a helpless bitter smile on his face.

Barrett grinned and clenched his fists again. The difference from before was that this time his fists were covered with shiny black armed color domineering!

Yes, he had always relied on pure physical strength in the previous battles, and did not use his full strength at all.

""Be careful! Don't let me kill you with one punch!"

Barrett said as he charged forward at an extremely fast speed, seemingly disappearing from the spot.

""So fast!"

Gion's eyes condensed, and she clenched the long sword with both hands, frantically squeezing out the last bit of physical strength and domineering in her body. She did not choose to stay in place to defend. The difference in strength between the two sides was too great. Passive defense would only kill her faster. Offense was the best defense!

Gion shouted, leaped forward with a self-sacrificing action, and chopped with all her strength!


Barrett's punch met Gion's leaping slash!

The two armed Haki collided with each other, creating a huge sound. Waves of air rippled from the collision point between the fist and the blade, blowing away all the broken stones and tree limbs and clearing them out of the center of the battlefield.

Gion gritted her teeth and persisted. This strike was the strongest she had ever made. At this critical moment of life and death, she even felt as if she had touched the realm of a great swordsman!



Barrett roared and increased the strength of his fist, instantly sending Gion flying with the sword.

Gion took advantage of the situation to turn in the air and try to distance herself, but Barrett obviously did not intend to give her any chance to breathe, and rushed forward and punched her with a straight punch.

Gion hurriedly turned in the air and did a back kick, tapping her toes on her fist, and used the force to jump to distance herself.

Barrett jumped high, put his hands together, and used the inertia of falling from a high altitude to smash down like a sledgehammer!

A monster whose original strength far exceeded hers used such a move, and Gion would only take it hard unless she had a problem with her brain. She hurriedly jumped back and left the spot


With an explosion, the ground was shaking.

Gion couldn't help swallowing her saliva. A circular pit with a diameter of several dozen meters and a depth of 5 or 6 meters appeared where she had just stood.

Barrett walked out of the pit with a disappointed look on his face. It was obvious that his opponent's evasive behavior made him feel ashamed. Compared with flexible body movements, he preferred to fight his opponent in a close combat with fists and flesh!

If Gel knew about this, he would definitely scold this guy for being shameless!...

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