A few days later, Fang Yuan appeared in an unnamed valley in Central Continent’s.

A piece of World of Starry Sky Celestial Grotto is here, and it is still very stable for the time being.

Central Continent’s 10 Great Ancient Sects dispatched Gu Immortal to station in this valley.

Seeing He Fengyang coming here with Fang Yuan, their faces are not good looking.

This time, thanks to the cultivation base of the Fang Yuan Rank 6 bottom, otherwise it will not be able to get such a big bargain.

The fragment World here is just enough to make the Gu Immortal at the bottom of the Rank 6 barely enter. But where is Central Continent’s 10 Great Ancient Sects, where will there be Gu Immortal like the lower cultivation base of Fang Yuan?

Therefore, Fang Yuan became a scent and a single.

Introduced Celestial Grotto Fragment World by Immortal Crane Sect made full use of this 10 Great Ancient Sects competition.

Like previous life, Fairy Bai Qing takes care of Fang Yuan and takes care of Feng Jinhuang.

Fang Yuan nodded promised, but my heart is pondering, is it killing Feng Jinhuang?

Because Spiritual Fate House was not lost, it covered the news of Feng Jiuge’s death, so according to Fang Yuan’s intelligence, he knew that Feng Jiuge was missing in Northern Plains.

But after thinking about it, Fang Yuan gave up on this idea.

“Even if the previous life Feng Jiuge is dead, the 100-day battle of this life has not ended, everything is possible. Moreover, the previous life Feng Jiuge’s life and death, has not really been determined.”

“The most important thing is that I want to murder Feng Jinhuang because I want to snatch her Dream Wing Immortal Gu. Unfortunately, even if she is a mortal, single thought head can still make Immortal Gu self-destruct. I am even Gu Immortal, no The specific means can not be robbed. Now that she is dealing with her, Feng Jiuge is still in full swing and will be hit hard by superpowers such as Spiritual Fate House. This is the death road!”

“Go in. The other people have entered, and your cultivation base is the highest, and is arranged as the last one.” He Fengyang said solemnly.

There is no way. If Fang Yuan enters in advance, other Nine Sects are mortal Gu Master, which competes with Fang Yuan.

of course. From this point, we can also see the weakness of Immortal Crane Sect.

If the Immortal Crane Sect can be as powerful as the Spiritual Fate House, it is not difficult for Fang Yuan to be placed in the first overall position.

Starry Sky Celestial Grotto’s Fragment World, just before Fang Yuan’s eyes.

A sea of ​​blue sea scenery. Just like the half of the torn picture, it is abruptly inserted in the bushy mountain valley.

This is not the complete Celestial Grotto Blessed Land, and Fang Yuan goes straight through the steps.

a moment later, he is in the Starry Sky Celestial Grotto Fragment World. Looking back, the Gu Immortals of Central Continent’s 10 Great Ancient Sects stayed in the valley. Already with Fang Yuan is not a World person.

These Gu Immortal eyes, or gloomy, or envy.

No way, their cultivation base is too high, and there are countless Dao Marks. If they are squeezed in, they can directly break through this fragile piece of World.

“This lake is wide-ranging. I remember the Desolate Beast Dragon Fish of the previous lifetime. It was hidden near the isle in the middle of the lake and was affected by the Immortal Gu. It became very crazy and violent. I have lost the Self Strength Immortal Gu now. Strength Dao Giant Hand Seal. Captured in this life, it is not as convenient as previous life.”

Fang Yuan flies out while recalling.

Similar to previous life, some of the elite Gu Masters in Heaven’s Jealousy Manor are still trapped in the lake isle.

Around the isle, the lake was sinister and fierce, but it was the Desolate Beast Dragon Fish, which set off a storm.

Fang Yuan drops from the sky, using the Immortal Dao means. It took some effort to successfully catch Dragon Fish.

In addition to the Desolate Beast Dragon Fish, there are six more than 100,000 heads of the Common Dragon Fish group.

After leaving the Heaven’s Jealousy Manor Gu Master, which was shocked and unable to move, Fang Yuan rushed to the place where the dream was.

Come to the dreamland. Feng Jinhuang has led the four Gu Masters of Spiritual Fate House to encircle this dream.

“Fang Yuan, I have already waited here for a long time.” Feng Jinhuang smiled, her eyebrows, the skin is white, calm and confident.

Fang Yuan also said with a smile : “Before this trip. Your mother please take care of you one or two. I am not looking for you trouble, try to give you convenience, but care for you also has a price. What can you pay?”

Feng Jinhuang already is ready to speak.

Fang Yuan interrupted her: “If you still want to use Immortal Zombie to restore your personal skills, as a bargaining chip, then you can avoid it. I have already sought the right method, of course, not the Ten Perfect you told me before. Physiques promoted immortal method.”

Feng Jinhuang stunned, and some were caught off guard.

She did not expect Fang Yuan to be so fast, she had already found the Immortal Zombie reincarnation method that suits her.

“Like this, I know that Spiritual Fate House’s study of dreams is in front of the rest of Nine Great Ancient Sects. I only need a Dream Dao mortal gu’s Gu Formula, so you can stay in this dream and let you explore For a while, how? You are pregnant with Dream Wing Immortal Gu, don’t tell you that you don’t know some of Dream Dao mortal gu’s Gu Formula,” Fang Yuan suggested.

According to the regulation that Ten Great Sects has set, Feng Jinhuang, the representative of Spiritual Fate House, has to face this challenge in order to completely occupy this place. Only after winning two out of three matches can you get rid of the opponent’s right to occupy it here.

Feng Jinhuang’s body, although Fairy Bai Qing gave her Immortal Gu, there is will, immortal essence, but she is a mortal after all, beat Fang Yuan, the Immortal Zombie.

Feng Jinhuang is full of bitterly said: “Fang Yuan, this request is too difficult for you. I have Dream Wing Immortal Gu, which is well known. But the value of God Formula of Dream Dao mortal gu is big, I am afraid you are seriously underestimated. I did use some Dream Dao mortal gu, which is a very secret audition. The plan and its own dream wing, with Immortal Realm Ultimate Move. Unfortunately, all failed. And these nightmare, are also sect to me. I don’t know any of the Dream Formula mortal gu’s Gu Formula. You can change it. For example, Strength Dao mortal gu’s Gu Formula.”

At this time, the dream has not yet appeared in the Large Scale, and Dream Dao is still only exploring and not forming.

Although Dream Dao’s Gu insect has appeared, it is extremely limited.

Really want to form the mature genre of Dream Dao, relying on Dream Wing Immortal Gu, Sleepwalking, etc., is not acceptable.

Only the genre of the general cultivation can be called a genre.

Dream Dao has just developed and is beginning to show. Among the Five Regions, it is only the super powers that have the strength to study. Therefore, the Gu Formula of Dream Dao mortal gu is of great value.

Fang Yuan is not entangled.

He knows that even if Feng Jinhuang knows the Dream Formula mortal gu’s Gu Formula, he will never give it to himself.

The reason for this request is only for the next real purpose.

Fang Yuan said: “So, I need information from Sword Immortal Bo Qing. You may not know, but this person is the Legendary character in your Spiritual Fate House. You give me his information, don’t take it on the market. Those fooled me.”

Feng Jinhuang thought: “This Fang Yuan is a small man! I am a mortal Gu Master, but I have been exposed to Gu Immortal’s World since I was a child. I don’t know the name of Bo Qing? However, he Fang Yuan asks for Bo Qing. What is the intelligence?”

I turned to think again: “Bo Qing already died, I promised him why? Mother wants to take out this information, with no difficulty. Even if it involves the secret of Spiritual Fate House, but I also have a sense of proportion, will not naively all the information, Handed over to Fang Yuan.”

After thinking, Feng Jinhuang will nodded and promised.

But Fang Yuan followed: “This dream is a must for Immortal Crane Sect. How long you can explore, it depends on the information you gave me. You can now send letters and let Your mother is ready. After one hour in Central Continent, I will see the goods. Then I will give you more time according to the quality of these information.”

Feng Jinhuang’s heart sank slightly, and she knew that Fang Yuan was not so fooled.

She is the treasure of her parents’ parents. She naturally has Immortal Gu and a large number of Information Dao mortal gu, which allows Fairy Bai Qing to instantly discover the status of Feng Jinhuang.

It took another moment to work, and the two sides finally settled.

Fang Yuan is very simple and leaves the dream directly. This time into Blessed Land, he received the Desolate Beast Dragon Fish, but also a Desolate Beast Hidden Scripture Turtle, a Desolate Plant, and a plunder.

After a time in Central Continent, Starry Sky Celestial Grotto has been in the World for several days.

Fang Yuan conquered Hidden Scripture Turtle and Nether Grass, and like the strategy of previous life, released some of the Stoneman mastered, instead of exploring him, searching for other valuable Gu insects or coffins.

When he returned to the place where the dream was, Feng Jinhuang could not conceal his disappointment and gave him the first information.

Fang Yuan read it a little, even nodded, this information is very detailed, it is worthy of the internal information in the Spiritual Fate House.

“I want to come to the previous lifetime, Central Continent Fallen Heavenly River is amazed, many Gu Immortal have benefited, but I have difficulty intervening. This life with the experience and experience of previous life, does not require a lot of deduction, saving a lot of time and energy. Perhaps Check out the Fallen Heavenly River.”

Fang Yuan thought about it, and commented on his mouth: “This information is detailed, but it does not involve much privacy. According to the previous agreement, I will give you three days. Of course, this time refers to the fragment of World. time.”

Feng Jinhuang nodded, sighed in my heart.

She overestimated herself and underestimated the difficulty of this dream. So far, although she has Dream Wing Immortal Gu, it is difficult to get through the first layer dream.

She originally thought that 6~7 days’s effort could be used to explore this dream and get a huge boost.

But the cruel reality gave her a loud slap.

“I knew that when I first agreed, I would have to bite the price. Now this information is only exchanged for three days… This time is not enough. I will raise all the injuries. Oh!”

Feng Jinhuang once again sighed deeply.

Fang Yuan knows her state well, but pretends not to know, and leaves again.

But quietly, he turned back to the other side of the dream and quietly sneaked into the dream.

With the experience of previous lifetime, he is very familiar with it, plus he is fully prepared for this time, with a large number of Dream Dao mortal gu, can use more Dream Interpretation ultimate move.

First layer Beastman Wind Knot Grass Dream, second layer The game of the top of the star disc game, was attacked by Fang Yuan.

He finally came to the third layer dream.

This is a dream that his previous life has never been.

Willow shore, the lake is like a mirror.

In the heart of the lake, a female immortal softly hones the piano.

“You are finally here.” She looked at Fang Yuan, her eyes glowed brightly, and mysterious smile appeared in the corner of her mouth.

Fang Yuan’s body was suddenly shocked.

Constellation Immortal Venerable !

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