
Bai Gu, who had turned into a giant, looked down at A Jin from above. He did not attack immediately, but stretched out his left hand calmly and clenched it into a fist. Feeling the tremendous power in his body at this moment, Bai Gu indulged himself for a while before grinning:

"Hahahaha, little devil! You're dead. In this state, I'm invincible!"

"Come on, I've been waiting for you for a long time, let me see how capable you are who dares to call yourself invincible!"

Ajin stretched out his right hand and gestured to Baigu, signaling him to stop talking nonsense and attack quickly.

"Haha! That's as you wish, but don't die too soon, you bastards, you destroyed the pirate group I worked so hard to build, I will never let you die too easily!"

Bai Gu said as he picked up the rapier on the ground and licked the blade with his tongue in a very evil way.

This time, the two-meter-long rapier seemed just right in his hand, no longer as abrupt as before.

""Swish, swish, swish!"

Bai Gu casually swung a few sword flowers, and the powerful force made the long sword emit bursts of air-breaking sounds.

Seeing that the opponent was hesitant and did not attack for a long time, A Jin could only kick his back foot and take the lead in attacking!

"Dragon claw!"

"The giant slashes!"


With a loud bang, the black dragon claw and the western sword collided with each other!

After a short stalemate, Ajin, who was much smaller than him, was thrown away by the terrifying power contained in the sword.

He flipped in the air and squatted steadily on the vertical wall like Spider-Man. Then, while the opponent had not yet retracted the knife after a blow, Ajin exerted force with his feet. The powerful explosive force left a hole in the wall, and his figure was like an arrow from a bow, and he was in front of Baigu in an instant.

"Giant's Fist!"

Baigu had no time to swing his knife to block, so he could only swing his left hand and punch.

Ajin had expected it, and dodged it by leaning sideways. Baigu's fist, which was bigger than a basketball, passed by his face, and the wind from the fist distorted his facial features! He successfully reached the left side.

Ajin did not stop at all, and he exerted his strength from the ground, twisted his hips and turned around, and hit the opponent with a standard liver-breaking right hook.


The power of this punch was so great that even the thick-skinned Baigu couldn't help but groan. His huge body staggered to the right a few steps uncontrollably before he regained his balance.

Although Baigu was using the power of the fruit to control Steel Egg's body in the battle, the damage and pain had to be borne by both of them.

"Ahhh! You damn bastard! It hurts so much! I'm going to chop you up!"

Baigu looked down at the red fist mark on the left side of his waist, which was burning and smoking. It was like a brand. Feeling the pain from his waist, his expression became hideous and terrifying, and he shouted hysterically. Ajin ignored him completely, and got ready to continue the attack. The expression on his face became serious.

The punch he had just thrown with the armed color domineering had hit the opponent firmly, but the effect seemed to be very ordinary. The opponent's body's ability to withstand blows was really beyond imagination.

If Baigu's own strength is only worth 10 million Baileys, his fruit ability is not very tricky, but the physical monster called Steel Egg is very complicated. The physical body displayed after the fusion of the two is very powerful. The strength and power are definitely worthy of the 35 million bounty, and may even far exceed the average strength of this bounty.

Ah, a protracted battle, so annoying, these natural monsters!

Ajin complained while rushing up quickly.

The two figures, one big and one small, fought again.

Ajin knew that he was at a disadvantage in terms of strength and health bar thickness, so he could only use speed and flexible footwork to deal with Baigu.

Baigu seemed to be able to win as long as he hit it with all his strength, but every time he was just a little bit short! So in fact, he didn't even hit his opponent with an effective attack. He became more and more anxious and gradually became irritable. He began to wave the Western sword in his hand randomly, chasing Ajin all the way.

On the deck,

Senior had already dealt with all the pirates. He silently lit a cigarette and leaned against the mast to savor it.

There was no one alive!

Gel felt that it was a bit of a waste of labor. These strong pirates only did bad things and did not produce anything. They should be caught and sent to black-hearted factories to serve. Instead of dying like this and being worthless, it would be better to shine and make more contributions to society....


Suddenly there was a loud noise, and a big hole was blown out on the wall of the ship. A nimble figure rushed out from it. It was Ah Jin who was a little out of breath.

"Ah! As annoying as a fly! You little brat! Is all you know how to do in a fight?"

A cursing, somewhat frantic voice came out from the smoke and dust.

"Haha, what's going on, Ajin? Haven't you dealt with that dwarf yet? It seems you've been slacking off recently. You need to train harder when you get back."

The unscrupulous captain took the opportunity to tease, but before Gel could finish his words, he saw a 5-meter-tall giant walking out of the smoke. Although his appearance was still the same as Captain Baigu's, and his conspicuous mop-top hairstyle had not changed, his body shape had changed a lot, so Gel couldn't recognize him for a moment.

""Shit, who is this guy?"

Bai Gu glanced at the pile of corpses on the deck, and his eyes showed a little fear of the man in the suit who caused this scene. The dead were all his subordinates, but he didn't show any sadness.

Bai Gu knew that as long as he could survive, he could recruit new subordinates. What the sea lacks the least now is pirate minions. As long as he can afford it, he can have as many as he wants!

"Captain Gol is a devil fruit user. He turned into a human skin and was picked up by a little giant and put on his body, and then he became what he is now."


"The superhuman jacket fruit?"

After listening to Ajin's description, Gel immediately thought of the jacket fruit that competed with the whisper fruit for the top spot on the list of the most useless fruits.

The person with the superhuman jacket fruit can turn into a human leather jacket. Any creature, animal or even monster - as long as they put on this jacket, they will be possessed. The person with the jacket can control everything about the creature, including strength, size and so on.

The disadvantages are also obvious. When it turns into a human leather jacket, you can't even put it on someone else actively. The target has to pick it up and put it on actively before the fruit ability can be activated. This alone is enough to kill a hundred times in a fight between masters.

And if attacked after being possessed, the person with the jacket and the possessed creature will be injured and die at the same time. There is no way to use it as a sandbag and then change to another one to play with it.

Even Gel couldn't think of how to develop it for a while.

"Need help?"

Senior exhaled a puff of white smoke and asked calmly.

He had just finished killing 100 people and was now emitting a strong bloody murderous aura. His gaze made Baigudu subconsciously take a half step back.

"No need, Brother Senior, I can handle it myself, it just takes a little more time."

Ajin rubbed the tiny beads of sweat on his nose with his shoulder, shook his head to refuse Senior, and stopped talking, taking the time to take a deep breath to regulate his breath....

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