
""Hahaha! You finally came out! You stinky rats who hide your head and show your tail!"

Dirk looked around and grinned.

Seeing that the pirate captain in front of him was surrounded by 10 of his own people but could still remain calm and confident, and spoke without fear, Peng En and the navy couldn't help but frown.

"You must be the bounty hunter Death who has become famous recently!"

Dirk asked the man who looked the most dangerous. At the same time, he secretly sighed that this man was a tough guy just by looking at his appearance. Maybe his idea of reaping the benefits could really come true!

"Yes! It's us. Since you have guessed our identity, you should also know what will happen to you, right? Surrender, you have no way to escape!"

Peng En admitted it openly. Their original purpose was to make the bounty hunter"Death God" famous, so there was no need to hide it.

""Haha Sir! I've already led them out! Now we can start!"

Dirk suddenly shouted, and then he looked at T-Bone.���The man's eyes were full of teasing and sympathy.

This sudden shout caused a commotion among the navy.

Was this guy deliberately trying to seduce them?

Did he have a backup plan already?

"Don't panic! Keep your formation!"

Peng En shouted to stabilize the situation.

Then the outermost marines understood and immediately turned around to look around, and were ready to evacuate in case of counter-encirclement!

""Whoosh, whoosh!"

Time passed by as everyone waited anxiously. The surroundings were still as silent as death. Except for the whistling wind and the rustling of leaves, there was no abnormality.

""Report! We've already checked, and no enemies are found around!"

A navy soldier ran over to T-Bone and reported in a low voice.

Dirk, who was standing next to him, had sharp ears, and when he overheard what the man said, his expression became dull and gloomy.

What's going on?

Where's that guy Barrett?

He said that he would let me be the bait and he would take action in time at the critical moment?

Was he fooled?

Ahhh! That damn bastard! He looks like a muscle man with no brains, but he is so sinister and cunning in his heart, and he is full of bad intentions! He has no intention of letting me go, he is ready to let me die!


Peng En ordered decisively. Although he didn't know what the other party was doing, he couldn't miss such a precious opportunity!

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Without hesitation, the sailors fired their muskets.

"Bang bang bang!"


After several rounds of effective shooting, the two pirate minions fell to the ground. At such a close distance, the two pirates were shot into sieves without any surprise.

Bullets will not avoid people without a halo. Even the strongest man in the world cannot withstand a few bullets when he needs to be killed. When the smoke and dust dissipated, Dirk was seen bending his body in the middle of the encirclement, with his fists clenched and his forearms crossed in front of him.

At this time, his arms were covered with purple-black armed color domineering. Several bullets that hit his forearms became flat, but did not cause any substantial damage to Dirk.

The navy did not show any surprise. It would be a surprise if a few rounds of musket shooting could kill pirates with a bounty of tens of millions. They put down their muskets in a well-trained manner and drew their swords one after another.

"Damn it! It hurts, bastard!"

Dirk shook his fists to the sides and shook off the bullet stuck on them.

"Even if I fall into the trap and get surrounded, you can't easily defeat me! What a joke! Don't look down on me, I am the black boxer Dirk with a bounty of 51 million! How can I surrender! Come on!"

Dirk knew that his situation was very bad at the moment, but he couldn't lose his momentum.

When being surrounded and beaten, he must attack one of them quickly and fiercely. He must hurt and scare his opponent in the shortest time and make others feel fear, so that he has a chance to breathe, otherwise he can only be dragged to death without support. If he can kill this leader, it will undoubtedly have the greatest deterrent effect!

"Go to hell! What a bullshit Grim Reaper! It turns out that he is just a despicable villain who can plot and scheme, launch sneak attacks, and outnumber the enemy!"

Dirk said as he rushed towards Peng En, not forgetting to continue to provoke Peng En with words, trying to provoke him.

"Don't dodge if you dare, take my angry black fist!"

Peng En casually pushed back the red tassel on his helmet with his left hand, then clenched his weapon [Bamboo] with both hands, his skinny and somewhat sickly gray face full of determination!

"If I retreat in the face of a villain like you, countless innocent civilians will suffer. Justice! I will never be allowed to retreat even a single step!"

"Bah! You are nothing but a bounty hunter who is willing to be a running dog for the World Government and the Navy for money! How dare you talk to me about evil and justice!"

"A straight-angle flash. Peng En slashed horizontally!"

Peng En didn't say another word and rushed forward with his 1.8-meter-long giant sword.


With a loud noise, the fist and the giant sword collided.

The giant sword was instantly bounced away by the fist. Peng En was not surprised, but just silently continued to swing the sword to strike the next blow.

He still had a clear understanding of his own strength. It was okay to deal with pirates with a bounty of 10 or 20 million, but a pirate with a bounty of 50 million was seriously beyond his ability, so he was not surprised that he was not his opponent.

Instead, Dirk was surprised. After a few brief exchanges, he noticed something unusual. Didn't this guy in front of him kill nearly a hundred pirates with a bounty of over 10 million? How come it seems that not only is his swordsmanship straightforward and easy to predict, but his overall strength is also very average!

"Hahaha! Boy, you're done! I didn't expect your face to be so intimidating, but it turns out you're just a show-off!"

"Black fist. Ten-speed straight punch!"

Dek, who had reacted, showed a happy expression on his face.

He shouted loudly and attacked Peng En more fiercely.

Peng En was immediately under great pressure, but he still gritted his teeth and persisted.

Fortunately, the other navy soldiers on the side had high IQs.

They did not stand aside and watch the show and comment on the whole process even though they knew that Captain Peng En was defeated.

They immediately rushed up and joined the battle.

The strength of these navy recruits was also average, at most the same level as the pirates with millions of bounties, but they advanced and retreated in moderation, and they were integrated in attack and defense.

They cooperated very well.

It was obvious that they had undergone a long period of formal training, which made Dirk unable to cause effective damage for a while.

In the case of one against ten, the two sides actually entered a brief stalemate....

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