"Bang, bang, bang!"

Gel lay back on the sofa and closed his eyes to rest. Just as he was about to fall asleep, he was awakened by a series of rapid knocks on the door.

"Who is it?"

"Captain! It's us."

As soon as Moria opened the door, he saw Kulokas, Bia and Fate rushing in.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

Gel asked, turning over from the sofa, and looking at Kuro with an inquiring look. He didn't understand what kind of enemy in Alabasta could be that even Kurokas couldn't deal with.

"I don't know either. I met them at the door."

"Ah, Captain, Funi and Mosan were caught by a crab and taken into the desert."

Fate explained hurriedly.

"What? The crabs took people away?"

Molia was a little confused. Isn't this an oasis in the desert? Where did the crabs come from? No, the key is how can the crabs take people away?

Seeing everyone's confusion, Bi Ya added anxiously:

"Just now we were taking pictures in the desert outside, and suddenly a huge crab came out from the sand, and then the two of them were kidnapped. The big crab ran into the desert, and we chased it for a long time but couldn't catch up, so we had to run back to find you, Captain. The big crab was really big, as tall as three or four stories, and it had a grinning, very wretched expression."

The moving crab from Alabasta?

" Hearing this, Gel's mind had already emerged with the appearance of the pink wretched crab, but how did this moving crab become a kidnapping crab? No matter what, he must go and rescue people first. Gel has decided to eat crab meat tonight.

"I know, I will find them back, you don't have to worry too much, they are a kind of creature called moving crabs, they usually won't hurt humans, you just stay here."

Gel stood up, picked up the coat beside him, put it on and walked out, and didn't forget to comfort the panicked father and daughter first, giving them a reassurance.

Weibull didn't need to wait for his brother's instructions, and he would follow Gel closely unless his brother specifically told him not to go.

"Lao Mo, your ability is more suitable for searching. Come with me."

"Good, Captain."

Walking to Kurokas' side, Gel rolled his eyes and said:

"Lab, come with us too. I suddenly thought of something. Maybe you can help us this time."


Hearing the captain say this, Lab jumped onto Gel's shoulder excitedly. He was happy as long as he could help everyone.

So the three of them and the cat rushed out of the city.

First they came to the crime scene where the two of them were kidnapped by the moving crab. Gel did not grab a handful of sand, smell it, rub it, and then say a few pretentious words. Instead, he took out a small ball and put it to Lab's mouth and said:

"Come on, Lab, eat this meatball, and you can swim freely on land as in the sea."

Lab was not wary of Captain Gel at all, and swallowed the meatball in one gulp before Gel finished speaking.

Lab scratched his whiskers with his front paws, as if he was savoring the deliciousness of the meatball, and then he jumped lightly from Gel's shoulder, and a strange phenomenon happened. When the little cat fell to the ground, it disappeared with a plop, and the sand also rippled like the surface of the water.

"Hehehe, this is really interesting. What kind of ability is this, boss?"

"You will know in a moment."

Ger pretended to be mysterious. He gave Lab the ability he gained from decomposing the Land Swimming Fruit. [(Turn things into water): can turn inorganic substances into water. Usage: Oral】

"Yo Yo~"

A deep and ethereal cry was heard, and when Lab appeared again, it had changed back into the form of a whale. It slowly emerged from the"water" under the feet of Gel and the others, and gently lifted Gel and the other two on its back.

"Haha, it really works. Well done, Lab, let's go! Help me find Funi and the others. Just come over when you sense someone. Leave the rest to us."

Lab was very excited to swim on land for the first time. After hearing Captain Gel's order, he immediately swung his tail and rushed on the sand with three people!

Gel asked Lab to help find people not because Lab had awakened his observation Haki, but because whales are born with a skill comparable to the top observation Haki, that is, sonar. Whales rely on sonar to complete communication and positioning underwater, and their hearing is extremely sharp. They can even communicate with their companions hundreds of kilometers away. This is much more exaggerated than the range of ordinary observation Haki.

In addition, according to common sense in physics, the speed of sound propagation in different media is solid> liquid> gas, so it shouldn't be a problem to find someone by listening to the sound, right? Gel is not a top student, and he doesn't care whether it is scientific or not. Anyway, he thinks it will work!

In fact, Lab did not disappoint Captain Gel. After a while, he took Gel and the others to find a few humans in the desert. However, they were a few merchants who were ready to make a fire and set up camp before it was completely dark, and were ready to spend the night in the desert.

"Not them, Rab, next one"


Lab immediately turned around and swam towards the next place where he sensed someone.

Gel sat on Lab's back, looking at the scenery and sand dunes that were quickly receding on both sides, feeling as exciting as racing in the desert.

Although the island whales are huge, they are not bulky at all. They have strong muscles all over their bodies, especially the tail muscles are quite developed. Coupled with the streamlined body that human bionics has always wanted to imitate, their swimming speed is surprisingly fast. If Lab had not been carrying Gel and his group with only the top of his head exposed, his diving speed would have been even faster!

A few hours passed, and more than a dozen groups of people were found in the desert. There was also a little boy who was separated from his family because of a sandstorm. When he was found, the little boy was dying because he had not drunk water or eaten for a long time. Fortunately, he was found by Lab and met Captain Gel, otherwise the little guy would definitely not survive the night.

Gel first gave him water to drink and some liquid food. The little boy then recovered a little strength. After rescuing him, he helped the child find his family on the way to find people. The family of three hugged each other and cried bitterly. When they just wanted to thank their savior, they found that the giant whale and the people sitting on the whale had disappeared.

After crying, the little boy fell asleep exhausted.

"The child’s father! This must be a divine intervention! God heard our request and helped us save our little treasure!"

The woman clasped her hands together and said devoutly.

"I also think it must be a god! Otherwise, how could there be such a big whale swimming in the desert!"

"My child's father, this is a life-saving grace. We must set up a shrine at home when we return."

""Yes, yes, yes! Yes, yes!"

So from that day on, there was a myth circulating among the people of Alabasta.

According to the couple's description, it was a giant whale transformed from a god that saved their child.

It swam in the desert under the moonlight, responded to their prayers, and sent back the child who was lost in the desert.

The rescued child also vividly described to everyone the magical experience that happened that night.

In addition, many merchants and travelers also came forward to confirm that they had seen a whale-like figure from afar in the desert that night, but they didn't care at the time and thought they were dazzled.

In this way, the myth about the whale began to spread widely among the people of Alabasta. Many traveling merchants and people who often needed to go in and out of the desert would offer a tablet to the kind-hearted giant whale in their homes. The devout people of Alabasta respectfully called it the"God Whale"! Of course, these are all later stories....

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