“Even if Self Strength Immortal Gu is still in my hands, the weight strength of Rank 7 is not enough. It’s a priority, Graceful Battle Stage. Southern Border Gu Immortals outside Danger Realm is no longer expected to charge this Immortal Gu Home. But I still have a chance!”

“Only on the rely on Graceful Battle Stage, I can hope for escape! Otherwise, I will only use Spring and Autumn Cicada.”

Fang Yuan thinks quickly, the only chance before the white of the eyes is to become the new owner of the Graceful Battle Stage!

Although he has Fixed Immortal Travel.

But this Immortal Gu is stored in the Immortal Aperture.

The Immortal Gu breath is easy to detect, and it can only be safely stored in the aperture and Immortal Aperture.

However, Fang Yuan’s Immortal Aperture has been sealed.

Fang Yuan If unti the seal, in the sacred Danger Realm, immediately will be eliminated. It can’t support the three moments at all, prompting Fixed Immortal Travel.

But Spring and Autumn Cicada is not.

Spring and Autumn Cicada is Fang Yuan’s first Life-Bound Gu, which has been sealed in Fang Yuan’s first aperture.

After these hours, Spring and Autumn Cicada has been largely restored, even if it is heavily sealed, it also puts tremendous pressure on Fang Yuan’s first aperture.

Before this trip, Fang Yuan did not think about it. Fixed Immortal Travel or other Immortal Gu, seal, and temporarily stored in the first aperture, for insurance.

But it doesn’t work at all.

Aperture can hold some mortal gu, but second Immortal Gu is absolutely not working.

“Even if there is Fixed Immortal Travel, I am afraid…” Fang Yuan looked through the clouds and looked at Ten Perfect Immortal Zombie. It was difficult to breathe.

Southern Border Gu Immortal also has Space Dao Gu Immortal and Space Dao Immortal Rank ultimate move. But they are all without exception, being besieged by death.

Obviously, this grand formation takes into account Space Dao, Extremely tightly guarding against, and there is no loophole at all!

More and more Gu Immortal, tragic death under Disaster and Tribulation.

The four Rank 8 Gu Immortal had injuries and they were dragged down. The more opportunities there are, the more they have to join forces and break through.

“Well, wait for the shackles, where to go?” A black robe Gu Immortal in front of them sneered. The momentum is booming and the hood is blown down.

“Northern Dark Ice Soul Physique !” Peng Shilong issued cry out in surprise.

The coldness filled quickly, a crystal ice wall, up to the severe ten zhang, across the eyes of everyone.

Four immortals were blocked. A lightning ray on top of your head!

Snow War Casualty Tribulation Lightning !

The normal Snow War Casualty Tribulation Lightning is already one of the Ten Big Omnious Disasters. But now this Tribulation Lightning, with more than a dozen forks, formidable power directly increased by dozens of times!

When it rains, it pours, the four immortals do not dare to pick up. One of them motivated Time Dao ultimate move, slowing Tribulation Lightning, and getting the time to move.

Snow War Casualty Tribulation Lightning hits the crystal ice wall of the Northern Dark Ice Soul Immortal Zombie.

The ice wall broke open a large hole, Northern Dark Ice Soul Immortal Zombie groaned. She was slightly injured.

“Will of Heaven!” Northern Dark Ice Soul Immortal Zombie stunned and slammed into the sky.

Southern Border Four Rank 8 Gu Immortal, shifting direction, scratching the sky and hitting another part of the gu formation.

“This road does not work.” The black robe Gu Immortal said with a aar core.


The two sides slammed on each other and spelled them evenly matched.

The four immortals were blocked, and the black robe Gu Immortal was also uncomfortable.

“Unfettered Wisdom Physique !”

Another Ten Perfect Immortal Zombie.

“You…you are Shang Family’s Shang Guicai !”

Peng Shilong’s eyebrows wrinkled and recognized the identity of black robe Gu Immortal.

“I have a deep friendship with Shang Family Revered Great Elder. You are a Shang Family clansman, and you have joined the demon organization. It is a disaster! The prodigal son turns back to Jin Buhuan. You regret it now! But it will cause a disaster. Your family will also be yours. involve.”

Black robe Gu Immortal disdainfully sneered : “What do you know? Shang Guicai is just the identity of my Soul Penetration, what is the area of ​​Shang Family? How to equal the terms with my!”


Another tribulation thunder slammed and beat Southern Border Four Immortals.

“Don’t delay with him, let’s change direction!”

“Brilliant Flame Thunder Pond, Northern Dark Ice Soul, Unfettered Wisdom Heart… Ten Perfect Physiques, which are rare in a hundred years, actually appear one after another, I am afraid it is uncomfortable.”

“This gu formation should have utilized Ten Perfect Physiques. In order to have such tremendous power!”

“So, then he is the only loophole!!”

After being blocked by the Unfettered Wisdom Heart Immortal Zombie, the Four Immortals quickly communicated in a lightning-like manner, and instantly focused on youth Gu Immortal Ying Wuxie.

Among all the Gu Immortals present, he was the most special.

Because he is a big living person, and the atmosphere reveals, it also shows that he is not Ten Perfect Physiques at all.

Si Xian was seriously injured and rushed to Ying Wuxie.

Ying Wuxie suddenly p心脏ng pēng jumped and shouted: “What to do? What to do? They rushed over!”

“Don’t be nervous, use what you do best.” Black robe Gu Immortal next to him immediately reminded.

“I am not nervous, I am not nervous!” Ying Wuxie took a deep breath and breathed but still rushed.

Shortly, the four immortals are getting closer, and Ying Wuxie’s mind is recalled at birth.

He was born from a dream.

When he opened his eyes, the first person he saw was Old Man Yan Shi.

Old Man Yan Shi faint and laughing, a pair of black eyes staring at him up and down, the tone is difficult to conceal: “Good, good, good. Pure Dream Seeking True Physique, you are the highest achievement of my participation in Dream Dao! Bo Qing is dead, you will replace him, become our strongest battle strength, suppress the overall situation.”

“Who are you, and who am I?” Ying Wuxie curiously asked.

“You are me, I am you. I am Old Man Yan Shi, and you…it’s called Ying Wuxie.” Old Man Yan Shi hehe smiled.

Then, with his long sleeves and a wave of thoughts, countless thoughts poured into Ying Wuxie’s mind.

Ying Wuxie feels a message, flowing to the bottom of my heart – time is limited, I only teach you an Immortal Realm Ultimate Move. Although it does not have any killing power, it is the peak of today’s Five Regions Dream Dao, the forefront of the times. Even those Heavenly Court’s Gu Immortal are far behind. As the saying goes, fresh, Heaven Swallowing! You have to be well aware that when you become Gu Immortal, I will give you a complete set of Gu insects, then you have to step up your practice!


The memory came to an abrupt end, and the Four Immortals were close at hand. Among them, the raging Jia Yi is the best!

Ying Wuxie suddenly shot an inch of about one inch.

He slowly opened his mouth and recited the general – ly said: “Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – lead, soul, into, dream!”

The speed of the four cents plummeted, as the enemy was enemeding, alerting.

But after a few breaths. But there is no movement at all.

“Kid, you actually dare to fight with me!” Peng Shilong was furious and was about to take action.

At this time, Rank 8 Gu Immortal Jia Yi began to fall down.

“What happened?” Just when Peng Shilong and the others were in doubt. Ten Perfect Immortal Zombie launched the gu formation, and the attack was fierce, hitting Jia Yi.

Jia Yi has no movement, squatting on the body, the layer of layer rigorous defense has begun to slowly dissipate.

The remaining three immortals are quickly rescued. Block the offensive of gu formation.

Jia Yi is still falling.

Screaming… snoring…

He actually fell asleep at this moment!

“It’s the ghost that the kid is doing!!” Ren Haiyang’s face was full of horror and frightened.

Dealing with only the Race 7 Gu Immortal, the urging Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, actually let Jia Yi no resistance, it was a move.

Especially when he wrap up the whole body, a heavy defense, no effect!

What exactly is this ultimate move? !

“Be careful!” Peng Shilong exclaimed.

Disaster and Tribulation is coming, and countless comets are comparable to the speed of light, just bursting out. Posted to the head of Southern Border Gu Immortals.

This wave of Heavenly Disaster went on, and most of the Southern Border Gu Immortal lost their lives.

Even Rank 8 Gu Immortal, the name of the wind, the stream number, the long-awaited Jia Yi, was bombarded by the singer Lei into numerous slag.

Peng Shilong and the others, they don’t care, they don’t have time to rescue.

“It’s over!” At this moment, the three Rank 8 Gu Immortal are almost desperate.

Ying Wuxie’s is indeed a hole in the grand formation, but his own strong battle strength. Beyond the imagination of three immortals.

The unprecedented Dream Dao ultimate move directly puts Jia Yi in a deep sleep and can’t wake up.

Jia Yi died, the remaining three immortals. The momentum suddenly fell, and the hope of breaking through quickly became awkward.

“To hold on!” on the Roundeous Heavenly Mountain, always watching the face of the Fang Yuan, also involuntarily worried.

Even if he became the master of the Graceful Battle Stage, it was difficult to spur the huge Immortal Gu Home by Fang Yuan alone. It is like a person. A large ship in a building is generally incapable, and it is very difficult.

Therefore, the joint Southern Border Gu Immortal is a must.

Only the more Gu Immortal that enters Immortal Gu Home, the more immortal essence is consumed, the stronger the force that Immortal Gu Home sends out. With Fang Yuan alone, it is difficult to make Immortal Gu Home strong enough to break through gu formation.

Time ruthlessly passed, the three Rank 8 Gu Immortal were exhausted, and only the remaining number of Rank 7 Gu Immortal was covered head and sneaked away like a rat in Disaster and Tribulation.

When Ren Haiyang died because of Disaster and Tribulation, the remaining two Rank 8s were completely desperate.

“The big trend has gone!” Fang Yuan can’t help but screamed in his heart. “Hey, today’s plan can only continue to disguise identity and look forward to not being discovered…”

However, when both Rank 7 and Rank 6 Gu Immortal died, only two Rank 8 Gu Immortal were left, and Righteous Heavenly Mountain suddenly began to oscillate.

Soon, the magnitude of the shock increased rapidly.

Move the mountain to shake!

The “what’s going on?” shock attracted the attention of two Rank 8 Gu Immortal.

“don’t tell me is the Graceful Battle Stage charged by you?” The two Rank 8 Gu Immortal yelled at each other in unison.

Then, they both stopped and realized that it was not the other party’s reason.

Fang Yuan is also a shock, he certainly has no refined Immortal Gu Home, so who is it?


The rock broke, the earth broke through a huge hole, and a silhouette emerged from the hole.

Vigorous True Martial Immortal Zombie !

He actually got rid of the suppression of Immortal Gu Home, and it was soaring and seeing the sky!

However, before Fang Yuan reacted completely, a coldly snorted sounded through Heaven and Earth: “In front of me, I still want to escaping from fate? Give me death!”

a light beam From above the polar sky, it blasts vertically.

Rank 9 Immortal Gu Home – Supervising Heaven Tower !

Heavenly Court has been here.

The pure white light column formidable power terrifying is absolutely extinct, and the ease breaks Ten Perfect Grand Formation, and the two Southern Border Rank 8 are instantly gone.

“Damn!” Rank 8 Vigorous True Martial Immortal Zombie too late to hide, can only be unwilling to roar, and then be smashed by the light column.

The pillar’s remaining power is not reduced and is directed to the Righteous Heavenly Mountain.

“Would you like to die…” Fang Yuan gritted his teeth and tightened his muscles.

Rank 9 Immortal Gu Home’s full blow, he can’t stop it.

Only the last trump card – Spring and Autumn Cicada!

a moment later , Fang Yuan self-exploding.


Spring and Autumn Cicada, carrying the will of Fang Yuan’s, just entered the River of Time and suddenly collapsed and exploded into countless tiny pieces.

Fang Yuan body dies and Dao disappears !

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