Yang Songwen laughed:"Why worry? I'm here. Besides, there are patrols and security guards in the market. If you have any problems, go to them!" After hearing this, Zhang Guifen felt relieved.

There are still many bad guys these days, but there are more good people.

After selling the last bit of glutinous rice, Zhang Guifen closed the stall with a smile.

Yang Songwen and Yang Yaomei helped to put away the things, and then pushed the tricycle home.

It was already noon when they got home. The family cooked some pork fried with garlic and a pot of rice, and they ate it deliciously.

Then, Zhang Guifen took out a small leather bag, poured out all the money, and began to fold them up and count them one by one.

After counting, Zhang Guifen was stunned.

"Lao Er, a total of 142.83 yuan, how can it be so much?"

Zhang Guifen still didn't believe it, so she counted it carefully again, and wow, it was really that much.

"This day's income is much more than a month's salary in a stable job?"

Zhang Guifen was stunned.

She never thought that she could make so much money just by setting up breakfast.

Yang Songwen knew the reason and analyzed,"Mom, this is not surprising. After deducting all the costs, the gross profit is at least eighty or ninety yuan!"

"Eighty or ninety yuan is equivalent to the boss's two-month salary. This is a day's net income, which is too much. Is it so easy to make money in this city?"

Zhang Guifen is a completely different person.

She seemed to have opened the door to a new world. For the first time, she knew that it was so easy to make money.

If she were in Kaoshantun, she might not be able to earn three hundred yuan a year even if she went to the fields to dig for food every day.

Now it can be done in a few days. How amazing!

Yang Songwen laughed:"Mom, the main thing is that the things we buy are good. Think about it, we not only have buns, fried dough sticks and soy milk, but also glutinous rice, sausages and tea eggs. These things are unique in our county!"

It turned out that some things came from Yang Songwen's menu.

These menus are snacks invented in later generations.

Yang Songwen was in a hurry yesterday, so he only mentioned one or two. If Yang Songwen calmed down and taught Zhang Guifen a few more delicious features, then the stall would be popular.

"Second brother, do you want to make the same breakfast today?"Zhang Guifen was full of energy.

"Yes, but Youwei and I both have to go to work, and my eldest brother also has to go to work. My youngest sister will also go to school after the weekend, so soon I will be the only one doing it. It will be very hard at that time!" Yang Songwen said

"I am not afraid of hard work. How hard can it be harder than working in the fields to make food?"To be honest, cooking in the kitchen is much easier than working in the fields to make food. Perhaps because she has worked in the kitchen for a lifetime, Zhang Guifen can easily make steamed buns and breakfast. She does it quickly and well, and is very skillful.

In addition, she makes a lot of money, which makes her more motivated.

"You guys go to work, don't worry about it. I'll ride my tricycle to the farmer's market in a while and buy everything. I'll start making things in the afternoon and put them out to sell tomorrow morning!"

"All right!"

After Yang Songwen had his meal, he went out to work in the afternoon.

The research room of the Cultural Bureau was very idle and there was not much work to do, so Yang Songwen took out a pen and paper and became a plagiarist!

You have to act like you are at work, you can not work, but you cannot be absent from work.

Yang Songwen wrote for an afternoon, sorted out the piles of manuscripts, and put them into his shoulder bag.

The director of the research room came over with an enamel jar with wolfberries soaked in it, and said curiously:"Comrade Songwen, are you writing a novel?"

"Yes, I plan to submit my article to the Red Star Newspaper in Beijing and have it serialized in the Red Star Daily!"Yang Songwen said

"Ah, you have submitted articles to such a big newspaper, so you are a writer?" All the colleagues in the research room were surprised.

Yang Songwen said modestly:"I am not a writer at all. I have only written some poems and articles and published a few of them. How can I be called a writer? I will be called a writer only when my masterpieces become popular all over the country and are sought after by millions of people!"

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