“It’s finally stopped.” Fairy Bai Qing looked at the calming Fallen Heavenly River face, with a pale smudge on his face and a lingering lingering heart.

When she was flying in the sky, she was Gu Immortal, who was closest to the incident, and witnessed the scene of Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering.

At this moment, the Fallen Heavenly River is full of dead bodies.

A large number of Far Ancient Desolate Beast, Immemorial Desolate Beast, the incomplete part of the body, carrying a sinking in the river.

Originally the white Heavenly River water has been dyed blood red.

Fallen Heavenly River is coming from heaven, but the river is full of life. Numerous ferocious beasts are lurking, a large number of aquatic plants grow, and there are numerous natural traps such as undercurrents, whirlpools, etc. Even if Gu Immortal falls into these traps, it will be fatal.

Fairy Bai Qing waited for a moment and no more than a sword light.

She rushed to the river, picking up the ferocious beast body in the water, or the roots of the Far Ancient Desolate Plant and the Immemorial Desolate Plant.

This made her really make a fortune!

The wealth of wealth, even her Fairy Bai Qing can also be’t help but big joy.

However, the good times did not last long, many Far Ancient Desolate Beast began to show up, Fairy Bai Qing even vaguely through the river, see some of the shadow of Immemorial Desolate Beast.

These ferocious beasts are inspired by the rich blood to vicious nature.

The flesh and blood that has been torn apart by sword light is a good blood food for these ferocious beasts.

More and more ferocious beasts were smothered by flesh and blood and began a fierce battle.

They madly bite on the river, grab each other’s food, and stir up the waves of the sky, and the momentum is so good.

Fairy Bai Qing had to retreat, she looked at the rest of the flesh and blood, and my heart was filled with regret. These are all excellent refining gu immortal materials!

“Sword light suddenly spurts, what happened in the Fallen Heavenly River? Should I go to find out the truth?”

Fairy Bai Qing is worried about Feng Jinhuang, which makes her hesitate.

But in her heart, there is always a feeling, telling her that Bo Qing’s clue should be at the bottom of this Fallen Heavenly River.

Fairy Bai Qing bites his teeth. The figure turned into a streak of white light and suddenly plunged into the water of Fallen Heavenly River.

The unspoken sword light from Fallen Heavenly River’s Source , all around covers the entire Central Continent.

Whether it is the centipede canyon in the middle of Central Continent. It is also the flying frost pavilion in the east of Central Continent, and even the Heavenly Court of aloof and remote, which are all disturbed by sword light.

For a time, Central Continent shook it.

Heavenly Court.

Supervising Heaven Tower Lord is full of iron and blue, his hands are moving without stopping. After the reaction, he began to actively repair the Supervising Heaven Tower.

Bi Chentian, Bai Cangshui, Lian Jiusheng, have been summoned by him for an emergency recall.

At the moment, they are on their way back.

The trauma caused by sword light is very troublesome, and Sword Dao’s Dao Marks seems to be aggressive. The rest of the Supervising Heaven Tower, although standing still, is hard to last.

If it is allowed to attack Sword Dao’s Dao Marks, it will inevitably lead to even more serious losses.

“Although this time fixes Fate Immortal Gu’s success, it is at the threshold of use. Supervising Heaven Tower has been cut off. Is this a coincidence? Or…”

Supervising Heaven Tower Lord has a bad feeling in the heart.

A moment later, Bi Chentian first came back, followed by Bai Cangshui, and finally Lian Jiusheng.

Lian Jiusheng had a delay, but it also brought specific information: “I found out that the sword light came from Fallen Heavenly River’s Source. Now the entire Central Continent is falling out.”

“Fallen Heavenly River source, isn’t that where Bo Qing fallen?” Bai Cangshui cried out in surprise.

When it comes to Bo Qing, Heavenly Court is a bit complicated.

They did not recruit Bo Qing in the past, but unfortunately Bo Qing and their ideas did not match, even the Heavenly Court’s door did not pass.

“Bo Qing ……” Supervising Heaven Tower Lord has a deep look. “Investigate, you must investigate clearly. Fairy Cangshui, you are good at Water Dao, just bother you to take a trip. The three of us stay here. all-out repair Supervising Heaven Tower. I don’t know why, there is always a worry in my heart. Feeling.”

The other three immortals have a glimpse of expression, of which Bi Chentian said: “Supervising Heaven Tower Lord You master Supervising Heaven Tower and Fate Gu, this uneasiness can’t be underestimated, we act at speed!”

Central Continent, War Immortal Sect.

“The source of Fallen Heavenly River is amazed. It is suspected that Bo Qing’s Sword Dao inheritance is born! Jin Lieyang, you will find out the truth. Rank 6 Gu Immortal will give you two places to choose from.” War Immortal Sect Revered Great Elder’s Will , floating in midair.

Gu Immortal Jin Lieyang is in the flames, his body tall and sturdy, a blond hair, flame of the eye, and the popularity of Rank 7.

After hearing this, he was coldly snorted and did not buy the face of Revered Great Elder: “This thing should go to Shi Lei, he is Immortal Monkey King, Feng Jiuge is gone, he is already Central Continent Rank 7 Number one person!”

Revered Great Elder’s willlightly smiled: “Jin Lieyang, Shi Lei is strong, but the big War Immortal Sect is not his own. He is exploring this Starry Sky Celestial Grotto this time, enough credit, don’t tell Me, do you want him to make a big contribution?”

Jin Lieyang Brain 1, suddenly figured out.

He jumped out of the hot fire, cup one fist in the other hand. “Hey! Revered Great Elder. This is what I said. I originally wanted to focus on the Flame Dao’s Dao Marks, and grow 17~18.” In this case, I am leaving now!”

Revered Great Elder’s will nodded, warned repeated: “speed to speed back.”

Wind and Cloud Residence.

“First Senior Brother, are you out of the customs?” Gu Immortal Hong Chiming was very pleased to see the person in front of him, and he was very happy.

This person has a white robe, a jade belt, a slender figure, a gentle personality, and nodded at the moment: “I was out because of Fallen Heavenly River’s. Junior Brother, you have participated in the 100-day battle and witnessed 5 Finger Boxing Heart Sword. This time was ordered by the brother to go to investigate the truth of Fallen Heavenly River, and please take action to help.”

Hong Chiming took a deep breath, sincerely-ly said: “First Senior Brother, you are too far from seeing it. If it wasn’t First Senior Brother, you can take action, how can Chiming be today? Hong Chiming is willing to work! ”

Spiritual Fate House, the House of Parliament.

“The source of Fallen Heavenly River is amazed. Who should we send to investigate?” Revered Great Elder is absent, hosted by 2nd Revered Elder.

“2nd elder doesn’t know, Fairy Bai Qing has been to the source of the Fallen Heavenly River in the past few days.” Li Junying’s will.

“Oh? is it possible? What clues did she find?” Gu Immortal couldn’t help but remember.

2nd Revered Elder frowned. “Fairy Bai Qing has only the Rank 6 peak cultivation base, which is not enough to cope with this situation. The sect is exactly when the battle strength is tight. Who should send this to support Bai Qing?”

Xu Hao will laughed: “reporting to 2nd Revered Elder, Fairy Bai Qing’s cultivation base has been promoted to Rank 7, but she secretly concealed it and did not report it.”

“Oh? Is this happening? I remember her first stop and tribulation from Rank 7, and for a while.”

Xu Hao calmly replied: “This matter is undoubted. Before Feng Jiuge went to Northern Plains, he borrowed Time Dao Immortal Gu and secretly helped Fairy Bai Qing upgrade the cultivation base.”

“This is the case.” 2nd Revered Elder said, “Fairy Bai Qing became Rank 7 Gu Immortal and was a blessing to my Spiritual Fate House. When she returned, she gave her the innumerable peak. Also open the library. Allow her to choose a Rank 7 Immortal Gu. As for this Fallen Heavenly River, no longer send reinforcements, only to her, to explain the meaning of sect.”

“Yes, follow the instructions of 2nd Revered Elder.”

Heavenly Stairs Mountain.

“So the sword light, Bo Qing, Bo Qing… Quasi Immortal Venerable, for the sake of love, fortunately… maybe this is his Sword Dao True Inheritance!”

Sword Dao Gu Master Jian Yisheng, looking up at the sky, his face is full of excitement and fascination.

“This time has changed greatly. The source of Fallen Heavenly River must be Gu Immortal. Maybe there is a chance of fish in troubled waters. Central Continent’s 10 Great Ancient Sects is strong, but they eat meat, I can always drink soap. ”

After thinking to this point, Jian Yisheng finally made up his mind to fly out of Heavenly Stairs Mountain and head to the northwest.

Whether it is the Righteous Path headed by Central Continent’s 10 Great Ancient Sects, or the Demonic Path, or the loose immortal like Jian Yisheng, there are actions.

Countless eyes, looking out over the air, are concentrated in the Fallen Heavenly River’s Source.

Bo Qing, Quasi Immortal Venerable, through the ages Venerable number one person, these names, these long-lost memories, and live.

Numerous roads ravage the entire Central Continent’s sword light, reminding the world that Bo Qing is strong.

A rumor has not been known from where it came from, but it is more and more widely spread, affecting the nerves of everyone.

“This time sword light scattering is the last hand left by Bo Qing fallen. He wants to remind the world that his Sword Dao True Inheritance was born. Although he is a body, he does not want True Inheritance to be a non-human. He wants Take this opportunity to choose the most suitable heir!”

So because of the shock of the sword light, it gradually turned into a greedy desire.

Central Continent Gu Immortal World Concussion!

Numerous Gu Immortal, even the old Monster, who had been buried for hundreds of years, began to rush to the Fallen Heavenly River.

Central Continent is turbulent, and a huge dispute over the entire Central Continent’s is about to start at the source of the Fallen Heavenly River.

In the Southern Border, it is calm.

The green hills are green and the pines are bursting.

At the peak, a stone pavilion.

Old Man Yan Shi is sitting in the pavilion and is playing chess.

There is a huge stone in front of him, and the flat stone face of Star Dao’s Dao Marks is horizontal or horizontal, or cross-cut, or vertical, or obliquely inserted to form a dazzling line drawing.

Under the old Man Yan Shi, it is a famous chess game.

a figure , drops from the sky, 霎 time stone pavilion chilly.

“You looking for me?” Bai Ningbing stared indifferently at the back of Old Man Yan Shi.

Old Man Yan Shi slowly turned around and faced Bai Ningbing.

Bai Ningbing continues coldly said: “While you help me become a fairy, I am not the one you call for.”

Old Man Yan Shi lightly smiled, whispered: “Do you know? Fang Yuan is coming back.”

Fang Yuan !

Bai Ningbing’s eyes were bright, and his eyes narrowed slightly, covering the severe light in his eyes.

He coldly snorted: “Please explain your words.”

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