Xiao Shan repelled Xiao Family and pursued the peak as Righteous Heavenly Mountain. He began to invite Demonic Path to recruit and recruit.

Before he was expelled from the family, he was called “morality reaching up to the clouds”, and his connections were very wide. Both Rights and Demonic Paths could be eaten.

Xiao Shan is very cool, gratitude and grudges are clear.

On the other hand, the Xiao Family is weak, and it is suppressed by forces such as Wu Family. Be aware that sometimes Demonic Path Gu Master is also offended, especially those of Rank 5 and Rank 4.

These Demonic Path experts are not the same as the Roundeous Path expert.

Demonic Path expert is a loner, acting without hesitation. Righteous Path expert has ethics, family, fame, and so on.

Xiao Family Over the years, in order to strengthenen the clan, set up the Xiao Family caravan. These Demonic Path experts at Roaming Heavenly Shore are more careful than other families.

Over the years, Xiao Shan has faced these Demonic Path Gu Masters, can put them on, can pull them together, and must fight to do as soon as possible. Sometimes he even relieves some rogue cultivators, or Demonic Path Gu Master. So although he is Righteous Path Patriarch, he is recognized by Gu Master’s on Demonic Path.

All of this has created Xiao Shan’s strong appeal.

When he decided to create a village, the message came out and immediately received multiple responses.

After a few days, I have had several Demonic Path experts, and I took the initiative to vote.

Coupled with the Southern Border Gu Immortals in the dark, I will insert my chess piece into this battlefield.

Therefore, more and more Demonic Path Gu Master and rogue cultivator Gu Master are added to the Righteous Heaven Stronghold.

Just after 6~7 days, there are more than 30 members of Righteous Heaven Stronghold. This growth rate, even Xiao Shan himself, was secretly surprised and surprised.

When there are more people, they form an organization.

Any organization must have a status.

Gu Master’s World has always been expert.

Among all, Xiao Shan is not only the strongest, but also the highest. It was publicly listed as the owner of Righteous Heaven Stronghold and sat in the first place.

The other two, Sun Panhu and Zhou Xingxing, took the second and third seats respectively. After all, they are the Rank 5 expert. The strongest.

As for the successor, both Rank 2 and Rank 3 are rare, and there is rarely a Rank 4. According to the cultivation base, strength and weakness, the order is simply arranged.

In a cave, Fang Yuan is drinking with one Gu Immortal.

This Demonic Path rank 6 Gu Immortal. Short stature, but big head, is an old man, known as Old Melon.

“Come, Brother Sheng Ying, he he, what is the taste of my melon?” Old Melon enthusiastically advised.

Fang Yuan knows the meaning of Old Melon, and took a sip of his voice, nodded, and commented: “right. right.”

Although the mouth is right, Fang Yuan looks dull and looks at perfunctory.

Old Melon looked at the words, hehe smiled and pointed out: “I don’t know Brother Sheng Ying, what do you think of this Southern Border big bet?”

Fang Yuan tranquilly said: “Whether it is related to the Graceful Battle Stage, no one will give in. Since everyone is involved in the betting fight, set a gambling contract and invest huge amounts of money. No one should be ruined.”

In the past, the Righteous Path has always been over the Demonic Path.

Whether it is the mortal Gu Master or Gu Immortal World.

But this time is an exception.

Immortal Gu Home was born. Let Southern Border Gu Immortal World be completely turbulent. In order to compete for Immortal Gu Home, demonic immortals and loose immortals emerged and formed a general trend, the Righteous Path’s side had to compromise and set the super gambling contract.

The content of the gambling contract is to choose the mortal chess piece. Join the Righteous Heavenly Mountain Righteous and Demonic to help Gu Immortal refine Immortal Gu Home.

But to participate in this big gamble, there must be a prerequisite.

Any Gu Immortal who wants to participate in this betting fight must be gambling. The more gambling funds are cast, the better the chess pieces cultivation base is allowed, and the time to join the gambling is earlier.

In the end, this big bet will end and all the gambling will be re-divided.

According to each Gu Immortals, the number of fighting intents of Immortal Gu Home was converted and ranked. The more fighting intents in Immortal Gu Home, the greater the value of the gambling money.

Of course, refined more than 50% fighting intent, able to motivate the winners of Immortal Gu Home, get the most gambling money.

But other Gu Immortal can also drink meat soup. Even with a small blog, you can get a windfall.

This rule is a wonderful pen!

For this reason, all Gu Immortals involved in betting fight, whether it is the Righteous Path and Demonic Path or the rogue cultivator, whether it is enemies or resentment, are subconsciously united to maintain this beast fight.

If there is a small movement or a slap in the middle, the gambling money bet will be completely confiscated.

Later Gu Immortal can also join, but must participate in this betting fight.

And as the betting fight progresses, Gu Immortals will continue to raise, which is of course possible.

And Demon Immortal Old Melon in front of Fang Yuan is someone who wants to continue raising.

But he has no money on hand.

These days, he borrowed and was known. This time, find Fang Yuan on special intention.

Fang Yuan was cold, and Old Melon had to take the initiative to mention the betting fight.

Fang Yuan just evaluated it casually. Old Melon raised his eyes and gave a thumbs up. He said exaggeratedly with a smile on Fang Yuan: “Brother Sheng Ying, you said it’s good, it’s right, it’s a hit. This betting Fight ,regulation is bigger than the day. Anyone who breaks regulation will be equal to the entire Southern Border’s Gu Immortal World! So if you want to make a fortune, you must honestly participate in the betting fight.”

“You see, at the moment, although the gambling has just begun, Xiao Family Revered Elder is the leader. Xiao Shan is his chess piece. Before Xiao Shan and Xiao Mang, Xiao Family Revered Elder became the first one. The person who converted the intent intent in Immortal Gu Home. As long as Xiao Shan is not dead, his advantage will be bigger and bigger.”

Fang Yuan glanced at Old Melon: “Xiao Shan is the Rank 5 Gu Master and the first to enter the casino. Xiao Family Revered Elder is of great advantage. However, he also paid a great price for it. Although he is only Rank 7 Gu Immortal, but the money invested in it is the most. Even the other Rank 8 can’t compare.”

Old Melon has nodded, open his mouth, revealing a pair of yellow teeth, said with a smile: “Yeah, the sooner you put the chess piece into the Righteous Heavenly Mountain, the better. Of course, the cultivation base of the chess piece is guaranteed, at least It’s Rank 4, or it’s dead in the battle. Brother Sheng Ying, I don’t want you to say it. I can’t wait to vote for it myself! But I’m just tight, Sheng Ying, brother, can you? Temporarily lend me some immortal materials. After the event, I will double you!”

Fang Yuan laughed: “Yes.”

Old Melon is immediately happy. Thanks to Fang Yuan, he said: “But you have to make a contract.”

“This is natural and necessary.” Old Melon is nodded.

Fang Yuan added: “I still want to use Immortal Gu as a mortgage.”

The glamour of Old Melon’s face suddenly froze: “Brother Sheng Ying, which one are you kidding? If I have Immortal Gu in hand, why bother to plot this Immortal Gu Home?”

Fang Yuan also changed color immediately. The face is ice-cold, the eye is firing light, said solemnly: “Old Melon, you don’t even have one Immortal Gu, actually want to plot an Immortal Gu Home? Don’t you think you are too whimsical, is your appetite too big? ?!”

“Sheng Ying, you…” Old Melon was about to attack, but suddenly he felt the Immortal Gu breath that Fang Yuan was no longer covering.

“He actually has Immortal Gu!” Old Melon suddenly sinks into his heart.

In the hands of many Rank 6 Gu Immortal, there is no one Immortal Gu.

But Fang Yuan has it.

This is beyond the expectation of Old Melon. He wants to come, but there is Gu Immortal of Immortal Gu. More or less have some fame.

And Sheng Ying obviously didn’t.

He regards Fang Yuan as a lonely loose immortal, only in the corners of the pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa.

But Fang Yuan has Immortal Gu, which makes Old Melon feel jealous.

With Immortal Gu, the battle strength tends to improve a lot. Sheng Ying with Immortal Gu is not something that Old Melon can handle.

Therefore, he couldn’t attack, and finally he laughed and said to Fang Yuan cup one fist in the other hand: “I am taking the liberty, Brother Sheng Ying don’t blame!”

Fang Yuan coldly snorted: “You can go.”

“Let’s go, let’s go, leave!” Old Melon smiled. Take a few steps back, then turn around and go, no longer dare to entangle.

When he walked out of the cave, his face disappeared. Showing an expression of anger and anger.

His eyes were cold and roared in his heart: “hmph! Immortal Gu is really amazing! Today, this shame, I remember. When I have Immortal Gu, I will return it to you today!” !”

In the cave, Fang Yuan is thoughtful.

Old Melon this thing. Let him realize many of the underlying Gu Immortals’s join the gamble psychology.

Most of these people do not have Immortal Gu, so they are very eager for Immortal Gu Home. Everyone knows that you can’t eat fatty, but fall on yourself. Who doesn’t want to be ascending to the skies with a single leap?

The current gamble gave these Gu Immortal a very good competitive environment.

Change to the usual situation, such as the discovery of wild Immortal Gu, Gu Immortals for competition. Without the underlying Gu Immortal of Immortal Gu, the battle strength is low, how could it be the opponent of other Gu Immortal?

But this betting fight is not the Guttled strength of Gu Immortal itself, but other aspects.

All of this makes the underlying Gu Immortals have the hope of winning.

There are not a few examples of Old Melon.

Fang Yuan also thought of Revive Elder of Xiao Family.

It is reported that the Rank 7 Righteous Path Gu Immortal is facing huge troubles. His last Disaster and Tribulation was just a thrilling ride, and his strength has not recovered yet. The next time Disaster and Tribulation, formidable power is bigger, is already close at hand.

Xiao Family only has one Gu Immortal left, without the support of the family Gu Immortal, he is hard to support, almost dead.

But this time betting fight, let him saw the hope of survival.

If Immortal Gu Home is in hand, he will have considerable confidence to survive this Disaster and Tribulation.

Therefore, he took the time to sneak out the oldest, and took all the ones to cast the most bets. These bets make him eligible to choose two chess pieces.

And the cultivation base of the two chess pieces is up to Rank 5. Among them, Xiao Shan, the first one to launch a casino. Another Xiao Mang, but still have to wait for a while to play.

Xiao Shan is Demonic Path and Xiao Mang is Righteous Path. Regardless of the outcome of the Roundeous and Demonic battle, the process of Xiao Youth Revered Elder is very appropriate. The two pieces of Rank 5’s chess piece, the possibility of death is very small, and over time, the advantage of Xiao Family Revered Elder will become bigger and bigger.

“This time, I deliberately leaked the breath of one Immortal Gu, enough to make other Gu Immortal jealous, and would not think that I am weak.”

“This betting fight, I have to take part in it. The information leaked out in the betting fight is very valuable. It is my great opportunity to get close to Southern Border Gu Immortal World and understand the pattern of Southern Border Gu Immortal!”

“As for this gamble, maybe I can go out in person…” In the thought of Fang Yuan, the bright glow flashes disappeared.

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