Langya Earth Spirit has changed dramatically, incredibly looking at this scene.

“Hair 12, Mao XIII, what happened to you two?” Hairyman Gu Immortals both shocked and angry, one of them shouted loudly.

“You are Hairyman, but you help foreign enemies and betray your own relatives! Unforgivable crime!!”

“Impossible. Hair 12, Mao XIII is the indigenous Hairyman in Blessed Land. How can it be a betrayal? This must be an illusion technique. Don’t be fooled by the illusion!”

Some of the Hairyman Gu Immortal, almost no believe.

The two Hairyman Gu Immortal, who were in the eyes of everyone, were arrogant, both of whom guarded Qin Baisheng, a disdainful arrogance.

The rebellion of the two of them was a fatal blow to the Langya Earth Spirit.

Especially those Hairyman Gu Immortal, the heart is chaotic, more difficult to achieves Battle Formation.

Hei Cheng gets an extremely precious respite.

Qin Baisheng, with the cooperation of the Hairyman traitor, charged Gu insect faster.

Langya Earth Spirit’s face is black like a pot bottom, very ugly.

He squeaked his teeth and squeaked out his teeth: “Kill, kill the past! Kill the two traitors in this Hairyman! Even if they renegade the devil, Refining Furnace Immortal Gu Home is still mine.” Will, will not stop completely. It has power and is still working! Everyone, Langya Blessed Land’s matter of life and death, is in your hands, we have no way out, kill me!!”

Langya Earth Spirit is doing its best to boost morale.

Hairyman Gu Immortals Even if it is innocent, at this moment, the situation of realized the situation is in danger, and they are determined to die, and fight hard.

Silver giant is full of momentum, regrouping, and fighting Immortal Gu Home Black Prison.

After a few rounds, Black Prison collapsed again and again.

In Black Prison, Hei Cheng’s long hair is chaotic, his eyes are full of bloodshot eyes, dizziness, and the Mansions Black Prison has gradually reached its limit.

It turned out that this Far Ancient Battle Formation there is still one.

That is to make the Battle Formation play forformable power, and you need to participate in Gu Immortal to do a lot of exercises in advance. Fang Yuan and the others, for the first time, are combined.

This Far Ancient Battle Formation Heaven Woman Shuttle Gauze, although there are many Gu Immortal participation, but the real main attack is only the three places of Fang Yuan, Mo Tansang, Langya Earth Spirit. It’s like having two fists, but only using three of them to poke people in battle. Hairyman Gu Immortals is not good at fighting, greatly dragging down Fang Yuan and the others, making the silver giant seem stupid, and many opportunities in the battle have emerged, but they can’t grasp.

However, after a previous fight, the cents have been able to be skilled, and to cultivate a little tacit understanding.

It was this tacit understanding that made the silver giant seize the opportunity in battle twice and beat Black Prison to pieces.

Hei Cheng had to retire.

Two Hairyman Gu Immortal flew forward to cover Qin Baisheng.

However, the silver giant was rampant, and his footsteps were only a little stagnant. The whole body was like a mountain and crashed into Qin Baisheng.

Qin Baisheng spit a mouthful of blood, interrupted the collection process, avoiding the opening, the whole body quickly pulled up to the sky.

“Catch me!” Langya Earth Spirit ordered loudly.

Silver giant chased Qin Baisheng, but at this time Black Prison bumped into it, the speed was fast, and the angle was dazzling. Several of the defensive Hairyman Gu Immortal did not respond in time, and the silver giant was hit.

Silver giant slammed back and slammed Black Prison away.

But at this time, two figures were shot from a distance, and Hui Fengzi and He Langzi came to reinforcement.

At the same time, the two Hairyman Gu Immortal are also like flies, surrounded by mountain-like silver giant, quickly mobility, bombing, and do their best to interfere.

Four Gu Immortals, a Rank 6 Immortal Gu Home, and the Far Ancient Battle Formation Heaven Woman Shuttle Gauze.

Over time, the Hairyman side has a more tacit understanding. Silver giant stronger with each battle, even if the opponents desperately block, it is difficult to block the silver giant’s footsteps.

The true power of the Far Ancient Battle Formation is released by bit by bit.

Qin Baisheng had to take the initiative to interrupt three times, shifting the position to avoid the pursuit of the silver giant, his face became very pale and pale.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Ten Thousand Me Giant Hand Seal !

In the fierce battle, Fang Yuan’s eyes are bright glow flashes, and suddenly take action.

He kept a low profile for so long, and at this moment he finally showed his teeth and made a trump card!

Silver giant’s four arms, raised high, suddenly fell.

Hōng hōng hōng bang!

The bursting bang was produced in an instant, the air was smashed, and the four Strength Dao big palms were like mountains, and they slammed into them.

At this moment, Gu Immortals in the Battle Formation directly consumed hundreds of immortal essences!

Affected by the Far Ancient Battle Formation, the big fordable power of the Strength Dao giant has gained unprecedented growth.

“Not good!” Hui Fengzi immediately took out Wind Escape and desperately escaped.

He Langzi turned the giant wolf and quickly turned and moved. Just rubbing the edge of Strength Dao’s giant hand, the giant wolf gave a terrible horror, and the body bone that was hit was completely shattered, and the flesh and blood of that part directly became a mud.

Hei Cheng hesitated.

Two Strength Dao big palms, one left and one right, like two big palms, like a mosquito, and black Prison into the palm of your hand.

Hong long!

A loud bang, two Strong Dao giant hands collapse.

Black Meteor Appearance of Immortal Gu Home Black Prison, staggering and flying off the field.

Immortal Gu Home is not a mosquito and will not be killed. But the horror of Black Prison at this time, but the witnessed Gu Immortals have been sucked in a breath of cold air.

The Immortal Gu Home, which had undergone dramatic deformation, was originally a ball, and now both sides are flattened, and a huge crack spreads almost on the Black Prison.

A violent smoke emerged from the crack, and sometimes a group of fire broke out in the black smoke.

“It’s the Rank 7 Strength Dao Gu Immortal that killed Xue Songzi!” Hui Fengzi is the current Northern Plains speed number one person, avoiding the battlefield, looking back at the battlefield, for this Strength Dao giant trembling in fear.

In the silver giant, Hairyman Gu Immortals stayed in a hurry and burst into a warm cheer.

Langya Earth Spirit first glows on the face, but soon eyes flash, thought of what, look towards towards Fang Yuan not far away.

Fang Yuan was pale and his head was cold and sweaty. He could barely stand, his body swaying and swaying, showing a superb play and suffering from a serious backlash.

Langya Earth Spirit’s suspicion suddenly disintegrated and once again focused on the enemy of Qin Baisheng.

Qin Baisheng is no longer in the original position, a Strong Dao giant is killed, he has to interrupt the process of collecting Immortal Gu again, to avoid.

This time, his face is like gold paper, the injuries on his body seem to accumulate and reach a qualitative change.

In the eyes of Fang Yuan and other outsiders, Qin Baisheng is no longer in a state of weakness and is weak.

“This time is here for the time being, the next time I come again, this is not the result. hmph!” Qin Baisheng throws a swearword and takes the lead to fly back. He seems to be hurting a lot, giving up the rest of the Refine Furnace Immortal Gu Home and starting to evacuate the battlefield.

Langya Earth Spirit angry roar, start chasing.

Qin Baisheng and the others were prepared to be very good. After the confluence, they played the pierce space and fled Langya Blessed Land.

Langya Earth Spirit can’t fly out of this piece of Blessed Land. It can only be hateful. Looking at the Qin Baisheng group of people, with more than half of the Refined Furnace, go far away.

“Why do you want to withdraw? Refining Furnace is not completely available, which is not in line with our previous plan.” group of people flying at high altitude, Fairy Jiang Yu asked Qin Baisheng secret sound transmission.

Qin Baisheng’s face is dignified: “The situation has changed. Unrestrained Valley is being attacked by a strong enemy. It must go back! That Immortal Gu is being raised and will be completed. Once lost, it will have a serious impact on the whole plan!”

Fairy Jiang Yu’s heart shook and asked: “What about Langya Blessed Land?”

“I recommend keeping it first, and the Hairyman there is very valuable.” At this time, two Hairyman Gu Immortal joined the discussion.

“As long as Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Soul Penetration is in hand, we can get in and the body possession is lurking, and rebuilding several parts should not be a problem at all.”

“Unfortunately, time is not enough. Only three Hairyman Gu Immortal have accumulated. Now that we are both exposed, we want to accumulate it again, at least three hundred years!”

“Although nothing is revealed, the previous Langya Earth Spirit seems to be realized. So in normally we only let us Gu Immortal refining gu, not giving us the right to freely enter and exit, and to try out the battle and improve the combat effectiveness.”

Two Hairyman Gu Immortal, you say a word.

Qin Baisheng thought a little, pondered then said: “fine, although there is still one should be left, but it is imperative to protect the Unrestrained Valley until that Immortal Gu is born. This Immortal Gu, about our plans, There is no limit to loss! As for the Refine Furnace Immortal Gu Home, it has also robbed most of the Immortal Gu. If you don’t achieve your original goal, you can take Black Prison.”

“it is good!”

“When you have a good time, work together.”

Shadow Sect, a few people, looked at Hei Cheng beside them with a hidden look, no longer sound transmission.

“Moving, you have to move!” At this moment, in Langya Blessed Land, Langya Earth Spirit stunned and made up his mind.

Old Ancestor Long Haired has passed away. Langya Blessed Land has become a Blessed Land, and can still be relocated?

This is inconsistent with common sense.

“I have the means to move the entire piece of Blessed Land to another place. It’s just that during the relocation, Heaven Qi and Earth Qi are turbulent and costly.” Langya Earth Spirit is confusing for Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan secretly sighed, and the old Ancestor Long Haired background was deep and refreshed, refreshing his perception.

“This time can retreat, you two have a lot of effort, especially Fang Yuan you!” Langya Earth Spirit again.

Mo Tansang was wide-eyed and surprised to look forward to Fang Yuan. Only then did he know that this person was the Fang Yuan he knew.

Fang Yuan smiled at Mo Tansang without any identity being revealed.

“Hey.” Langya Earth Spirit gave a sigh. “It seems that the road to the rise of my big Hairyman family is still very long and difficult. The journey is tortuous and the future is bright. You are following me, there is absolutely nothing wrong with this! Time, I am very satisfied with the performance of both of you, I want to reward you!!”

Immediately said: “There is no forage, and the bad horses are not moving. Even if it is a dog, you have to give the bones to make it a joy. Ah, how can you tell your heart…”

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