
Moria stretched out his dark left fist, then spread out his five fingers. This action was like cheating when playing rock-paper-scissors, first the fist was raised and then it was temporarily changed to paper.

As the voice fell, a black ball flew out from Moria's palm and expanded rapidly, instantly turning into a black barrier that covered an area of 200 meters in radius!

"What is this? ?"

Kit, who had just flown out for more than ten meters, was also shrouded in darkness. He turned his bird's head in panic to look around, but found that he could not see anything. There was only darkness all around.

Oops! Is this the power of the devil fruit?

Am I completely blind?

Kit rubbed his eyes and found that he could not see anything even if he put his fingers in front of his eyeballs.

Kit judged that the opponent's ability should only be a trick that can make people temporarily unable to see things, and it is unlikely to make people blind directly.

Although he didn't know what means the opponent used to make him fall into the trap without knowing it, the first way he could think of was to try to distance himself from the enemy, perhaps he could break the opponent's blindness.

So Kit began to flap his wings and climb vertically.


With a loud noise, the big bird hit a hard object that looked like a wall. Kit shook his head in pain and tried to attack a few times with his sharp claws, but found that these attacks could not cause any damage to the wall at all.

Kit could only try to escape from other directions.

The result was that without exception, he would hit this iron wall in any direction.

He had realized that he was trapped in a dark cage.

It is very scary for a normal person to suddenly lose his sight and lose his way in the darkness and can only struggle randomly.

Moreover, you don't know if the enemy is standing next to you and may stab you from any direction at any time.

Even a determined warrior can hardly resist the slow erosion of endless darkness.

This is why the small dark room is more terrible than ordinary corporal punishment. The mental torture cannot be resisted by a strong body.

Soon, Kit felt desperate. I haven't even started fighting the enemy yet, and I'm already covered in wounds.


I must go back alive and bring the news to His Highness Cobra. This guy is too dangerous. His strength is far beyond our understanding. Maybe he really has the power to destroy a country! Fortunately,

Moria didn't waste time on this boring cat-and-mouse game. If it weren't for testing his new abilities, he might not even bother to use his skills against a little bird.

When Kit, who had run out of energy and turned back into human form, was finally able to see the light again, he squinted his eyes uncomfortably. However, when he opened his eyes again and was able to see clearly, he found that he was being held in the air by the enemy's neck.

Kit stretched out his hands and grabbed Moria's strong and powerful fingers to try to break free, but the lack of oxygen in his brain soon made his hands fall down weakly and he completely lost consciousness.

Another warrior with the title of the kingdom's strongest warrior suffered a tragic death....

Inside the most luxurious hotel in Aluma

"So? Damn, this is the gift you said you prepared for me?"

Gel pointed at the unconscious white-haired old man in the sack and tied up for play and asked with a bit of a smile:

I thought that this guy Lao Mo had a change of heart, and sympathized with the captain's hard work, and secretly arranged some special hotel programs for him to relax.

Use this to test your boss again!

Before Gel walked into the room, he was still thinking about how to resist the temptation. He must refuse with righteous words and then criticize and educate this guy patiently. As a result, he found out that the person who should be criticized and educated is actually himself. How can he always think in that direction?

Weibull sat aside eating spicy strips and watching the show with great interest. Moria, who was scolded, lowered his head like a child and explained aggrievedly:

""Boss Gel, he is a person with special abilities, an animal type that can fly, like an eagle, quite handsome. And they were the first to plot against me, so you can't blame me for taking the initiative, right? No one should suffer, but we should. Isn't that what you have always taught me?"

What he said made sense, and Gel didn't know how to refute it for a moment.

After listening to Moria's narration of the whole incident, Gel had guessed the general idea after a little thought.

He touched his chin and analyzed:

"This person is a guard of Alabasta. He is following you not because he wants to do anything bad to you. I guess it is probably because he thinks you look like someone who wants to do something bad, so he follows you to see for himself."

"However, without knowing the other party's intention, you turned the passive situation into active one and took the initiative to control the other party. There is nothing wrong with doing this and it deserves praise. I just want to trouble you to tell me directly what happened next time, instead of making it mysterious and making me guess randomly."

""Okay, boss!"

Hearing that the boss did not blame him, Moria continued to say with a smile:

"Hehehe, so how do we deal with this old man? Do you want me to take care of him? Anyway, he came here on his own, so it’s not our fault if there’s a misunderstanding."

Moria pointed his finger at his neck with an excited expression on his face.

Gel couldn’t help but look at the wounded white-haired old man again. Fortunately, he looked miserable but they were just superficial injuries, otherwise he might have died long ago. He couldn’t help but complain:

"It's not easy for an old man in his seventies or eighties to go to work, how could you beat him up like this, tut tut, how could you have the heart to do that?"

"Boss, it wasn't me who hit him, he crashed into it himself!"

"Okay, okay, next time remember to respect the old and love the young, kill those who you are sure are enemies directly, and stun or capture those who you are not sure of."

There are not many animal-type fruits in the world that can truly fly, and the ones that can appear here in Alabasta are birds that look like eagles, so it can only be the animal-type. Bird-Bird Fruit. Falcon Form.

The possession of this ability means that this old man should be the previous user of Falcon Bell. The other one is the Dog-Dog Fruit. Jackal Form, and the user seems to be called Gaga.

These two fruits are quite special and will always appear in this country. For thousands of years, they have been eaten by the strongest warriors guarding the kingdom.

Therefore, the users of the Jackal and Falcon Fruits are also called the patron saints of Alabasta. Even the statues left outside the palace thousands of years ago are in the images of jackals and falcons, which shows that these two fruits have a close relationship with this country. An intricate bond.

According to Vegapunk's explanation of Devil Fruits, Devil Fruits are born from human wishes and desires.

Therefore, the reason why these two fruits can be passed down in this country is probably because everyone in Alabasta, from the 90-year-old elders to the little kids who are just beginning to understand, has some kind of strong feelings and beliefs for the patron saints, the Jackal and the Falcon, who have guarded their country for thousands of years.

But it's really too weak. The title sounds powerful, and the word"God" is in the name, but the strength is really bad.

After thousands of years of worship by tens of millions of people, it has not become a mythical beast. Shouldn't it be the Horus form and Anubis form of the animal-type mythical beast?

The imagination of the people of Alabasta needs to be developed....

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