"Second brother, you should go!" Zhang Guifen stepped forward and held her daughter-in-law's hand,"Little girl Youwei, let the second brother take care of you. Although the Great Northern Wilderness is far away, it is only natural to visit your father-in-law and mother-in-law!"

""Thank you, mother!"

Jiang Youwei burst into tears of gratitude.

In her life, when she fell into the mud, she met the old Yang family. If it weren't for the old Yang family, she would probably have died long ago.

""Bring all the money and tickets with you, and prepare some good things for your in-laws when you get to the Great Northern Wilderness!" Zhang Guifen instructed, and took out all the money and tickets.

These days, even if you have money without tickets, you can't buy many things.

Moreover, the Great Northern Wilderness is quite desolate, and many things cannot be bought.

Yang Songwen said,"Mom, you can't buy many things in the Great Northern Wilderness even if you have money, so there's no need to have so much money. It's not safe to carry it on the road!"

"Bullshit, take it all with you. I make money here every day, so I don’t have to worry about not being able to survive. But in the Great Northern Wilderness, it’s not certain. Sometimes a penny can make a hero fall!"

Zhang Guifen even went into the house and took out her own private money. The family discussed how to go to the Great Northern Wilderness.

"We go to the train station to take the train directly north. The train can reach the three northeastern provinces!"Yang Songwen knew how to get to the Great Northern Wilderness.

The so-called Great Northern Wilderness is not the Great Northwest, but the Great Northeast!

That is, the three provinces in the Northeast, especially Heilongjiang Province.

That is the Great Northern Wilderness in the Great Northern Wilderness. Ningguta, where prisoners were exiled in the past, was on that side, and the environment was very harsh.

In the winter, the temperature was very low. If you didn't have warm clothes, you would freeze to death.

The next morning, Yang Songwen took Jiang Youwei to the department store and bought cotton clothes and trousers. Then he went to the train station and bought a train directly to the north to the Great Northern Wilderness.

With a letter of introduction along the way, the customs clearance was very smooth.

A few days later, according to the address, Yang Songwen and Jiang Youwei came to the Seventeenth Farm of the Great Northern Wilderness.

The farm was built on the desolate black soil. The low bungalows looked lonely from a distance. The land was flat and all planted with grain.

Occasionally, there were a few tractors working in the fields, and more people were bending over and swinging hoes in the fields to work.

In the winter, no one knew what they were doing!

An old man guarding the gate, holding a letter of introduction, stared at Yang Songwen and Jiang Youwei up and down.

"Are you here to look for your relatives?" The old man's eyes were very sharp, and Yang Songwen even suspected that he was treating him as a spy.

"Are you looking for prisoners in labor camps?" The old man was very interested:"Do you know that the two people you are looking for are serious criminals?"

Yang Songwen laughed, took out a pack of cigarettes and lit it for the old man:"Uncle, look at what you said, aren't they just some stinking old ninths, what kind of serious criminals are they? Stinky old ninths are in the same situation all over the country, just tolerate them all and let us go in to find them. Once we find them, we will go back after seeing them!"

As he said that, Yang Songwen stuffed a bundle of Xiaoxiao's money and bills into the old man's hand.

The old man's eyes lit up, and he smiled, quickly wrote a note and let them go.

"Know the rules, take the note and go find my nephew, my nephew is in the security department, he can help!"The old man smiled happily.

"Thank you, uncle!"Yang Songwen was overjoyed.

"Why are you being so polite?"

The old man waved his hand. He knew very well what was going on with the prisoners in the farm.

He knew that many of them were high-ranking officials and senior intellectuals who had been overthrown. Such people are very humble now, but they were powerful in the past. It is still unknown whether they will be rehabilitated in the future.

Today's spring breeze seems to have eased a lot.

The old man heard that there was news from above that the movement had eased a lot.

The senior officials in the farm did not seem to punish those people to death, but these people had poor physical conditions and often could not stand it, either dead or disabled.

When he arrived at the security department, he saw the old man's nephew, the deputy chief of the security department.

He saw the note and his expression eased.

Then, he received the benefits given by Yang Songwen, and the whole person became much more attentive.

""I know about the old man Jiang and his wife. You can come with me, but we have to make three rules first. People can visit, but they can't make it public. You can give things, but they must be checked by us, and half of them will be deducted!" said the deputy section chief.

"It should be!"

Yang Songwen cursed in his heart,"It's really evil." But it's okay. Money can make the devil work. I'm afraid that the other party is not greedy.

If he is not greedy, it is really impossible to meet him.

Yang Songwen and Jiang Youwei's bags were checked and half of them were confiscated. Then they were taken to a cowshed.

There was no cow in the cowshed. It was covered with hay and nailed with waste wood boards on all sides, barely blocking the cold wind.

A dozen people huddled in the cowshed, and coughing was heard from time to time.

""Jiang Huan, Zhang Lingzhi, someone is here to see you!" The deputy section chief called out, then turned around and said,"You can go in. You can only visit them for one night. They still have to work early tomorrow morning. You must not interfere with this, otherwise even I will be implicated!"

"We got it, thank you comrade!" Yang Songwen promised not to violate the rules of the farm.

The deputy section chief then left with peace of mind.

Yang Songwen and Jiang Youwei pushed the door open and saw the people in the cowshed turning over and looking over curiously.

One of the couples had a haggard look on their faces:"Who are you looking for?"

"" Jiang Huan, Zhang Lingzhi!"

Yang Songwen shouted, and there was a commotion in the cowshed.

Many people were huddled in the straw, some covered with tattered cotton jackets.

Soon, the couple was shocked and looked at Jiang Youwei with hazy eyes:"But Youwei……"

Jiang Youwei's eyes were already filled with tears at this time. She rushed over, and the three of them hugged each other and cried bitterly.

Everyone in the cowshed was excited.

It seemed that it was not only the Jiang couple who were being visited, but they also felt the same way.

After Jiang Youwei met his parents and exchanged a few words, Jiang Youwei pulled Yang Songwen over and introduced:"Mom and Dad, let me introduce you, this is your son-in-law, Comrade Yang Songwen!"

Jiang Huan and his wife looked at Yang Songwen.

Jiang Huan was very old, with gray hair, but his eyes were sharp, and there was an invisible aura of a superior, but he had restrained it.

Zhang Lingzhi was also very old, wearing glasses with cracks on the lenses.

The two looked at Yang Songwen as if they were their son-in-law. They found that Yang Songwen was very energetic, with red lips and white teeth. He did not look like someone from the countryside, but rather an educated youth.

The two elders were very satisfied with this and their attitude was very attentive.

"Songwen, thank you so much for taking care of our Youwei!"

The two elders took Yang Songwen's hand and started talking.

Yang Songwen was very talkative and talked openly. He used his eloquent tongue to explain the situation of himself and Jiang Youwei.

Jiang Huan and his wife sighed.

Jiang Youwei said:"Mom and Dad, the people here on the farm didn't make things difficult for you, right?"

"There are definitely difficulties!"

Jiang Huan shook his head and sighed:"It was very difficult in the past few years, but this year the labor intensity has been reduced a lot, and there has been no criticism and struggle. The leaders are now turning a blind eye, but our bodies have long been damaged, and we are short of food and clothing. I am afraid we can't survive for a few more years!"

Yang Songwen and Jiang Youwei looked at each other, and Yang Songwen took out the package from his inner clothes and opened it.

Inside was a pack of western medicine, as well as a thick stack of money and various bills.

Western medicine, mainly aspirin.

In this era, aspirin is equivalent to an all-purpose magic medicine, which can relieve fever and pain and cure everything.

With this medicine, ordinary minor ailments are no problem.

With money and various bills, the living conditions of the father-in-law and mother-in-law can be greatly improved.

On the farm, even prisoners have certain human rights, at least their personal belongings are not deprived.

Food and clothing can be exchanged and purchased as long as there is money and bills.

But often prisoners have no relatives to visit, and they can't even guarantee food and clothing by relying solely on their own labor reform, and can only ensure that they don't starve to death.

In the cowshed, many people huddled up, looking at Jiang Huan and his wife and Yang Songwen and his wife, and they were very envious.

"Old man Jiang and his wife really found a good son-in-law!"

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