Gel leaned sideways, leaned his right elbow on the armrest of the sofa, supported his chin with his right hand, and said in an unquestionable tone:

"To be honest, you are really weak! Have you lived too comfortably these years and have forgotten what era it is on the sea now?"

"Even the strongest warrior in the kingdom, the guardian of Alabasta, only has this much strength. Of course, I'm not targeting you, I'm talking about the entire Alabasta."

"How can you, who are so weak, negotiate with me? You should be thankful that I am not interested in ruling this country! But if the person who came this time was not me, but a powerful and ambitious person, how would you and Alabasta deal with it?"

"When a country needs charity and sympathy from others to survive, it is the misfortune of this country, and it is also the biggest dereliction of duty of you monarchs and ministers!"

Kit was speechless. Gel's straightforward words were like countless sharp knives, stabbing into his heart one after another. If he had heard these words in the past, he would have felt that the other party was deliberately belittling his country, and he must have argued and refuted them!

But at this moment, Kit could only lower his head in shame, because he felt that the other party was just telling the truth mercilessly.

"Go back! Don't have any other unrealistic ideas. Tell Cobra to govern the country well and strengthen the military. Don't think about dirty things all day long, otherwise Alabasta will be destroyed in his hands sooner or later. This is my advice and warning. After all, maybe I will change my mind one day."

""Thank you for your advice, I will tell His Majesty Cobra and His Majesty the King exactly what you said when I return. I will not bother you any more. Goodbye!"

Kit sighed, bowed deeply to Gel, then walked to the window sill and jumped down.

"There was a cry of an eagle, and then a big bird was seen flying away in the direction of the street.

"Hey, look! Look! It's a falcon! It's Lord Kit, Lord Kit! Lord Kit!!"

The pedestrians on the street looked up and saw that it was their patron saint who came in person. They waved their hands excitedly and shouted, greeting the big bird in the sky.

In the square, several children who were playing hero games with wooden sticks as swords stopped running.

Among them, a little boy wearing an Arab headscarf, with fair skin, who was not a good boy at a young age and painted dark purple four-pointed star makeup on his eyes, looked at the sky in a trance. He said with envy:

"Wow! So cool! Master Kit is so handsome! I want to be the strongest warrior in the kingdom when I grow up! I heard from the adults that if I can become the strongest warrior in Alabasta, I will have the chance to become the next guardian! Then I will protect you!"

"Really, Bell? If I become a guardian angel, can I fly in the sky like the eagle-lord?"

Another little playmate asked curiously.

The little boy grinned happily after getting a positive answer:

"Then I will also become the strongest warrior!"

"Hey, I said it first, how could you snatch it from me!"

Bell said anxiously

"Forget it, then you can be the Lord Falcon, and I'll be the Lord Jackal! We are good friends after all!"

"Okay then! Hahaha!"

"Hehe! Falcon Bell is only this strong! Look at the sword!"

The naughty boys continued to fight....

Listening to the enthusiastic cheers of the people on the street and the carefree laughter of the children, Kit couldn't help but feel a little wet in his eyes. He didn't know how such weak people should respond to this heavy trust.

Maybe that person was right. This country has been comfortable for too long and has become weak! Without sufficient strength, all these beautiful things may vanish in an instant.

Oh! Forget it, I am already half a loess, let the young people worry about it!

King Eruma's Army Station

"General! Immediately give the order to blockade Eruma and check all suspicious outsiders, especially those who are tall!"

Cobra said with a solemn expression as he sat in the main seat.

He had already taken off his headscarf and continued to cover his face to hide his identity. He couldn't even enter the gate of the military camp.

He couldn't wait for Kit to come back, and Cobra had realized that the situation was not good. His ominous premonition really came true!

It's all my fault! I clearly felt that something bad would happen, and I shouldn't have let the old man go!

Cobra could only reveal his identity and come to the military camp to seek help from the local garrison.

"But Your Highness Cobra, Aluma is an important port city with countless merchants coming and going. If the whole city is blocked and checked one by one, not only will all the troops need to be dispatched, it may also cause dissatisfaction among all the merchants, and this... without the order of His Majesty, it is not easy for me to mobilize the army privately!" The general who was standing aside with his head lowered said with some embarrassment.

As a veteran in officialdom, he knew the pros and cons.

Since ancient times, there has been no family affection in the royal family.

As long as the old king is still in power, the prince is just a prince.

If the prince can mobilize the army at will, what will the king think? Will he be unable to wait any longer and launch a coup to"ask" himself to abdicate and retire? But it is a foregone conclusion that Your Highness Cobra will become the future king of Alabasta.

Now he has offended His Highness by disobeying his orders.

When he succeeds to the throne, he will definitely suffer.

So he is in a dilemma and hesitant, and can only resort to procrastination.

"General, the situation is urgent. Every minute we delay will put old man Kit in greater danger. Now is not the time to talk about this. If my father pursues the matter, I will bear all the responsibility alone. I will never harm the general. Please order the troops to go as soon as possible!"

"Ah, but...if the enemy is a strong one that even Lord Kit cannot defeat, relying on ordinary soldiers like us to rescue him will probably be difficult to succeed no matter how many people we have. At this time, the enemy situation is unclear, and blindly dispersing all the troops will make it easy for them to be defeated one by one, and it may also put Your Highness in danger, so I think this matter needs to be considered carefully!"

"Think long and hard! Think long and hard! Lord Kit may be in danger right now, and you are still thinking long and hard!!"

Jakka, who was sitting behind Cobra, said excitedly. The general just glanced at him coldly and didn't say anything. He was just a personal guard and couldn't control him....

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